# -*- tcl -*- # General set of error cases regarding the number of arguments. test pt-peg-to-cparam-1.0 {convert, wrong#args} -body { pt::peg::to::cparam convert } -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be "pt::peg::to::cparam convert serial"} test pt-peg-to-cparam-1.1 {convert, wrong#args} -body { pt::peg::to::cparam convert S XXX } -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be "pt::peg::to::cparam convert serial"} test pt-peg-to-cparam-2.0 {reset, wrong#args} -body { pt::peg::to::cparam reset XXX } -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be "pt::peg::to::cparam reset"} # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # TODO :: Tests missing for: configure/cget, reset # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Testing the generation of peg output, from grammar serialization, # for all possible configurations of this plugin. TestFilesProcess $mytestdir ok peg_serial-canonical peg_cparam -> n label input data expected { test pt-peg-to-cparam-3.$n "pt::peg::to::cparam, $label, ok :- $input" -setup { text::write reset text::write field {/*} ; text::write /line text::write field { *} -*- tcl -*- ; text::write /line text::write field { *} Parsing Expression Grammar '@name@'. ; text::write /line text::write field { *} Generated for @user@, from file '@file@' ; text::write /line text::write field { */} ; text::write /line text::write /line text::write field @code@ ; text::write /line text::write field {/*} ; text::write /line text::write field { */} ; text::write /line pt::peg::to::cparam reset pt::peg::to::cparam configure -name TEMPLATE pt::peg::to::cparam configure -file TEST pt::peg::to::cparam configure -template [text::write get] pt::peg::to::cparam configure -fun-qualifier <> pt::peg::to::cparam configure -self-command <> pt::peg::to::cparam configure -prelude <> pt::peg::to::cparam configure -namespace <> pt::peg::to::cparam configure -main <
> pt::peg::to::cparam configure -state-decl {<> <>} pt::peg::to::cparam configure -state-ref <> pt::peg::to::cparam configure -string-varname <> text::write reset } -body { pt::peg::to::cparam convert $data } -cleanup { pt::peg::to::cparam reset } -result $expected } #---------------------------------------------------------------------- unset n label input data expected