/* * tclXprofile.c -- * * Tcl performance profile monitor. *----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright 1991-1999 Karl Lehenbauer and Mark Diekhans. * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its * documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided * that the above copyright notice appear in all copies. Karl Lehenbauer and * Mark Diekhans make no representations about the suitability of this * software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or * implied warranty. *----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * $Id: tclXprofile.c,v 1.4 2009/10/13 19:28:23 kot Exp $ *----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include "tclExtdInt.h" /* * For when the level is not known. */ #define UNKNOWN_LEVEL -1 /* * Stack entry used to keep track of an profiling information for procedures * (and commands in command mode). This stack mirrors the Tcl procedure stack. * A chain of variable scope entries is also kept. This tracks the uplevel * chain kept in the Tcl stack. Unlike the Tcl stack, an entry is also make * for the global context and for the commands when in command mode. We count * the amount of time actually in the procedure, not what it has called. This * is the time it spent on the top of the stack. This is do for both eval * level and variable scope. */ typedef struct profEntry_t { int isProc; /* Procedure, not command. */ int procLevel; /* Procedure level. */ int scopeLevel; /* Varaible scope level. */ int evalLevel; /* Tcl_Eval level. */ clock_t evalRealTime; /* Cumulative real and CPU time */ clock_t evalCpuTime; /* entry was on top of stack. */ clock_t scopeRealTime; /* Cumulative Real and CPU time */ clock_t scopeCpuTime; /* entry's scope was active. */ struct profEntry_t *prevEntryPtr; /* Procedure call stack. */ struct profEntry_t *prevScopePtr; /* Procedure var scope chain. */ char cmdName [1]; /* Command name. MUST BE LAST! */ } profEntry_t; /* * Data keeped on a stack snapshot. */ typedef struct profDataEntry_t { clock_t count; clock_t realTime; clock_t cpuTime; } profDataEntry_t; /* * Client data structure for profile command. This contains all global * profiling information for the interpreter. */ typedef struct profInfo_t { Tcl_Interp *interp; /* Interpreter this is for. */ Tcl_Trace traceHandle; /* Handle to current trace. */ int commandMode; /* Prof all commands? */ int evalMode; /* Use eval stack. */ Tcl_Command currentCmd; /* Current command table entry. */ Tcl_CmdInfo savedCmdInfo; /* Details about the current cmd. */ int evalLevel; /* Eval level when invoked. */ clock_t realTime; /* Current real and CPU time. */ clock_t cpuTime; clock_t prevRealTime; /* Real and CPU time of previous */ clock_t prevCpuTime; /* trace. */ int updatedTimes; /* Has current times been updated?*/ profEntry_t *stackPtr; /* Proc/command nesting stack. */ int stackSize; /* Size of the stack. */ profEntry_t *scopeChainPtr; /* Variable scope chain. */ Tcl_HashTable profDataTable; /* Cumulative time table, Keyed */ /* by call stack list. */ } profInfo_t; /* * Argument to Tcl_Panic on logic errors. Takes an id number. */ static const char *PROF_PANIC = "TclX profile bug id = %d\n"; /* * Prototypes of internal functions. */ static void PushEntry (profInfo_t *infoPtr, const char *cmdName, int isProc, int procLevel, int scopeLevel, int evalLevel); static void RecordData (profInfo_t *infoPtr, profEntry_t *entryPtr); static void PopEntry (profInfo_t *infoPtr); static void UpdateTOSTimes (profInfo_t *infoPtr); static void ProfCommandEvalSetup (profInfo_t *infoPtr, int *isProcPtr); static void ProfCommandEvalFinishup (profInfo_t *infoPtr, int isProc); static int ProfStrCommandEval (ClientData clientData, Tcl_Interp *interp, int argc, const char **argv); static int ProfObjCommandEval (ClientData clientData, Tcl_Interp *interp, int objc, Tcl_Obj *const objv[]); static Tcl_CmdObjTraceProc ProfTraceRoutine; static void CleanDataTable (profInfo_t *infoPtr); static void InitializeProcStack (profInfo_t *infoPtr, CallFrame *framePtr); static void TurnOnProfiling (profInfo_t *infoPtr, int commandMode, int evalMode); static void DeleteProfTrace (profInfo_t *infoPtr); static int TurnOffProfiling (Tcl_Interp *interp, profInfo_t *infoPtr, char *varName); static int TclX_ProfileObjCmd (ClientData clientData, Tcl_Interp *interp, int objc, Tcl_Obj *const objv[]); static void ProfMonCleanUp (ClientData clientData, Tcl_Interp *interp); /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * PushEntry -- * Push a procedure or command entry onto the stack. * * Parameters: * o infoPtr - The global profiling info. * o cmdName The procedure or command name. * o isProc - TRUE if its a proc, FALSE if other command. * o procLevel - The procedure call level that the procedure or command will * execute at. * o scopeLevel - The procedure variable scope level that the commands local * variables are at. * o evalLevel - The eval level the command was executed at. For procedures * this is the level it was called at, since if the procedure's commands * are logged, they will be an the next eval level. Maybe be * UNKNOWN_LEVEL. *----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void PushEntry (profInfo_t *infoPtr, const char *cmdName, int isProc, int procLevel, int scopeLevel, int evalLevel) { profEntry_t *entryPtr, *scanPtr; /* * Calculate the size of an entry. One byte for name is in the entry. */ entryPtr = (profEntry_t *) ckalloc (sizeof (profEntry_t) + strlen (cmdName)); /* * Fill it in and push onto the stack. Note that the procedures frame has * not yet been layed down or the procedure body eval execute, so the value * they will be in the procedure is recorded. */ entryPtr->isProc = isProc; entryPtr->procLevel = procLevel; entryPtr->scopeLevel = scopeLevel; entryPtr->evalLevel = evalLevel; entryPtr->evalRealTime = 0; entryPtr->evalCpuTime = 0; entryPtr->scopeRealTime = 0; entryPtr->scopeCpuTime = 0; strcpy (entryPtr->cmdName, cmdName); /* * Push onto the stack and set the variable scope chain. The variable * scope entry is chained to the first entry who's scope is less than ours * if this is a proc or less than or equal to ours if this is a command. */ entryPtr->prevEntryPtr = infoPtr->stackPtr; infoPtr->stackPtr = entryPtr; infoPtr->stackSize++; scanPtr = infoPtr->scopeChainPtr; while ((scanPtr != NULL) && (scanPtr->procLevel > 0) && ((isProc && (scanPtr->scopeLevel >= scopeLevel)) || ((!isProc) && (scanPtr->scopeLevel > scopeLevel)))) { scanPtr = scanPtr->prevScopePtr; /* * Only global level can be NULL. */ if (scanPtr == NULL) Tcl_Panic (PROF_PANIC, 1); } entryPtr->prevScopePtr = scanPtr; infoPtr->scopeChainPtr = entryPtr; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * RecordData -- * Record an entries times in the data table. * * Parameters: * o infoPtr - The global profiling info. * o entryPtr - The entry to record. *----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void RecordData (profInfo_t *infoPtr, profEntry_t *entryPtr) { int idx, newEntry; profEntry_t *scanPtr; char **stackArgv, *stackListPtr; Tcl_HashEntry *hashEntryPtr; profDataEntry_t *dataEntryPtr; /* * Build up a stack list. Entry [0] is the top of the stack, either the * scope or eval stack is followed, based on the -eval option. If both * scope and command mode are enabled, commands other than the top command * are skipped. */ stackArgv = (char **) ckalloc (sizeof (char *) * infoPtr->stackSize); if (infoPtr->evalMode) { for (idx= 0, scanPtr = entryPtr; scanPtr != NULL; scanPtr = scanPtr->prevEntryPtr) { stackArgv [idx++] = scanPtr->cmdName; } } else { for (idx= 0, scanPtr = entryPtr; scanPtr != NULL; scanPtr = scanPtr->prevScopePtr) { stackArgv [idx++] = scanPtr->cmdName; } } stackListPtr = Tcl_Merge (idx, (const char **) stackArgv); ckfree ((char *) stackArgv); /* * Check the hash table for this entry, either finding an existing or * creating a new hash entry. */ hashEntryPtr = Tcl_CreateHashEntry (&infoPtr->profDataTable, stackListPtr, &newEntry); ckfree (stackListPtr); /* * Either get the existing entry or create a new one. */ if (newEntry) { dataEntryPtr = (profDataEntry_t *) ckalloc (sizeof (profDataEntry_t)); Tcl_SetHashValue (hashEntryPtr, dataEntryPtr); dataEntryPtr->count = 0; dataEntryPtr->realTime = 0; dataEntryPtr->cpuTime = 0; } else { dataEntryPtr = (profDataEntry_t *) Tcl_GetHashValue (hashEntryPtr); } /* * Increment the cumulative data. */ dataEntryPtr->count++; if (infoPtr->evalMode) { dataEntryPtr->realTime += entryPtr->evalRealTime; dataEntryPtr->cpuTime += entryPtr->evalCpuTime; } else { dataEntryPtr->realTime += entryPtr->scopeRealTime; dataEntryPtr->cpuTime += entryPtr->scopeCpuTime; } } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * PopEntry -- * Pop the procedure entry from the top of the stack and record its * times in the data table. * * Parameters: * o infoPtr - The global profiling info. *----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void PopEntry (profInfo_t *infoPtr) { profEntry_t *entryPtr = infoPtr->stackPtr; RecordData (infoPtr, entryPtr); /* * Remove from the stack, reset the scope chain and free. */ infoPtr->stackPtr = entryPtr->prevEntryPtr; infoPtr->stackSize--; infoPtr->scopeChainPtr = infoPtr->stackPtr; ckfree ((char *) entryPtr); } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * UpdateTOSTimes -- * Update the time spent in the entry on the top of the stack before another * is pushed on top or its poped off. * * Parameters: * o infoPtr - The global profiling info. *----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void UpdateTOSTimes (profInfo_t *infoPtr) { /* * Get the current time if we haven't already. */ if (!infoPtr->updatedTimes) { infoPtr->prevRealTime = infoPtr->realTime; infoPtr->prevCpuTime = infoPtr->cpuTime; TclXOSElapsedTime (&infoPtr->realTime, &infoPtr->cpuTime); infoPtr->updatedTimes = TRUE; } if (infoPtr->stackPtr != NULL) { infoPtr->stackPtr->evalRealTime += infoPtr->realTime - infoPtr->prevRealTime; infoPtr->stackPtr->evalCpuTime += infoPtr->cpuTime - infoPtr->prevCpuTime; } if (infoPtr->scopeChainPtr != NULL) { infoPtr->scopeChainPtr->scopeRealTime += infoPtr->realTime - infoPtr->prevRealTime; infoPtr->scopeChainPtr->scopeCpuTime += infoPtr->cpuTime - infoPtr->prevCpuTime; } } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * ProfCommandEvalSetup -- * Do initial work that is common to both the string and object command * evaluators. * * Returns: * A pointer to the current command table entry. *----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void ProfCommandEvalSetup (profInfo_t *infoPtr, int *isProcPtr) { Interp *iPtr = (Interp *) infoPtr->interp; Tcl_CmdInfo cmdInfo; int procLevel, scopeLevel, isProc; Tcl_Obj *fullCmdNamePtr; const char *fullCmdName; Tcl_GetCommandInfoFromToken(infoPtr->currentCmd, &cmdInfo); /* * Restore the command table entry. If the command has modified it, don't * mess with it. */ if (cmdInfo.proc == ProfStrCommandEval) cmdInfo.proc = infoPtr->savedCmdInfo.proc; if (cmdInfo.clientData == (ClientData) infoPtr) cmdInfo.clientData = infoPtr->savedCmdInfo.clientData; if (cmdInfo.objProc == ProfObjCommandEval) cmdInfo.objProc = infoPtr->savedCmdInfo.objProc; if (cmdInfo.objClientData == (ClientData) infoPtr) cmdInfo.objClientData = infoPtr->savedCmdInfo.objClientData; if (cmdInfo.deleteProc == NULL) cmdInfo.deleteProc = infoPtr->savedCmdInfo.deleteProc; if (cmdInfo.deleteData == NULL) cmdInfo.deleteData = infoPtr->savedCmdInfo.deleteData; cmdInfo.isNativeObjectProc = infoPtr->savedCmdInfo.isNativeObjectProc; Tcl_SetCommandInfoFromToken(infoPtr->currentCmd, &cmdInfo); fullCmdNamePtr = Tcl_NewObj (); Tcl_GetCommandFullName (infoPtr->interp, infoPtr->currentCmd, fullCmdNamePtr); fullCmdName = Tcl_GetStringFromObj (fullCmdNamePtr, NULL); /* * Use the level value passed in by Tcl_Interp through ProfTraceRoutine. * Ref: Tcl_CmdObjTraceProc(ClientData, Tcl_Interp*, int level, ...) * The value calcuated from iPtr->framePtr chain may be smaller. * And will cause issue when checking (infoPtr->stackPtr->procLevel > procLevel). */ procLevel = infoPtr->evalLevel; scopeLevel = (iPtr->varFramePtr == NULL) ? 0 : iPtr->varFramePtr->level; /* * If there are entries on the stack that are at a higher proc call level * than we are, we have exited into the initial entries that where pushed * on the stack before we started. Pop those entries. */ if (infoPtr->stackPtr->procLevel > procLevel) { UpdateTOSTimes (infoPtr); do { if (infoPtr->stackPtr->evalLevel != UNKNOWN_LEVEL) Tcl_Panic (PROF_PANIC, 2); /* Not an initial entry */ PopEntry (infoPtr); } while (infoPtr->stackPtr->procLevel > procLevel); } /* * If this command is a procedure or if all commands are being traced, * handle the entry. */ isProc = (TclFindProc (iPtr, fullCmdName) != NULL); if (infoPtr->commandMode || isProc) { UpdateTOSTimes (infoPtr); if (isProc) { PushEntry (infoPtr, fullCmdName, TRUE, procLevel + 1, scopeLevel + 1, infoPtr->evalLevel); } else { PushEntry (infoPtr, fullCmdName, FALSE, procLevel, scopeLevel, infoPtr->evalLevel); } } /* * Leaving profiler, must get time again when we reenter. */ infoPtr->updatedTimes = FALSE; *isProcPtr = isProc; Tcl_DecrRefCount (fullCmdNamePtr); } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * ProfCommandEvalFinishup -- * Do final work that is common to both the string and object command * evaluators. *----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void ProfCommandEvalFinishup (profInfo_t *infoPtr, int isProc) { /* * If tracing is still running, pop the entry, recording the information. */ if (infoPtr->traceHandle != NULL) { if (infoPtr->commandMode || isProc) { UpdateTOSTimes (infoPtr); PopEntry (infoPtr); } } /* * Leaving profiler, must get time again when we reenter. */ infoPtr->updatedTimes = FALSE; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * ProfStrCommandEval -- * Function to evaluate a string command. The procedure trace routine * substitutes this function for the command executor function in the Tcl * command table. We restore the command table, record data about the start * of the command and then actually execute the command. When the command * returns, we record data about the time it took. * * FIX: This all falls apart if another trace is executed between the * doctoring of the command entry and this function being called. *----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static int ProfStrCommandEval (ClientData clientData, Tcl_Interp *interp, int argc, const char **argv) { profInfo_t *infoPtr = (profInfo_t *) clientData; int isProc, result; ProfCommandEvalSetup (infoPtr, &isProc); result = (*infoPtr->savedCmdInfo.proc)(infoPtr->savedCmdInfo.clientData, interp, argc, argv); ProfCommandEvalFinishup (infoPtr, isProc); return result; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * ProfObjCommandEval -- * Function to evaluate a object command. The procedure trace routine * substitutes this function for the command executor function in the Tcl * command table. We restore the command table, record data about the start * of the command and then actually execute the command. When the command * returns, we record data about the time it took. * * FIX: This all falls apart if another trace is executed between the * doctoring of the command entry and this function being called. *----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static int ProfObjCommandEval (ClientData clientData, Tcl_Interp *interp, int objc, Tcl_Obj *const objv[]) { profInfo_t *infoPtr = (profInfo_t *) clientData; int isProc, result; ProfCommandEvalSetup (infoPtr, &isProc); result = (*infoPtr->savedCmdInfo.objProc)(infoPtr->savedCmdInfo.objClientData, interp, objc, objv); ProfCommandEvalFinishup (infoPtr, isProc); return result; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * ProfTraceRoutine -- * Routine called by Tcl_Eval to do profiling. It intercepts the current * command being executed by temporarily editing the command table. *----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static int ProfTraceRoutine (ClientData clientData, Tcl_Interp *interp, int evalLevel, const char *command, Tcl_Command cmd, int objc, Tcl_Obj *const objv[]) { /* struct Tcl_Obj * const *objv; */ profInfo_t *infoPtr = (profInfo_t *) clientData; Tcl_CmdInfo cmdInfo; if (cmd == NULL) Tcl_Panic (PROF_PANIC, 4); //TIP #571: We don' want to profile the tailcall itself. As it can only be called in a procedure/lambda context if ( ! strcmp((*objv)->bytes, "tailcall") ) { return TCL_OK; } /* * Save current state information. */ Tcl_GetCommandInfoFromToken(cmd, &(infoPtr->savedCmdInfo)); infoPtr->evalLevel = evalLevel; infoPtr->currentCmd = cmd; /* * Force our routines to be called. */ cmdInfo.proc = ProfStrCommandEval; cmdInfo.clientData = (ClientData) infoPtr; cmdInfo.objProc = ProfObjCommandEval; cmdInfo.objClientData = (ClientData) infoPtr; cmdInfo.isNativeObjectProc = infoPtr->savedCmdInfo.isNativeObjectProc; cmdInfo.deleteProc = NULL; cmdInfo.deleteData = NULL; Tcl_SetCommandInfoFromToken(cmd, &cmdInfo); return TCL_OK; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * CleanDataTable -- * Clean up the hash data table, releasing all resources and setting it * to the empty state. * * Parameters: * o infoPtr - The global profiling info. *----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void CleanDataTable (profInfo_t *infoPtr) { Tcl_HashEntry *hashEntryPtr; Tcl_HashSearch searchCookie; hashEntryPtr = Tcl_FirstHashEntry (&infoPtr->profDataTable, &searchCookie); while (hashEntryPtr != NULL) { ckfree ((char *) Tcl_GetHashValue (hashEntryPtr)); Tcl_DeleteHashEntry (hashEntryPtr); hashEntryPtr = Tcl_NextHashEntry (&searchCookie); } } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * InitializeProcStack -- * Recursive procedure to initialize the procedure call stack so its in the * same state as the actual procedure call stack. If commandMode is enable, * command records are still are not initialized on the stack, as we have no * way of knowing what command did a Tcl_Eval. * * Parameters: * o infoPtr - The global profiling info. * o framePtr - Pointer to the frame to push. We recurse down to the bottom, * then push on the way out. *----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void InitializeProcStack (profInfo_t *infoPtr, CallFrame *framePtr) { if (framePtr == NULL || framePtr->objv == NULL) return; InitializeProcStack (infoPtr, framePtr->callerPtr); PushEntry (infoPtr, Tcl_GetStringFromObj (framePtr->objv [0], NULL), TRUE, infoPtr->stackPtr->procLevel + 1, framePtr->level, UNKNOWN_LEVEL); } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * TurnOnProfiling -- * Turn on profiling. * * Parameters: * o infoPtr - The global profiling info. * o commandMode - TRUE if all commands are going to be logged, FALSE if just * procs. * o evalMode - TRUE if eval stack is to be used to log entries. FALSE if * the scope stack is to be used. *----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void TurnOnProfiling (profInfo_t *infoPtr, int commandMode, int evalMode) { Interp *iPtr = (Interp *) infoPtr->interp; int scopeLevel; profEntry_t *scanPtr; CleanDataTable (infoPtr); infoPtr->traceHandle = Tcl_CreateObjTrace (infoPtr->interp, 0, TCL_ALLOW_INLINE_COMPILATION, ProfTraceRoutine, (ClientData) infoPtr, NULL); infoPtr->commandMode = commandMode; infoPtr->evalMode = evalMode; infoPtr->realTime = 0; infoPtr->cpuTime = 0; infoPtr->prevRealTime = 0; infoPtr->prevCpuTime = 0; infoPtr->updatedTimes = FALSE; /* * Add entry for global context, then add in current procedures. */ PushEntry (infoPtr, "", TRUE, 0, 0, 0); InitializeProcStack (infoPtr, ((Interp *) infoPtr->interp)->framePtr); /* * Find the current top of the scope stack. */ scopeLevel = (iPtr->varFramePtr == NULL) ? 0 : iPtr->varFramePtr->level; scanPtr = infoPtr->scopeChainPtr; while ((scanPtr != NULL) && (scanPtr->scopeLevel >= scopeLevel) && (scanPtr->procLevel > 0)) { scanPtr = scanPtr->prevScopePtr; /* * Only global level can be NULL. */ if (scanPtr == NULL) Tcl_Panic (PROF_PANIC, 6); } infoPtr->scopeChainPtr = scanPtr; /* * Get the time we started. */ TclXOSElapsedTime (&infoPtr->realTime, &infoPtr->cpuTime); } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * DeleteProfTrace -- * Delete the profile trace and clean up the stack, logging all procs * as if they had exited. Data table must still be available. * * Parameters: * o infoPtr - The global profiling info. *----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void DeleteProfTrace (profInfo_t *infoPtr) { Tcl_DeleteTrace (infoPtr->interp, infoPtr->traceHandle); infoPtr->traceHandle = NULL; UpdateTOSTimes (infoPtr); while (infoPtr->stackPtr != NULL) { PopEntry (infoPtr); } } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * TurnOffProfiling -- * Turn off profiling. Dump the table data to an array variable. Entries * will be deleted as they are dumped to limit memory utilization. * * Parameters: * o interp - Pointer to the interprer. * o infoPtr - The global profiling info. * o varName - The name of the variable to save the data in. * Returns: * TCL_OK or TCL_ERROR. * FIX: Should take Tcl_Obj for varName. *----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static int TurnOffProfiling (Tcl_Interp *interp, profInfo_t *infoPtr, char *varName) { Tcl_HashEntry *hashEntryPtr; Tcl_HashSearch searchCookie; profDataEntry_t *dataEntryPtr; const char *dataArgv [3]; char countBuf [32], realTimeBuf [32], cpuTimeBuf [32], *dataListPtr; DeleteProfTrace (infoPtr); dataArgv [0] = countBuf; dataArgv [1] = realTimeBuf; dataArgv [2] = cpuTimeBuf; Tcl_UnsetVar (interp, varName, 0); hashEntryPtr = Tcl_FirstHashEntry (&infoPtr->profDataTable, &searchCookie); while (hashEntryPtr != NULL) { dataEntryPtr = (profDataEntry_t *) Tcl_GetHashValue (hashEntryPtr); sprintf (countBuf, "%ld", (long) dataEntryPtr->count); sprintf (realTimeBuf, "%ld", (long) dataEntryPtr->realTime); sprintf (cpuTimeBuf, "%ld", (long) dataEntryPtr->cpuTime); dataListPtr = Tcl_Merge (3, dataArgv); if (Tcl_SetVar2 (interp, varName, Tcl_GetHashKey (&infoPtr->profDataTable, hashEntryPtr), dataListPtr, TCL_LEAVE_ERR_MSG) == NULL) { ckfree (dataListPtr); return TCL_ERROR; } ckfree (dataListPtr); ckfree ((char *) dataEntryPtr); Tcl_DeleteHashEntry (hashEntryPtr); hashEntryPtr = Tcl_NextHashEntry (&searchCookie); } return TCL_OK; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * TclX_ProfileObjCmd -- * Implements the TCL profile command: * profile ?