/* * = = == === ===== ======== ============= ===================== * == pt::rde (critcl) - Data Structures - PARAM architectural state. */ #include /* Public and private APIs */ #include /* Stack handling */ #include /* Token cache handling */ #include /* Allocation utilities */ #include #include /* is... */ #include /* qsort */ /* * = = == === ===== ======== ============= ===================== */ typedef struct RDE_PARAM_ { Tcl_Channel IN; Tcl_Obj* readbuf; char* CC; /* [TCL_UTF_MAX] */ long int CC_len; RDE_TC TC; long int CL; RDE_STACK LS; /* long int :: locations */ ERROR_STATE* ER; RDE_STACK ES; /* ERROR_STATE* :: errors */ long int ST; Tcl_Obj* SV; Tcl_HashTable NC; /* * AS/ARS are actually intertwined. ARS is the top of 'ast' below, with * the markers on 'mark' showing where ARS ends and AS with older ARS * begins. */ RDE_STACK ast ; /* Tcl_Obj* :: ast (node) */ RDE_STACK mark ; /* long int :: markers */ /* Various non PARAM state needed, the only part. An array of all the * strings needed by this state instance. The instruction implementations * take indices into this array instead of the actual strings, where * needed. This field is NOT owned by the state. */ long int numstr; /* String table (error messages), and its size */ char** string; /* * A generic value for the higher layers to associate their own * information with the parser's state. */ ClientData clientData; } RDE_PARAM_; typedef int (*UniCharClass) (int); /* See also p.c, param_new(), table of param_intern() calls. * ** Keep in sync ** */ typedef enum test_class_id { tc_alnum, tc_alpha, tc_ascii, tc_control, tc_ddigit, tc_digit, tc_graph, tc_lower, tc_printable, tc_punct, tc_space, tc_upper, tc_wordchar, tc_xdigit } test_class_id; /* * = = == === ===== ======== ============= ===================== */ static void ast_node_free (void* n); static void error_state_free (void* es); static void error_set (RDE_PARAM p, long int s); static void nc_clear (RDE_PARAM p); static int UniCharIsAscii (int character); static int UniCharIsHexDigit (int character); static int UniCharIsDecDigit (int character); static void test_class (RDE_PARAM p, UniCharClass class, test_class_id id); static int er_int_compare (const void* a, const void* b); /* * = = == === ===== ======== ============= ===================== */ #define SV_INIT(p) \ p->SV = NULL; \ TRACE (("SV_INIT (%p => %p)", (p), (p)->SV)) #define SV_SET(p,newsv) \ if (((p)->SV) != (newsv)) { \ TRACE (("SV_CLEAR/set (%p => %p)", (p), (p)->SV)); \ if ((p)->SV) { \ Tcl_DecrRefCount ((p)->SV); \ } \ (p)->SV = (newsv); \ TRACE (("SV_SET (%p => %p)", (p), (p)->SV)); \ if ((p)->SV) { \ Tcl_IncrRefCount ((p)->SV); \ } \ } #define SV_CLEAR(p) \ TRACE (("SV_CLEAR (%p => %p)", (p), (p)->SV)); \ if ((p)->SV) { \ Tcl_DecrRefCount ((p)->SV); \ } \ (p)->SV = NULL #define ER_INIT(p) \ p->ER = NULL; \ TRACE (("ER_INIT (%p => %p)", (p), (p)->ER)) #define ER_CLEAR(p) \ error_state_free ((p)->ER); \ (p)->ER = NULL /* * = = == === ===== ======== ============= ===================== */ SCOPE RDE_PARAM rde_param_new (long int nstr, char** strings) { RDE_PARAM p; ENTER ("rde_param_new"); TRACE (("\tINT %d strings @ %p", nstr, strings)); p = ALLOC (RDE_PARAM_); p->numstr = nstr; p->string = strings; p->readbuf = Tcl_NewObj (); Tcl_IncrRefCount (p->readbuf); TRACE (("\tTcl_Obj* readbuf %p used %d", p->readbuf,p->readbuf->refCount)); Tcl_InitHashTable (&p->NC, TCL_ONE_WORD_KEYS); p->IN = NULL; p->CL = -1; p->ST = 0; ER_INIT (p); SV_INIT (p); p->CC = NULL; p->CC_len = 0; p->TC = rde_tc_new (); p->ES = rde_stack_new (error_state_free); p->LS = rde_stack_new (NULL); p->ast = rde_stack_new (ast_node_free); p->mark = rde_stack_new (NULL); RETURN ("%p", p); } SCOPE void rde_param_del (RDE_PARAM p) { ENTER ("rde_param_del"); TRACE (("RDE_PARAM %p",p)); ER_CLEAR (p); TRACE (("\ter_clear")); SV_CLEAR (p); TRACE (("\tsv_clear")); nc_clear (p); TRACE (("\tnc_clear")); Tcl_DeleteHashTable (&p->NC); TRACE (("\tnc hashtable delete")); rde_tc_del (p->TC); TRACE (("\ttc clear")); rde_stack_del (p->ES); TRACE (("\tes clear")); rde_stack_del (p->LS); TRACE (("\tls clear")); rde_stack_del (p->ast); TRACE (("\tast clear")); rde_stack_del (p->mark); TRACE (("\tmark clear")); TRACE (("\tTcl_Obj* readbuf %p used %d", p->readbuf,p->readbuf->refCount)); Tcl_DecrRefCount (p->readbuf); ckfree ((char*) p); RETURNVOID; } SCOPE void rde_param_reset (RDE_PARAM p, Tcl_Channel chan) { ENTER ("rde_param_reset"); TRACE (("RDE_PARAM %p",p)); TRACE (("Tcl_Channel %p",chan)); p->IN = chan; p->CL = -1; p->ST = 0; p->CC = NULL; p->CC_len = 0; ER_CLEAR (p); SV_CLEAR (p); nc_clear (p); rde_tc_clear (p->TC); rde_stack_trim (p->ES, 0); rde_stack_trim (p->LS, 0); rde_stack_trim (p->ast, 0); rde_stack_trim (p->mark, 0); TRACE (("\tTcl_Obj* readbuf %p used %d", p->readbuf,p->readbuf->refCount)); RETURNVOID; } SCOPE void rde_param_update_strings (RDE_PARAM p, long int nstr, char** strings) { ENTER ("rde_param_update_strings"); TRACE (("RDE_PARAM %p", p)); TRACE (("INT %d strings", nstr)); p->numstr = nstr; p->string = strings; RETURNVOID; } SCOPE void rde_param_data (RDE_PARAM p, char* buf, long int len) { (void) rde_tc_append (p->TC, buf, len); } SCOPE void rde_param_clientdata (RDE_PARAM p, ClientData clientData) { p->clientData = clientData; } /* * = = == === ===== ======== ============= ===================== */ static void nc_clear (RDE_PARAM p) { Tcl_HashSearch hs; Tcl_HashEntry* he; Tcl_HashTable* tablePtr; for(he = Tcl_FirstHashEntry(&p->NC, &hs); he != NULL; he = Tcl_FirstHashEntry(&p->NC, &hs)) { Tcl_HashSearch hsc; Tcl_HashEntry* hec; tablePtr = (Tcl_HashTable*) Tcl_GetHashValue (he); for(hec = Tcl_FirstHashEntry(tablePtr, &hsc); hec != NULL; hec = Tcl_NextHashEntry(&hsc)) { NC_STATE* scs = Tcl_GetHashValue (hec); error_state_free (scs->ER); if (scs->SV) { Tcl_DecrRefCount (scs->SV); } ckfree ((char*) scs); } Tcl_DeleteHashTable (tablePtr); ckfree ((char*) tablePtr); Tcl_DeleteHashEntry (he); } } /* * = = == === ===== ======== ============= ===================== */ SCOPE ClientData rde_param_query_clientdata (RDE_PARAM p) { return p->clientData; } SCOPE void rde_param_query_amark (RDE_PARAM p, long int* mc, void*** mv) { rde_stack_get (p->mark, mc, mv); } SCOPE void rde_param_query_ast (RDE_PARAM p, long int* ac, Tcl_Obj*** av) { rde_stack_get (p->ast, ac, (void***) av); } SCOPE const char* rde_param_query_in (RDE_PARAM p) { return p->IN ? Tcl_GetChannelName (p->IN) : ""; } SCOPE const char* rde_param_query_cc (RDE_PARAM p, long int* len) { *len = p->CC_len; return p->CC; } SCOPE int rde_param_query_cl (RDE_PARAM p) { return p->CL; } SCOPE const ERROR_STATE* rde_param_query_er (RDE_PARAM p) { return p->ER; } SCOPE Tcl_Obj* rde_param_query_er_tcl (RDE_PARAM p, const ERROR_STATE* er) { Tcl_Obj* res; if (!er) { /* * Consider keeping one of these around in the main object state, for * quick return. */ res = Tcl_NewStringObj ("", 0); } else { Tcl_Obj* ov [2]; Tcl_Obj** mov; long int mc, i, j; void** mv; int lastid; const char* msg; rde_stack_get (er->msg, &mc, &mv); /* * Note: We are peeking inside the (message) stack here and are * modifying it in place. This doesn't matter, we are using the stack * code for convenience, not for the ordering. */ qsort (mv, mc, sizeof (void*), er_int_compare); /* * Convert message ids to strings. We ignore duplicates, by comparing * to the last processed id. Here the sorting (see above) comes into * play, we know that duplicates are bunched together in runs, making * it easy to drop them. */ mov = NALLOC (mc, Tcl_Obj*); lastid = -1; for (i=0, j=0; i < mc; i++) { ASSERT_BOUNDS (i,mc); if (((long int) mv [i]) == lastid) continue; lastid = (long int) mv [i]; ASSERT_BOUNDS((long int) mv[i],p->numstr); msg = p->string [(long int) mv[i]]; /* inlined query_string */ ASSERT_BOUNDS (j,mc); mov [j] = Tcl_NewStringObj (msg, -1); j++; } /* * Assemble the result. */ ov [0] = Tcl_NewIntObj (er->loc); ov [1] = Tcl_NewListObj (j, mov); res = Tcl_NewListObj (2, ov); ckfree ((char*) mov); } return res; } SCOPE void rde_param_query_es (RDE_PARAM p, long int* ec, ERROR_STATE*** ev) { rde_stack_get (p->ES, ec, (void***) ev); } SCOPE void rde_param_query_ls (RDE_PARAM p, long int* lc, void*** lv) { rde_stack_get (p->LS, lc, lv); } SCOPE long int rde_param_query_lstop (RDE_PARAM p) { return (long int) rde_stack_top (p->LS); } SCOPE Tcl_HashTable* rde_param_query_nc (RDE_PARAM p) { return &p->NC; } SCOPE int rde_param_query_st (RDE_PARAM p) { return p->ST; } SCOPE Tcl_Obj* rde_param_query_sv (RDE_PARAM p) { TRACE (("SV_QUERY %p => (%p)", (p), (p)->SV)); \ return p->SV; } SCOPE long int rde_param_query_tc_size (RDE_PARAM p) { return rde_tc_size (p->TC); } SCOPE void rde_param_query_tc_get_s (RDE_PARAM p, long int at, long int last, char** ch, long int* len) { rde_tc_get_s (p->TC, at, last, ch, len); } SCOPE const char* rde_param_query_string (RDE_PARAM p, long int id) { TRACE (("rde_param_query_string (RDE_PARAM %p, %d/%d)", p, id, p->numstr)); ASSERT_BOUNDS(id,p->numstr); return p->string [id]; } /* * = = == === ===== ======== ============= ===================== */ SCOPE void rde_param_i_ast_pop_discard (RDE_PARAM p) { rde_stack_pop (p->mark, 1); } SCOPE void rde_param_i_ast_pop_rewind (RDE_PARAM p) { long int trim = (long int) rde_stack_top (p->mark); ENTER ("rde_param_i_ast_pop_rewind"); TRACE (("RDE_PARAM %p",p)); rde_stack_pop (p->mark, 1); rde_stack_trim (p->ast, trim); TRACE (("SV = (%p rc%d '%s')", p->SV, p->SV ? p->SV->refCount : -1, p->SV ? Tcl_GetString (p->SV) : "")); RETURNVOID; } SCOPE void rde_param_i_ast_rewind (RDE_PARAM p) { long int trim = (long int) rde_stack_top (p->mark); ENTER ("rde_param_i_ast_rewind"); TRACE (("RDE_PARAM %p",p)); rde_stack_trim (p->ast, trim); TRACE (("SV = (%p rc%d '%s')", p->SV, p->SV ? p->SV->refCount : -1, p->SV ? Tcl_GetString (p->SV) : "")); RETURNVOID; } SCOPE void rde_param_i_ast_push (RDE_PARAM p) { rde_stack_push (p->mark, (void*) rde_stack_size (p->ast)); } SCOPE void rde_param_i_ast_value_push (RDE_PARAM p) { ENTER ("rde_param_i_ast_value_push"); TRACE (("RDE_PARAM %p",p)); ASSERT(p->SV,"Unable to push undefined semantic value"); TRACE (("rde_param_i_ast_value_push %p => (%p)", p, p->SV)); TRACE (("SV = (%p rc%d '%s')", p->SV, p->SV->refCount, Tcl_GetString (p->SV))); rde_stack_push (p->ast, p->SV); Tcl_IncrRefCount (p->SV); RETURNVOID; } static void ast_node_free (void* n) { Tcl_DecrRefCount ((Tcl_Obj*) n); } /* * = = == === ===== ======== ============= ===================== */ SCOPE void rde_param_i_error_clear (RDE_PARAM p) { ER_CLEAR (p); } SCOPE void rde_param_i_error_nonterminal (RDE_PARAM p, long int s) { /* * Disabled. Generate only low-level errors until we have worked out how * to integrate symbol information with them. Do not forget where this * instruction is inlined - No such exist, places using the instruction * directly call on this function. */ return; #if 0 long int pos; if (!p->ER) return; pos = 1 + (long int) rde_stack_top (p->LS); if (p->ER->loc != pos) return; error_set (p, s); p->ER->loc = pos; #endif } SCOPE void rde_param_i_error_pop_merge (RDE_PARAM p) { ERROR_STATE* top = (ERROR_STATE*) rde_stack_top (p->ES); /* * The states are identical. Nothing has to be done in that case. */ if (top == p->ER) { rde_stack_pop (p->ES, 1); return; } /* * Saved state is nothing, keep current, discard top. * No refCount to change. */ if (!top) { rde_stack_pop (p->ES, 1); return; } /* * Current state is nothing, keep top, dicard current. We 'drop' as we are * taking ownership of the error state in 'top' back from the stack. */ if (!p->ER) { rde_stack_drop (p->ES, 1); p->ER = top; /* * Note: The refCount of top is left unchanged. The reference lost * through the drop is taken over by ER. */ return; } /* * Both top and current have data. Compare their locations to determine * which to keep, or discard, respectively. * * The current state is farther ahead in the input, keep it, and discard * the saved information. */ if (top->loc < p->ER->loc) { rde_stack_pop (p->ES, 1); return; } /* * The saved state is farther ahead than the current one, keep it, discard * current. We 'drop' as we are taking ownership of the error state in * 'top' back from the stack. */ if (top->loc > p->ER->loc) { rde_stack_drop (p->ES, 1); error_state_free (p->ER); p->ER = top; /* * Note: The refCount of top is left unchanged. The reference lost * through the drop is taken over by ER. */ return; } /* * Both states describe the same location. We merge the message sets. We * do not make the set unique however. This can be defered until the data * is actually retrieved by the user of the PARAM. */ rde_stack_move (p->ER->msg, top->msg); rde_stack_pop (p->ES, 1); } SCOPE void rde_param_i_error_push (RDE_PARAM p) { rde_stack_push (p->ES, p->ER); if (p->ER) { p->ER->refCount ++; } } static void error_set (RDE_PARAM p, long int s) { error_state_free (p->ER); p->ER = ALLOC (ERROR_STATE); p->ER->refCount = 1; p->ER->loc = p->CL; p->ER->msg = rde_stack_new (NULL); ASSERT_BOUNDS(s,p->numstr); rde_stack_push (p->ER->msg, (void*) s); } static void error_state_free (void* esx) { ERROR_STATE* es = esx; if (!es) return; es->refCount --; if (es->refCount > 0) return; rde_stack_del (es->msg); ckfree ((char*) es); } /* * = = == === ===== ======== ============= ===================== */ SCOPE void rde_param_i_loc_pop_discard (RDE_PARAM p) { rde_stack_pop (p->LS, 1); } SCOPE void rde_param_i_loc_pop_rewind (RDE_PARAM p) { p->CL = (long int) rde_stack_top (p->LS); rde_stack_pop (p->LS, 1); } SCOPE void rde_param_i_loc_push (RDE_PARAM p) { rde_stack_push (p->LS, (void*) p->CL); } SCOPE void rde_param_i_loc_rewind (RDE_PARAM p) { p->CL = (long int) rde_stack_top (p->LS); } /* * = = == === ===== ======== ============= ===================== */ SCOPE void rde_param_i_input_next (RDE_PARAM p, long int m) { int leni; char* ch; ASSERT_BOUNDS(m,p->numstr); p->CL ++; if (p->CL < rde_tc_size (p->TC)) { /* * We are at a known position, we can and do take the associated * character out of the token cache. * * FUTURE :: keep track of what location the data stored in CC is * for. If the location is identical no extraction is required. This * may help when a choice repeatedly tests the same character. */ rde_tc_get (p->TC, p->CL, &p->CC, &p->CC_len); /* Note: BOUNDS(n) <=> [0..(n-1)]. * cc_len in [1..utfmax] <=> cc_len-1 in [0...utfmax-1] <=> BOUNDS(utfmax) */ ASSERT_BOUNDS (p->CC_len-1, TCL_UTF_MAX); p->ST = 1; ER_CLEAR (p); return; } if (!p->IN || Tcl_Eof (p->IN) || (Tcl_ReadChars (p->IN, p->readbuf, 1, 0) <= 0)) { /* * As we are outside of the known range we tried to read a character * from the input, to extend the token cache with. That failed. */ p->ST = 0; error_set (p, m); return; } /* * We got a new character, we now extend the token cache, and also make it * current. */ ch = Tcl_GetStringFromObj (p->readbuf, &leni); ASSERT_BOUNDS (leni, TCL_UTF_MAX); p->CC = rde_tc_append (p->TC, ch, leni); p->CC_len = leni; p->ST = 1; ER_CLEAR (p); } /* * = = == === ===== ======== ============= ===================== */ SCOPE void rde_param_i_status_fail (RDE_PARAM p) { p->ST = 0; } SCOPE void rde_param_i_status_ok (RDE_PARAM p) { p->ST = 1; } SCOPE void rde_param_i_status_negate (RDE_PARAM p) { p->ST = !p->ST; } /* * = = == === ===== ======== ============= ===================== */ SCOPE int rde_param_i_symbol_restore (RDE_PARAM p, long int s) { NC_STATE* scs; Tcl_HashEntry* hPtr; Tcl_HashTable* tablePtr; /* * 2-level hash