/* struct::tree - critcl - layer 1 definitions * (c) Tree functions */ #include #include #include #include /* .................................................. */ T* t_new (void) { T* t = ALLOC (T); Tcl_InitHashTable (&t->node, TCL_STRING_KEYS); t->cmd = NULL; t->counter = 0; t->nodes = NULL; t->nnodes = 0; t->leaves = NULL; t->nleaves = 0; t->root = tn_new (t, "root"); t->structure = 0; return t; } void t_delete (T* t) { /* Delete a tree in toto. Recursively deletes all nodes first, * starting at root. This also handles the nodes/leaves lists. * Then the name -> node mapping, and the object name. The */ tn_delete (t->root); Tcl_DeleteHashTable(&t->node); t->cmd = NULL; ckfree ((char*) t); } /* .................................................. */ void t_structure (T* t) { /* Computes all structural data, * then declares it valid. */ tn_structure (t->root, 0); t->structure = 1; } /* .................................................. */ int t_deserialize (T* dst, Tcl_Interp* interp, Tcl_Obj* src) { int listc; Tcl_Obj** listv; int nodes; int root = -1; int* parent = NULL; /* Basic checks: * - Is the input a list ? * - Is its length a multiple of three ? * * structure: node-name parent-index attr-dict * i+0 i+1 i+2 */ #define NAME(i) (i) #define PARENT(i) ((i)+1) #define ATTR(i) ((i)+2) if (Tcl_ListObjGetElements (interp, src, &listc, &listv) != TCL_OK) { return TCL_ERROR; } if ((listc % 3) != 0) { Tcl_AppendResult (interp, "error in serialization: list length not a multiple of 3.", NULL); return TCL_ERROR; } nodes = listc/3; /* Iterate and check the attribute dictionaries for listness and * size (even length). */ { int ac; Tcl_Obj** av; int i, j; for (i = 0, j = 0; i < listc; i += 3, j++) { ASSERT_BOUNDS (ATTR(i), listc); ASSERT_BOUNDS (j, nodes); if (Tcl_ListObjGetElements (interp, listv [ATTR(i)], &ac, &av) != TCL_OK) { return TCL_ERROR; } if ((ac % 2) != 0) { Tcl_AppendResult (interp, "error in serialization: malformed attribute dictionary.", NULL); return TCL_ERROR; } } } /* Iterate to locate the definition of root. Fails if there is none, * or more than one. */ { int i, j; CONST char* parent; for (i = 0, j = 0, root = -1; i < listc; i += 3, j++) { /* j == i/3 */ ASSERT_BOUNDS (PARENT(i), listc); ASSERT_BOUNDS (j, nodes); parent = Tcl_GetString (listv [PARENT(i)]); if (0 == strcmp ("", parent)) { if (root >= 0) { Tcl_AppendResult (interp, "error in serialization: multiple root nodes.", NULL); return TCL_ERROR; } root = j; } } if (root < 0) { Tcl_AppendResult (interp, "error in serialization: no root specified.", NULL); return TCL_ERROR; } } /* Iterate again, check that the non-empty parent references * are ok. We use the information we have about root to skip * over the empty reference. We save the extracted and parsed * references in a temp. allocated array. */ { int i, j, index, res; Tcl_Obj* p; parent = NALLOC (nodes, int); ASSERT_BOUNDS (root, nodes); parent [root] = -1; /* Sensible, unused */ for (i = 0, j = 0; i < listc; i += 3, j++) { /* j == i/3 */ ASSERT_BOUNDS (PARENT(i), listc); ASSERT_BOUNDS (j, nodes); if (j == root) continue; p = listv [PARENT(i)]; res = Tcl_GetIntFromObj (interp, p, &index); if ( (res != TCL_OK) || (index < 0) || (index >= listc) || ((index % 3) != 0) ) { Tcl_ResetResult (interp); Tcl_AppendResult (interp, "error in serialization: bad parent reference \"", Tcl_GetString (p), "\".", NULL); ckfree ((char*) parent); return TCL_ERROR; } if (index == i) { /* Found a cyclic reference (direct cycle, node defines * itself as its parent) */ Tcl_AppendResult (interp, "error in serialization: cycle detected.", NULL); ckfree ((char*) parent); return TCL_ERROR; } parent [j] = index/3; } } /* Iteration over the parent information from the last phase. We * are looking for indirect cycles. We detect them indirectly. If * there are cycles we are unable to tag all nodes starting from the * root. A tag means that the depth of the node can be computed, and * for nodes in a cycle this is not possible. */ { int* tag = NALLOC (nodes, int); int