# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4
PortSystem 1.0
name SilentKnight
version 1.21
categories sysutils aqua
platforms darwin
supported_archs x86_64
license Permissive
maintainers nomaintainer
description Automatic checking of security systems
long_description SilentKnight checks your Mac's basic security systems are active, reports version numbers \
of security configuration files which are active, the latest updates installed, and makes it easy \
to check for and install updates. Ideal for checking that SIP is enabled, and it has Apple's latest \
silent security updates. Also checks EFI firmware, security settings and data files, and has both \
a summary Help page and a detailed reference.
homepage https://eclecticlight.co/lockrattler-systhist/
master_sites https://eclecticlightdotcom.files.wordpress.com/2022/06/
distname [strsed [string tolower ${name}${version}] {g/[.]//}]
use_zip yes
checksums rmd160 5da6e88941d4813aeb887664899b2749d43186ae \
sha256 c1cbb734f620e073f1c08c473edaa036c2b5ccdca02baa99ca117f86c10ad505 \
size 7976962
use_configure no
build {}
destroot {
copy ${worksrcpath}/${name}.app ${destroot}${applications_dir}
livecheck.type regexm
livecheck.url https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hoakleyelc/updates/master/eclecticapps.plist
livecheck.regex AppName\\s*${name}\\s*Version\\s*(\[\\w.\]+)