table keyed by location, and symbol ... */ hPtr = Tcl_FindHashEntry (&p->NC, (char*) p->CL); if (!hPtr) { return 0; } tablePtr = (Tcl_HashTable*) Tcl_GetHashValue (hPtr); hPtr = Tcl_FindHashEntry (tablePtr, (char*) s); if (!hPtr) { return 0; } /* * Found information, apply it to the state, restoring the cached * situation. */ scs = Tcl_GetHashValue (hPtr); p->CL = scs->CL; p->ST = scs->ST; error_state_free (p->ER); p->ER = scs->ER; if (p->ER) { p->ER->refCount ++; } TRACE (("SV_RESTORE (%p) '%s'",scs->SV, scs->SV ? Tcl_GetString (scs->SV):"")); SV_SET (p, scs->SV); return 1; } SCOPE void rde_param_i_symbol_save (RDE_PARAM p, long int s) { long int at = (long int) rde_stack_top (p->LS); NC_STATE* scs; Tcl_HashEntry* hPtr; Tcl_HashTable* tablePtr; int isnew; ENTER ("rde_param_i_symbol_save"); TRACE (("RDE_PARAM %p",p)); TRACE (("INT %d",s)); /* * 2-level hash table keyed by location, and symbol ... */ hPtr = Tcl_CreateHashEntry (&p->NC, (char*) at, &isnew); if (isnew) { tablePtr = ALLOC (Tcl_HashTable); Tcl_InitHashTable (tablePtr, TCL_ONE_WORD_KEYS); Tcl_SetHashValue (hPtr, tablePtr); } else { tablePtr = (Tcl_HashTable*) Tcl_GetHashValue (hPtr); } hPtr = Tcl_CreateHashEntry (tablePtr, (char*) s, &isnew); if (isnew) { /* * Copy state into new cache entry. */ scs = ALLOC (NC_STATE); scs->CL = p->CL; scs->ST = p->ST; TRACE (("SV_CACHE (%p '%s')", p->SV, p->SV ? Tcl_GetString(p->SV) : "")); scs->SV = p->SV; if (scs->SV) { Tcl_IncrRefCount (scs->SV); } scs->ER = p->ER; if (scs->ER) { scs->ER->refCount ++; } Tcl_SetHashValue (hPtr, scs); } else { /* * Copy state into existing cache entry, overwriting the previous * information. */ scs = (NC_STATE*) Tcl_GetHashValue (hPtr); scs->CL = p->CL; scs->ST = p->ST; TRACE (("SV_CACHE/over (%p '%s')", p->SV, p->SV ? Tcl_GetString(p->SV) : "" )); if (scs->SV) { Tcl_DecrRefCount (scs->SV); } scs->SV = p->SV; if (scs->SV) { Tcl_IncrRefCount (scs->SV); } error_state_free (scs->ER); scs->ER = p->ER; if (scs->ER) { scs->ER->refCount ++; } } TRACE (("SV = (%p rc%d '%s')", p->SV, p->SV ? p->SV->refCount : -1, p->SV ? Tcl_GetString (p->SV) : "")); RETURNVOID; } /* * = = == === ===== ======== ============= ===================== */ SCOPE void rde_param_i_test_alnum (RDE_PARAM p) { test_class (p, Tcl_UniCharIsAlnum, tc_alnum); } SCOPE void rde_param_i_test_alpha (RDE_PARAM p) { test_class (p, Tcl_UniCharIsAlpha, tc_alpha); } SCOPE void rde_param_i_test_ascii (RDE_PARAM p) { test_class (p, UniCharIsAscii, tc_ascii); } SCOPE void rde_param_i_test_control (RDE_PARAM p) { test_class (p, Tcl_UniCharIsControl, tc_control); } SCOPE void rde_param_i_test_char (RDE_PARAM p, const char* c, long int msg) { ASSERT_BOUNDS(msg,p->numstr); p->ST = Tcl_UtfNcmp (p->CC, c, 1) == 0; if (p->ST) { ER_CLEAR (p); } else { error_set (p, msg); p->CL --; } } SCOPE void rde_param_i_test_ddigit (RDE_PARAM p) { test_class (p, UniCharIsDecDigit, tc_ddigit); } SCOPE void rde_param_i_test_digit (RDE_PARAM p) { test_class (p, Tcl_UniCharIsDigit, tc_digit); } SCOPE void rde_param_i_test_graph (RDE_PARAM p) { test_class (p, Tcl_UniCharIsGraph, tc_graph); } SCOPE void rde_param_i_test_lower (RDE_PARAM p) { test_class (p, Tcl_UniCharIsLower, tc_lower); } SCOPE void rde_param_i_test_print (RDE_PARAM p) { test_class (p, Tcl_UniCharIsPrint, tc_printable); } SCOPE void rde_param_i_test_punct (RDE_PARAM p) { test_class (p, Tcl_UniCharIsPunct, tc_punct); } SCOPE void rde_param_i_test_range (RDE_PARAM p, const char* s, const char* e, long int msg) { ASSERT_BOUNDS(msg,p->numstr); p->ST = (Tcl_UtfNcmp (s, p->CC, 1) <= 0) && (Tcl_UtfNcmp (p->CC, e, 1) <= 0); if (p->ST) { ER_CLEAR (p); } else { error_set (p, msg); p->CL --; } } SCOPE void rde_param_i_test_space (RDE_PARAM p) { test_class (p, Tcl_UniCharIsSpace, tc_space); } SCOPE void rde_param_i_test_upper (RDE_PARAM p) { test_class (p, Tcl_UniCharIsUpper, tc_upper); } SCOPE