/* * tclXmsgcat.c -- * * Contains commands for accessing XPG/3 message catalogs. If real XPG/3 * message catalogs are not available, the default string is returned. *----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright 1991-1999 Karl Lehenbauer and Mark Diekhans. * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its * documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided * that the above copyright notice appear in all copies. Karl Lehenbauer and * Mark Diekhans make no representations about the suitability of this * software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or * implied warranty. *----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * $Id: tclXmsgcat.c,v 8.7 1999/03/31 06:37:45 markd Exp $ *----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include "tclExtdInt.h" #ifndef NO_CATGETS #include #else typedef int nl_catd; #endif /* NO_CATGETS */ static int ParseFailOptionObj (Tcl_Interp *interp, Tcl_Obj *optionObj, int *failPtr); static int CatOpFailedObj (Tcl_Interp *interp, const char *errorMsg); static int TclX_CatopenObjCmd (ClientData clientData, Tcl_Interp *interp, int objc, Tcl_Obj *const objv[]); static int TclX_CatgetsObjCmd (ClientData clientData, Tcl_Interp *interp, int objc, Tcl_Obj *const objv[]); static int TclX_CatcloseObjCmd (ClientData clientData, Tcl_Interp *interp, int objc, Tcl_Obj *const objv[]); static void MsgCatCleanUp (ClientData clientData, Tcl_Interp *interp); /* * Message catalog table is global, so it is shared between all interpreters * in the same process. */ static void_pt msgCatTblPtr = NULL; #ifdef NO_CATGETS /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * catopen -- * * A stub to use when message catalogs are not available. Always returns * -1. *----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static nl_catd catopen (char *name, int oflag) { return (nl_catd) -1; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * catgets -- * * A stub to use when message catalogs are not available. Always returns * the default string. *----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static char * catgets (nl_catd catd, int set_num, int msg_num, char *defaultStr) { return defaultStr; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * catclose -- * * A stub to use when message catalogs are not available. Always returns -1. *----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static int catclose (nl_catd catd) { return -1; } #endif /* NO_CATGETS */ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * ParseFailOptionObj -- * * Parse the -fail/-nofail option, if specified. *----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static int ParseFailOptionObj (Tcl_Interp *interp, Tcl_Obj *optionObj, int *failPtr) { char *optionStr; optionStr = Tcl_GetStringFromObj (optionObj, NULL); if (STREQU ("-fail", optionStr)) *failPtr = TRUE; else if (STREQU ("-nofail", optionStr)) *failPtr = FALSE; else { TclX_AppendObjResult (interp, "Expected option of `-fail' or ", "`-nofail', got: `", optionStr, "'", (char *) NULL); return TCL_ERROR; } return TCL_OK; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * CatOpFailedObj -- * * Handles failures of catopen and catclose. If message catalogs are * available, if returns the supplied message. If message are not * available, it returns a message indicating that message stubs are used. * It is not specified by XPG/3 how to get the details of a message catalog * open or close failure. Always returns TCL_ERROR; *----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static int CatOpFailedObj (Tcl_Interp *interp, const char *errorMsg) { #ifndef NO_CATGETS TclX_AppendObjResult (interp, errorMsg, (char *) NULL); #else TclX_AppendObjResult (interp, "the message catalog facility is not", " available, default string is always returned", (char *) NULL); #endif /* NO_CATGETS */ return TCL_ERROR; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * TclX_CatopenObjCmd -- * * Implements the TCLX catopen command: * catopen ?-fail|-nofail? catname *----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static int TclX_CatopenObjCmd (ClientData clientData, Tcl_Interp *interp, int objc, Tcl_Obj *const objv[]) { int fail; nl_catd catDesc; nl_catd *catDescPtr; char handleName[16]; char *catFileName; if ((objc < 2) || (objc > 3)) return TclX_WrongArgs (interp, objv [0], "?