# -*- tcl -*- test pt-peg-import-1.0 {import text, wrong#args} -setup { pt::peg::import I } -body { I import text } -cleanup { I destroy } -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be "::pt::peg::import::Snit_hmethodimport_text type selfns win self text ?format?"} test pt-peg-import-1.1 {import text, wrong#args} -setup { pt::peg::import I } -body { I import text T F XX } -cleanup { I destroy } -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be "::pt::peg::import::Snit_hmethodimport_text type selfns win self text ?format?"} test pt-peg-import-2.0 {import file, wrong#args} -setup { pt::peg::import I } -body { I import file } -cleanup { I destroy } -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be "::pt::peg::import::Snit_hmethodimport_file type selfns win self path ?format?"} test pt-peg-import-2.1 {import file, wrong#args} -setup { pt::peg::import I } -body { I import file P F XXX } -cleanup { I destroy } -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be "::pt::peg::import::Snit_hmethodimport_file type selfns win self path ?format?"} test pt-peg-import-3.0 {import object text, wrong#args} -setup { pt::peg::import I } -body { I import object text } -cleanup { I destroy } -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be "::pt::peg::import::Snit_hmethodimport_object_text type selfns win self obj text ?format?"} test pt-peg-import-3.1 {import object text, wrong#args} -setup { pt::peg::import I } -body { I import object text O } -cleanup { I destroy } -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be "::pt::peg::import::Snit_hmethodimport_object_text type selfns win self obj text ?format?"} test pt-peg-import-3.2 {import object text, wrong#args} -setup { pt::peg::import I } -body { I import object text O T F XXX } -cleanup { I destroy } -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be "::pt::peg::import::Snit_hmethodimport_object_text type selfns win self obj text ?format?"} test pt-peg-import-4.0 {import object file, wrong#args} -setup { pt::peg::import I } -body { I import object file } -cleanup { I destroy } -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be "::pt::peg::import::Snit_hmethodimport_object_file type selfns win self obj path ?format?"} test pt-peg-import-4.1 {import object file, wrong#args} -setup { pt::peg::import I } -body { I import object file O } -cleanup { I destroy } -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be "::pt::peg::import::Snit_hmethodimport_object_file type selfns win self obj path ?format?"} test pt-peg-import-4.2 {import object file, wrong#args} -setup { pt::peg::import I } -body { I import object file O P F XXX } -cleanup { I destroy } -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be "::pt::peg::import::Snit_hmethodimport_object_file type selfns win self obj path ?format?"} # config unset - accepts any number of arguments. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## `include` component, provided via fileutil::paths, search path for includes test pt-peg-import-5.0 {include paths, wrong#args} -setup { pt::peg::import I } -body { I include paths X } -cleanup { I destroy } -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be "::fileutil::paths::Snit_methodpaths type selfns win self"} test pt-peg-import-6.0 {include clear, wrong#args} -setup { pt::peg::import I } -body { I include clear X } -cleanup { I destroy } -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be "::fileutil::paths::Snit_methodclear type selfns win self"} test pt-peg-import-7.0 {include add, wrong#args} -setup { pt::peg::import I } -body { I include add } -cleanup { I destroy } -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be "::fileutil::paths::Snit_methodadd type selfns win self path"} test pt-peg-import-7.1 {include add, wrong#args} -setup { pt::peg::import I } -body { I include add P X } -cleanup { I destroy } -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be "::fileutil::paths::Snit_methodadd type selfns win self path"} test pt-peg-import-8.0 {include remove, wrong#args} -setup { pt::peg::import I } -body { I include remove } -cleanup { I destroy } -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be "::fileutil::paths::Snit_methodremove type selfns win self path"} test pt-peg-import-8.1 {include remove, wrong#args} -setup { pt::peg::import I } -body { I include remove P X } -cleanup { I destroy } -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be "::fileutil::paths::Snit_methodremove type selfns win self path"} # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- test pt-peg-import9.0 {include paths, empty} -setup { pt::peg::import I } -body { I include paths } -cleanup { I destroy } -result {} test pt-peg-import9.1 {include paths, several paths, order} -setup { pt::peg::import I I include add first I include add second } -body { I include paths } -cleanup { I destroy } -result {first second} test pt-peg-import-10.0 {include add, unknown} -setup { pt::peg::import I } -body { I include add A I include paths } -cleanup { I destroy } -result A test pt-peg-import-10.1 {include add, already known} -setup { pt::peg::import I } -body { I include add A I include add A I include paths } -cleanup { I destroy } -result A test pt-peg-import-11.0 {include remove, unknown} -setup { pt::peg::import I } -body { I include add A I include remove B I include paths } -cleanup { I destroy } -result A test pt-peg-import-11.1 {include remove, known} -setup { pt::peg::import I } -body { I include add A I include remove A I include paths } -cleanup { I destroy } -result {} test pt-peg-import-12.0 {include clear} -setup { pt::peg::import I } -body { I include add A I include add B I include clear I include paths } -cleanup { I destroy } -result {} # Tests for the various import plugins, i.e. for their use from the # import manager. Numbering starts at 20. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- source [localPath pt_peg_import_plugins.tests] # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- return