# -*- tcl -*- # General set of error cases regarding the number of arguments. test pt-peg-from-json-1.0 {convert, wrong#args} -body { pt::peg::from::json convert } -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be "pt::peg::from::json convert text"} test pt-peg-from-json-1.1 {convert, wrong#args} -body { pt::peg::from::json convert S XXX } -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be "pt::peg::from::json convert text"} # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Testing the processing of json input in various form. foreach {k section} { 0 -ultracompact 1 -indented 2 -indalign } { TestFilesProcess $mytestdir ok peg_json$section peg_serial-canonical -> n label input data expected { test pt-peg-from-json-2.$k.$n "pt::peg::from::json, $label$section, ok :- $input" -body { pt::peg::from::json convert $data } -result $expected } } #---------------------------------------------------------------------- unset n label input data expected