-fail|-nofail? catname"); if (objc == 3) { if (ParseFailOptionObj (interp, objv [1], &fail) == TCL_ERROR) return TCL_ERROR; } else fail = FALSE; catFileName = Tcl_GetStringFromObj (objv [objc - 1], NULL); catDesc = catopen (catFileName, 0); if ((catDesc == (nl_catd) -1) && fail) return CatOpFailedObj (interp, "open of message catalog failed"); catDescPtr = (nl_catd *) TclX_HandleAlloc (msgCatTblPtr, handleName); *catDescPtr = catDesc; Tcl_SetObjResult (interp, Tcl_NewStringObj (handleName, -1)); return TCL_OK; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * TclX_CatgetsObjCmd -- * * Implements the TCLX catgets command: * catgets catHandle setnum msgnum defaultstr *----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static int TclX_CatgetsObjCmd (ClientData clientData, Tcl_Interp *interp, int objc, Tcl_Obj *const objv[]) { nl_catd *catDescPtr; int msgSetNum, msgNum; char *localMsg; char *defaultStr; if (objc != 5) return TclX_WrongArgs (interp, objv [0], "catHandle setnum msgnum defaultstr"); catDescPtr = (nl_catd *) TclX_HandleXlateObj (interp, msgCatTblPtr, objv [1]); if (catDescPtr == NULL) return TCL_ERROR; if (Tcl_GetIntFromObj (interp, objv [2], &msgSetNum) == TCL_ERROR) return TCL_ERROR; if (Tcl_GetIntFromObj (interp, objv [3], &msgNum) == TCL_ERROR) return TCL_ERROR; /* * if the integer value of the handle is -1, the catopen actually * failed (softly, i.e. the caller did not specify "-fail") * so we detect that and merely return the default string. */ if (*catDescPtr == (nl_catd)-1) { Tcl_SetObjResult (interp, objv [4]); Tcl_IncrRefCount (objv [4]); return TCL_OK; } defaultStr = Tcl_GetStringFromObj (objv [4], NULL); localMsg = catgets (*catDescPtr, (int)msgSetNum, (int)msgNum, defaultStr); Tcl_SetObjResult (interp, Tcl_NewStringObj (localMsg, -1)); return TCL_OK; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * TclX_CatcloseObjCmd -- * * Implements the TCLX catclose command: * catclose ?-fail|-nofail? catHandle *----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static int TclX_CatcloseObjCmd (ClientData clientData, Tcl_Interp *interp, int objc, Tcl_Obj *const objv[]) { int fail; nl_catd *catDescPtr; int result = 0; if ((objc < 2) || (objc > 3)) return TclX_WrongArgs (interp, objv [0], "?-fail|-nofail? catHandle"); if (objc == 3) { if (ParseFailOptionObj (interp, objv [1], &fail) != TCL_OK) return TCL_ERROR; } else fail = FALSE; catDescPtr = (nl_catd *) TclX_HandleXlateObj (interp, msgCatTblPtr, objv [objc - 1]); if (catDescPtr == NULL) return TCL_ERROR; /* If the integer returned by catopen is -1, signifying that the * open failed but "-fail" was not specified to actually force * the failure, we don't close the catalog, but we do delete * the handle. */ if (*catDescPtr == (nl_catd)-1) { result = -1; } else { /* * NetBSD has catclose of return type void, which is non-standard. */ #ifdef BAD_CATCLOSE catclose (*catDescPtr); #else result = catclose (*catDescPtr); #endif } TclX_HandleFree (msgCatTblPtr, catDescPtr); if ((result < 0) && fail) return CatOpFailedObj (interp, "close of message catalog failed"); return TCL_OK; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * MsgCatCleanUp -- * * Called at interpreter deletion. Releases all resources when no more * interpreters are using the message catalog table. *----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void MsgCatCleanUp (ClientData clientData, Tcl_Interp *interp) { nl_catd *catDescPtr; int walkKey; if (TclX_HandleTblUseCount (msgCatTblPtr, -1) > 0) return; walkKey = -1; while (TRUE) { catDescPtr = (nl_catd *) TclX_HandleWalk (msgCatTblPtr, &walkKey); if (catDescPtr == NULL) break; if (*catDescPtr != (nl_catd)-1) catclose (*catDescPtr); } TclX_HandleTblRelease (msgCatTblPtr); msgCatTblPtr = NULL; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * TclX_MsgCatInit -- * * Initialize the Tcl XPG/3 message catalog support faility. *----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void TclX_MsgCatInit (Tcl_Interp *interp) { /* * Set up the table. It is shared between all interpreters, so the use * count reflects the number of interpreters. */ if (msgCatTblPtr == NULL) { msgCatTblPtr = TclX_HandleTblInit ("msgcat", sizeof (nl_catd), 6); } else { (void) TclX_HandleTblUseCount (msgCatTblPtr, 1); } Tcl_CallWhenDeleted (interp, MsgCatCleanUp, (ClientData) NULL); /* * Initialize the commands. */ Tcl_CreateObjCommand (interp, "catopen", TclX_CatopenObjCmd, (ClientData) NULL, (Tcl_CmdDeleteProc*) NULL); Tcl_CreateObjCommand (interp, "catgets", TclX_CatgetsObjCmd, (ClientData) NULL, (Tcl_CmdDeleteProc*) NULL); Tcl_CreateObjCommand (interp, "catclose", TclX_CatcloseObjCmd, (ClientData) NULL, (Tcl_CmdDeleteProc*) NULL); } /* vim: set ts=4 sw=4 sts=4 et : */