-commands? ?-eval? on * profile off arrayvar *----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static int TclX_ProfileObjCmd (ClientData clientData, Tcl_Interp *interp, int objc, Tcl_Obj *const objv[]) { profInfo_t *infoPtr = (profInfo_t *) clientData; int argIdx; int commandMode = FALSE, evalMode = FALSE; char *argStr; /* * Parse option arguments. */ for (argIdx = 1; argIdx < objc; argIdx++) { argStr = Tcl_GetStringFromObj (objv [argIdx], NULL); if (argStr[0] != '-') break; if (STREQU (argStr, "-commands")) { commandMode = TRUE; } else if (STREQU (argStr, "-eval")) { evalMode = TRUE; } else { TclX_AppendObjResult (interp, "expected one of \"-commands\", or ", "\"-eval\", got \"", argStr, "\"", (char *) NULL); return TCL_ERROR; } } if (argIdx >= objc) goto wrongArgs; /* * Get argument string for remainder of strings. */ argStr = Tcl_GetStringFromObj (objv [argIdx], NULL); /* * Handle the on command. */ if (STREQU (argStr, "on")) { if (argIdx != objc - 1) goto wrongArgs; if (infoPtr->traceHandle != NULL) { TclX_AppendObjResult (interp, "profiling is already enabled", (char *) NULL); return TCL_ERROR; } TurnOnProfiling (infoPtr, commandMode, evalMode); return TCL_OK; } /* * Handle the off command. Dump the hash table to a variable. */ if (STREQU (argStr, "off")) { if (argIdx != objc - 2) goto wrongArgs; if (commandMode || evalMode) { TclX_AppendObjResult (interp, "option \"", commandMode ? "-command" : "-eval", "\" not valid when turning off ", "profiling", (char *) NULL); return TCL_ERROR; } if (infoPtr->traceHandle == NULL) { TclX_AppendObjResult (interp, "profiling is not currently enabled", (char *) NULL); return TCL_ERROR; } if (TurnOffProfiling (interp, infoPtr, Tcl_GetStringFromObj (objv [argIdx + 1], NULL)) != TCL_OK) return TCL_ERROR; return TCL_OK; } /* * Not a valid subcommand. */ TclX_AppendObjResult (interp, "expected one of \"on\" or \"off\", got \"", argStr, "\"", (char *) NULL); return TCL_ERROR; wrongArgs: return TclX_WrongArgs (interp, objv [0], "?-commands? ?-eval? on|off arrayVar"); } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * ProfMonCleanUp -- * Release the client data area when the interpreter is deleted. *----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void ProfMonCleanUp (ClientData clientData, Tcl_Interp *interp) { profInfo_t *infoPtr = (profInfo_t *) clientData; if (infoPtr->traceHandle != NULL) DeleteProfTrace (infoPtr); CleanDataTable (infoPtr); Tcl_DeleteHashTable (&infoPtr->profDataTable); ckfree ((char *) infoPtr); } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Tcl_InitProfile -- * Initialize the Tcl profiling command. *----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void TclX_ProfileInit (Tcl_Interp *interp) { profInfo_t *infoPtr; infoPtr = (profInfo_t *) ckalloc (sizeof (profInfo_t)); infoPtr->interp = interp; infoPtr->traceHandle = NULL; infoPtr->commandMode = FALSE; infoPtr->evalMode = FALSE; infoPtr->currentCmd = NULL; infoPtr->evalLevel = UNKNOWN_LEVEL; infoPtr->realTime = 0; infoPtr->cpuTime = 0; infoPtr->prevRealTime = 0; infoPtr->prevCpuTime = 0; infoPtr->updatedTimes = FALSE; infoPtr->stackPtr = NULL; infoPtr->stackSize = 0; infoPtr->scopeChainPtr = NULL; Tcl_InitHashTable (&infoPtr->profDataTable, TCL_STRING_KEYS); Tcl_CallWhenDeleted (interp, ProfMonCleanUp, (ClientData) infoPtr); Tcl_CreateObjCommand (interp, "profile", TclX_ProfileObjCmd, (ClientData) infoPtr, (Tcl_CmdDeleteProc*) NULL); } /* vim: set ts=4 sw=4 sts=4 et : */