PortSystem 1.0 PortGroup github 1.0 github.setup kobo groovyserv 0.9 v revision 0 checksums rmd160 24482827f878985361f8147b60901843a4f37d4b \ sha256 975ffbdefecc146a4d234163b4c07319065d975bf4e16e1c914fe357f7decf7f \ size 906076 categories devel groovy maintainers nomaintainer description GroovyServ makes Groovy startup time quicker, by pre-invoking groovy as a TCP/IP server. long_description In the case of scripting in dynamic-type languages, quick response about \ invocation is very important. Try-and-run cycles is repeated frequently \ than static-type languages, so sometimes 2 seconds or even a second might \ be intolerable. \ GroovyServ reduces the startup time of JVM and Groovy runtime significantly. homepage https://kobo.github.io/groovyserv/ platforms {darwin any} supported_archs x86_64 distname ${name}-${version}-macosx-x86_64-bin github.tarball_from downloads worksrcdir ${name}-${version} use_zip yes use_configure no build {} pre-destroot { # Remove extraneous bat files delete {*}[glob ${worksrcpath}/bin/*.bat] } destroot { # Create the target java directory xinstall -m 0755 -d ${destroot}${prefix}/share/devel/${name} # Copy over the needed elements of our directory tree copy ${worksrcpath}/lib ${worksrcpath}/bin ${destroot}${prefix}/share/devel/${name} # Symlink groovyserv into the bin directory ln -s ${prefix}/share/devel/${name}/bin/groovyserver ${destroot}${prefix}/bin ln -s ${prefix}/share/devel/${name}/bin/groovyclient ${destroot}${prefix}/bin }