i; int changed = 1; /* Flag that last iteration tagged new nodes */ int done = 0; /* #nodes tagged */ for (i = 0; i < nodes; i++) { ASSERT_BOUNDS (i, nodes); tag [i] = 0; } ASSERT_BOUNDS (root, nodes); tag [root] = 1; done ++; while (changed) { changed = 0; for (i = 0; i < nodes; i++) { ASSERT_BOUNDS (i, nodes); if (tag [i]) continue; /* Assert: parent [i] in 0 .. nodes-1 */ ASSERT_BOUNDS (parent[i], nodes); if (!tag [parent [i]]) continue; tag [i] = 1; changed = 1; done ++; } } ckfree ((char*) tag); if (done < nodes) { Tcl_AppendResult (interp, "error in serialization: cycle detected.", NULL); ckfree ((char*) parent); return TCL_ERROR; } } /* Last iteration. Check that the node names are unique. */ { int i, j, new; Tcl_HashTable nx; Tcl_InitHashTable (&nx, TCL_STRING_KEYS); for (i = 0, j = 0; i < listc; i += 3, j++) { ASSERT_BOUNDS (NAME(i), listc); ASSERT_BOUNDS (j, nodes); Tcl_CreateHashEntry (&nx, Tcl_GetString (listv [NAME(i)]), &new); if (!new) { Tcl_AppendResult (interp, "error in serialization: duplicate node names.", NULL); Tcl_DeleteHashTable(&nx); ckfree ((char*) parent); return TCL_ERROR; } } Tcl_DeleteHashTable(&nx); } /* The serialization has been successfully validated now. * We create the nodes, their attributes, and link them * into the proper structure per the root and parent * information provided to us by the validation. */ { int i, j; TN** nv = NALLOC (nodes, TN*); TN* n; TN* p; tn_delete (dst->root); for (i = 0, j = 0; i < listc; i += 3, j++) { /* j == i/3 */ ASSERT_BOUNDS (NAME(i), listc); ASSERT_BOUNDS (j, nodes); nv [j] = tn_new (dst, Tcl_GetString (listv [NAME(i)])); } dst->root = nv [root]; for (i = 0, j = 0; i < listc; i += 3, j++) { /* j == i/3 */ ASSERT_BOUNDS (ATTR(i), listc); ASSERT_BOUNDS (j, nodes); if (j == root) { /* We don't append the node, this has already been covered, * but we have to process the attributes. */ tn_set_attr (nv [j], interp, listv [ATTR(i)]); continue; } ASSERT_BOUNDS (parent[j], nodes); n = nv [j]; p = nv [parent [j]]; tn_append (p, n); tn_set_attr (n, interp, listv [ATTR(i)]); } ckfree ((char*) nv); } ckfree ((char*) parent); return TCL_OK; } /* .................................................. */ int t_assign (T* dst, T* src) { tn_delete (dst->root); dst->root = tn_dup (dst, src->root); return TCL_OK; } /* .................................................. */ CONST char* t_newnodename (T* t) { int ok; Tcl_HashEntry* he; do { t->counter ++; sprintf (t->handle, "node%d", t->counter); /* Check that there is no node using that name already */ he = Tcl_FindHashEntry (&t->node, t->handle); ok = (he == NULL); } while (!ok); return t->handle; } /* .................................................. */ void t_dump (TPtr t, FILE* f) { /* Write the structural data of the * tree (i.e. internal pointers) to * the file, as aid in debugging */ Tcl_HashSearch hs; Tcl_HashEntry* he; TNPtr n; fprintf (f, "T (%p) {\n",t);fflush(f); fprintf (f, ". Lstart %p '%s'\n", t->leaves, t->leaves?Tcl_GetString(t->leaves->name):"");fflush(f); fprintf (f, ". Nstart %p '%s'\n", t->nodes, t->nodes ?Tcl_GetString(t->nodes ->name):"");fflush(f); for (he = Tcl_FirstHashEntry (&t->node, &hs); he != NULL; he = Tcl_NextHashEntry (&hs)) { n = (TNPtr) Tcl_GetHashValue(he); fprintf (f, ". N [%p '%s']",n,Tcl_GetString(n->name)) ;fflush(f); fprintf (f, " %p",n->tree);fflush(f); fprintf (f, " %p '%s'",n->prevleaf,n->prevleaf?Tcl_GetString(n->prevleaf->name):"");fflush(f); fprintf (f, " %p '%s'",n->nextleaf,n->nextleaf?Tcl_GetString(n->nextleaf->name):"");fflush(f); fprintf (f, " %p '%s'",n->prevnode,n->prevnode?Tcl_GetString(n->prevnode->name):"");fflush(f); fprintf (f, " %p '%s'",n->nextnode,n->nextnode?Tcl_GetString(n->nextnode->name):"");fflush(f); fprintf (f, " %p '%s'",n->parent ,n->parent ?Tcl_GetString(n->parent->name) :"");fflush(f); fprintf (f, "\n");fflush(f); } fprintf (f, "}\n");fflush(f); } /* .................................................. */ /* * Local Variables: * mode: c * c-basic-offset: 4 * fill-column: 78 * End: */