PortSystem 1.0 PortGroup makefile 1.0 name netwalker-ircc version 0.5.0 revision 3 checksums md5 1f5a7cc0fb54142c6306651105aedd68 \ rmd160 302e45f1fcc53847249bf5692f6c32d2c08c758e \ sha256 e3b62aaf80bff94527a71bb52dec58689dbc66a3bc465ae91f948d0f20902256 \ size 54768 categories irc license GPL-2 maintainers nomaintainer description A simple, fast IRC client with an ncurses UI. long_description \ netwalker-ircc is an IRC client which uses the ncurses library to \ print the screen. The code was written completely from scratch. homepage https://web.archive.org/web/20050307202526/http://lancelot2k.dyndns.org/projects/netwalker/ master_sites freebsd extract.suffix .tgz depends_lib port:ncurses post-extract { move ${worksrcpath}/config.h ${worksrcpath}/config.h.in } patchfiles Makefile.patch \ screen.cc.patch \ server.cc.patch use_parallel_build no