void rde_param_i_test_wordchar (RDE_PARAM p) { test_class (p, Tcl_UniCharIsWordChar, tc_wordchar); } SCOPE void rde_param_i_test_xdigit (RDE_PARAM p) { test_class (p, UniCharIsHexDigit, tc_xdigit); } static void test_class (RDE_PARAM p, UniCharClass class, test_class_id id) { Tcl_UniChar ch; Tcl_UtfToUniChar(p->CC, &ch); ASSERT_BOUNDS(id,p->numstr); p->ST = !!class (ch); /* The double-negation normalizes the output of the class function to the * regular booleans 0 and 1. */ if (p->ST) { ER_CLEAR (p); } else { error_set (p, id); p->CL --; } } static int UniCharIsAscii (int character) { return (character >= 0) && (character < 0x80); } static int UniCharIsHexDigit (int character) { return (character >= 0) && (character < 0x80) && isxdigit(character); } static int UniCharIsDecDigit (int character) { return (character >= 0) && (character < 0x80) && isdigit(character); } /* * = = == === ===== ======== ============= ===================== */ SCOPE void rde_param_i_value_clear (RDE_PARAM p) { SV_CLEAR (p); } SCOPE void rde_param_i_value_leaf (RDE_PARAM p, long int s) { Tcl_Obj* newsv; Tcl_Obj* ov [3]; long int pos = 1 + (long int) rde_stack_top (p->LS); ASSERT_BOUNDS(s,p->numstr); ov [0] = Tcl_NewStringObj (p->string[s], -1); ov [1] = Tcl_NewIntObj (pos); ov [2] = Tcl_NewIntObj (p->CL); newsv = Tcl_NewListObj (3, ov); TRACE (("rde_param_i_value_leaf => '%s'",Tcl_GetString (newsv))); SV_SET (p, newsv); } SCOPE void rde_param_i_value_reduce (RDE_PARAM p, long int s) { Tcl_Obj* newsv; int i, j; Tcl_Obj** ov; long int ac; Tcl_Obj** av; long int pos = 1 + (long int) rde_stack_top (p->LS); long int mark = (long int) rde_stack_top (p->mark); long int asize = rde_stack_size (p->ast); long int new = asize - mark; ASSERT (new >= 0, "Bad number of elements to reduce"); ov = NALLOC (3+new, Tcl_Obj*); ASSERT_BOUNDS(s,p->numstr); ov [0] = Tcl_NewStringObj (p->string[s], -1); ov [1] = Tcl_NewIntObj (pos); ov [2] = Tcl_NewIntObj (p->CL); rde_stack_get (p->ast, &ac, (void***) &av); for (i = 3, j = mark; j < asize; i++, j++) { ASSERT_BOUNDS (i, 3+new); ASSERT_BOUNDS (j, ac); ov [i] = av [j]; } ASSERT (i == 3+new, "Reduction result incomplete"); newsv = Tcl_NewListObj (3+new, ov); TRACE (("rde_param_i_value_reduce => '%s'",Tcl_GetString (newsv))); SV_SET (p, newsv); ckfree ((char*) ov); } /* * = = == === ===== ======== ============= ===================== */ static int er_int_compare (const void* a, const void* b) { /* a, b = pointers to element, as void*. * Actual element type is (void*), and * actually stored data is (long int). */ const void** ael = (const void**) a; const void** bel = (const void**) b; long int avalue = (long int) *ael; long int bvalue = (long int) *bel; if (avalue < bvalue) { return -1; } if (avalue > bvalue) { return 1; } return 0; } /* * = = == === ===== ======== ============= ===================== * == Super Instructions. */ SCOPE int rde_param_i_symbol_start (RDE_PARAM p, long int s) { if (rde_param_i_symbol_restore (p, s)) { if (p->ST) { rde_stack_push (p->ast, p->SV); Tcl_IncrRefCount (p->SV); } return 1; } rde_stack_push (p->LS, (void*) p->CL); return 0; } SCOPE int rde_param_i_symbol_start_d (RDE_PARAM p, long int s) { if (rde_param_i_symbol_restore (p, s)) { if (p->ST) { rde_stack_push (p->ast, p->SV); Tcl_IncrRefCount (p->SV); } return 1; } rde_stack_push (p->LS, (void*) p->CL); rde_stack_push (p->mark, (void*) rde_stack_size (p->ast)); return 0; } SCOPE int rde_param_i_symbol_void_start (RDE_PARAM p, long int s) { if (rde_param_i_symbol_restore (p, s)) return 1; rde_stack_push (p->LS, (void*) p->CL); return 0; } SCOPE int rde_param_i_symbol_void_start_d (RDE_PARAM p, long int s) { if (rde_param_i_symbol_restore (p, s)) return 1; rde_stack_push (p->LS, (void*) p->CL); rde_stack_push (p->mark, (void*) rde_stack_size (p->ast)); return 0; } SCOPE void rde_param_i_symbol_done_d_reduce (RDE_PARAM p, long int s, long int m) { if (p->ST) { rde_param_i_value_reduce (p, s); } else { SV_CLEAR (p); } rde_param_i_symbol_save (p, s); rde_param_i_error_nonterminal (p, m); rde_param_i_ast_pop_rewind (p); rde_stack_pop (p->LS, 1); if (p->ST) { rde_stack_push (p->ast, p->SV); Tcl_IncrRefCount (p->SV); } } SCOPE void rde_param_i_symbol_done_leaf (RDE_PARAM p, long int s, long int m) { if (p->ST) { rde_param_i_value_leaf (p, s); } else { SV_CLEAR (p); } rde_param_i_symbol_save (p, s); rde_param_i_error_nonterminal (p, m); rde_stack_pop (p->LS, 1); if (p->ST) { rde_stack_push (p->ast, p->SV); Tcl_IncrRefCount (p->SV); } } SCOPE void rde_param_i_symbol_done_d_leaf (RDE_PARAM p, long int s, long int m) { if (p->ST) { rde_param_i_value_leaf (p, s); } else { SV_CLEAR (p); } rde_param_i_symbol_save (p, s); rde_param_i_error_nonterminal (p, m); rde_param_i_ast_pop_rewind (p); rde_stack_pop (p->LS, 1); if (p->ST) { rde_stack_push (p->ast, p->SV); Tcl_IncrRefCount (p->SV); } } SCOPE void rde_param_i_symbol_done_void (RDE_PARAM p, long int s, long int m) { SV_CLEAR (p); rde_param_i_symbol_save (p, s); rde_param_i_error_nonterminal (p, m); rde_stack_pop (p->LS, 1); } SCOPE void rde_param_i_symbol_done_d_void (RDE_PARAM p, long int s, long int m) { SV_CLEAR (p); rde_param_i_symbol_save (p, s); rde_param_i_error_nonterminal (p, m); rde_param_i_ast_pop_rewind (p); rde_stack_pop (p->LS, 1); } /* * = = == === ===== ======== ============= ===================== */ SCOPE void rde_param_i_next_char (RDE_PARAM p, const char* c, long int m) { rde_param_i_input_next (p, m); if (!p->ST) return; rde_param_i_test_char (p, c, m); } SCOPE void rde_param_i_next_range (RDE_PARAM p, const char* s, const char* e, long int m) { rde_param_i_input_next (p, m); if (!p->ST) return; rde_param_i_test_range (p, s, e, m); } SCOPE void rde_param_i_next_alnum (RDE_PARAM p, long int m) { rde_param_i_input_next (p, m); if (!p->ST) return; rde_param_i_test_alnum (p); } SCOPE void rde_param_i_next_alpha (RDE_PARAM p, long int m) { rde_param_i_input_next (p, m); if (!p->ST) return; rde_param_i_test_alpha (p); } SCOPE void rde_param_i_next_ascii (RDE_PARAM p, long int m) { rde_param_i_input_next (p, m); if (!p->ST) return; rde_param_i_test_ascii (p); } SCOPE void rde_param_i_next_control (RDE_PARAM p, long int m) { rde_param_i_input_next (p, m); if (!p->ST) return; rde_param_i_test_control (p); } SCOPE void rde_param_i_next_ddigit (RDE_PARAM p, long int m) { rde_param_i_input_next (p, m); if (!p->ST) return; rde_param_i_test_ddigit (p); } SCOPE void rde_param_i_next_digit (RDE_PARAM p, long int m) { rde_param_i_input_next (p, m); if (!p->ST) return; rde_param_i_test_digit (p); } SCOPE void rde_param_i_next_graph (RDE_PARAM p, long int m) { rde_param_i_input_next (p, m); if (!p->ST) return; rde_param_i_test_graph (p); } SCOPE void rde_param_i_next_lower (RDE_PARAM p, long int m) { rde_param_i_input_next (p, m); if (!p->ST) return; rde_param_i_test_lower (p); } SCOPE void rde_param_i_next_print (RDE_PARAM p, long int m) { rde_param_i_input_next (p, m); if (!p->ST) return; rde_param_i_test_print (p); } SCOPE void rde_param_i_next_punct (RDE_PARAM p, long int m) { rde_param_i_input_next (p, m); if (!p->ST) return; rde_param_i_test_punct (p); } SCOPE void rde_param_i_next_space (RDE_PARAM p, long int m) { rde_param_i_input_next (p, m); if (!p->ST) return; rde_param_i_test_space (p); } SCOPE void rde_param_i_next_upper (RDE_PARAM p, long int m) { rde_param_i_input_next (p, m); if (!p->ST) return; rde_param_i_test_upper (p); } SCOPE void rde_param_i_next_wordchar (RDE_PARAM p, long int m) { rde_param_i_input_next (p, m); if (!p->ST) return; rde_param_i_test_wordchar (p); } SCOPE void rde_param_i_next_xdigit (RDE_PARAM p, long int m) { rde_param_i_input_next (p, m); if (!p->ST) return; rde_param_i_test_xdigit (p); } SCOPE void