# -*- tcl -*- # Graph tests - arc deletion # Copyright (c) 2006 Andreas Kupries # All rights reserved. # RCS: @(#) $Id: delete.test,v 1.2 2007/04/12 03:01:55 andreas_kupries Exp $ # Syntax: graph arc delete ARC ARC... # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Wrong # args: Missing, Too many test graph-${impl}-${setimpl}-arc-delete-1.0 {arc delete, wrong#args, missing} { SETUP catch {mygraph arc delete} msg mygraph destroy set msg } [tmE {wrong # args: should be "::struct::graph::__arc_delete name arc arc..."} \ {wrong # args: should be "mygraph arc delete arc arc..."}] # Cannot use tmWrong, will be incorrect for the Tcl implementation # run by a pre-8.4 core. # [tmWrong {arc delete} {arc arc...} 0] # Impossible to have too many arguments # Any number of arcs is acceptable. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Logical arguments checks and failures test graph-${impl}-${setimpl}-arc-delete-2.0 {arc delete, missing arc} { SETUP catch {mygraph arc delete arc0} msg mygraph destroy set msg } [MissingArc $MY arc0] test graph-${impl}-${setimpl}-arc-delete-2.1 {arc delete, missing arc} { SETUP mygraph node insert node0 node1 mygraph arc insert node0 node1 arc0 catch {mygraph arc delete arc0 arc0} msg mygraph destroy set msg } [MissingArc $MY arc0] # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Ok arguments, single, multiple deletion. test graph-${impl}-${setimpl}-arc-delete-3.0 {arc delete} { SETUP mygraph node insert node0 node1 mygraph arc insert node0 node1 arc0 set res {} lappend res [mygraph arc exists arc0] lappend res [mygraph arc delete arc0] lappend res [mygraph arc exists arc0] mygraph destroy set res } {1 {} 0} test graph-${impl}-${setimpl}-arc-delete-3.1 {arc delete, multiple at once} { SETUP mygraph node insert node0 node1 node2 node3 mygraph arc insert node0 node1 arc0 mygraph arc insert node0 node1 arc1 mygraph arc insert node2 node3 arc2 mygraph arc insert node1 node3 arc3 set res {} lappend res [mygraph arc exists arc0] lappend res [mygraph arc exists arc1] lappend res [mygraph arc exists arc2] lappend res [mygraph arc exists arc3] lappend res [mygraph arc delete arc0 arc1 arc2 arc3] lappend res [mygraph arc exists arc0] lappend res [mygraph arc exists arc1] lappend res [mygraph arc exists arc2] lappend res [mygraph arc exists arc3] mygraph destroy set res } {1 1 1 1 {} 0 0 0 0} test graph-${impl}-${setimpl}-arc-delete-3.2 {arc delete, keeping adjacent nodes} { SETUP mygraph node insert node0 node1 mygraph arc insert node0 node1 arc0 set res {} lappend res [mygraph arc delete arc0] lappend res [mygraph node exists node0] lappend res [mygraph node exists node1] mygraph destroy set res } {{} 1 1} # -------------------------------------------------------------------------