rde_param_i_notahead_start_d (RDE_PARAM p) { rde_stack_push (p->LS, (void*) p->CL); rde_stack_push (p->mark, (void*) rde_stack_size (p->ast)); } SCOPE void rde_param_i_notahead_exit_d (RDE_PARAM p) { if (p->ST) { rde_param_i_ast_pop_rewind (p); } else { rde_stack_pop (p->mark, 1); } p->CL = (long int) rde_stack_top (p->LS); rde_stack_pop (p->LS, 1); p->ST = !p->ST; } SCOPE void rde_param_i_notahead_exit (RDE_PARAM p) { p->CL = (long int) rde_stack_top (p->LS); rde_stack_pop (p->LS, 1); p->ST = !p->ST; } /* * = = == === ===== ======== ============= ===================== */ SCOPE void rde_param_i_state_push_2 (RDE_PARAM p) { /* loc_push + error_push */ rde_stack_push (p->LS, (void*) p->CL); rde_stack_push (p->ES, p->ER); if (p->ER) { p->ER->refCount ++; } } SCOPE void rde_param_i_state_push_void (RDE_PARAM p) { rde_stack_push (p->LS, (void*) p->CL); ER_CLEAR (p); rde_stack_push (p->ES, p->ER); /* if (p->ER) { p->ER->refCount ++; } */ } SCOPE void rde_param_i_state_push_value (RDE_PARAM p) { rde_stack_push (p->mark, (void*) rde_stack_size (p->ast)); rde_stack_push (p->LS, (void*) p->CL); ER_CLEAR (p); rde_stack_push (p->ES, p->ER); /* if (p->ER) { p->ER->refCount ++; } */ } /* * = = == === ===== ======== ============= ===================== */ SCOPE void rde_param_i_state_merge_ok (RDE_PARAM p) { rde_param_i_error_pop_merge (p); if (!p->ST) { p->ST = 1; p->CL = (long int) rde_stack_top (p->LS); } rde_stack_pop (p->LS, 1); } SCOPE void rde_param_i_state_merge_void (RDE_PARAM p) { rde_param_i_error_pop_merge (p); if (!p->ST) { p->CL = (long int) rde_stack_top (p->LS); } rde_stack_pop (p->LS, 1); } SCOPE void rde_param_i_state_merge_value (RDE_PARAM p) { rde_param_i_error_pop_merge (p); if (!p->ST) { long int trim = (long int) rde_stack_top (p->mark); rde_stack_trim (p->ast, trim); p->CL = (long int) rde_stack_top (p->LS); } rde_stack_pop (p->mark, 1); rde_stack_pop (p->LS, 1); } /* * = = == === ===== ======== ============= ===================== */ SCOPE int rde_param_i_kleene_close (RDE_PARAM p) { int stop = !p->ST; rde_param_i_error_pop_merge (p); if (stop) { p->ST = 1; p->CL = (long int) rde_stack_top (p->LS); } rde_stack_pop (p->LS, 1); return stop; } SCOPE int rde_param_i_kleene_abort (RDE_PARAM p) { int stop = !p->ST; if (stop) { p->CL = (long int) rde_stack_top (p->LS); } rde_stack_pop (p->LS, 1); return stop; } /* * = = == === ===== ======== ============= ===================== */ SCOPE int rde_param_i_seq_void2void (RDE_PARAM p) { rde_param_i_error_pop_merge (p); if (p->ST) { rde_stack_push (p->ES, p->ER); if (p->ER) { p->ER->refCount ++; } return 0; } else { p->CL = (long int) rde_stack_top (p->LS); rde_stack_pop (p->LS, 1); return 1; } } SCOPE int rde_param_i_seq_void2value (RDE_PARAM p) { rde_param_i_error_pop_merge (p); if (p->ST) { rde_stack_push (p->mark, (void*) rde_stack_size (p->ast)); rde_stack_push (p->ES, p->ER); if (p->ER) { p->ER->refCount ++; } return 0; } else { p->CL = (long int) rde_stack_top (p->LS); rde_stack_pop (p->LS, 1); return 1; } } SCOPE int rde_param_i_seq_value2value (RDE_PARAM p) { rde_param_i_error_pop_merge (p); if (p->ST) { rde_stack_push (p->ES, p->ER); if (p->ER) { p->ER->refCount ++; } return 0; } else { long int trim = (long int) rde_stack_top (p->mark); rde_stack_pop (p->mark, 1); rde_stack_trim (p->ast, trim); p->CL = (long int) rde_stack_top (p->LS); rde_stack_pop (p->LS, 1); return 1; } } /* * = = == === ===== ======== ============= ===================== */ SCOPE int rde_param_i_bra_void2void (RDE_PARAM p) { rde_param_i_error_pop_merge (p); if (p->ST) { rde_stack_pop (p->LS, 1); } else { p->CL = (long int) rde_stack_top (p->LS); rde_stack_push (p->ES, p->ER); if (p->ER) { p->ER->refCount ++; } } return p->ST; } SCOPE int rde_param_i_bra_void2value (RDE_PARAM p) { rde_param_i_error_pop_merge (p); if (p->ST) { rde_stack_pop (p->LS, 1); } else { rde_stack_push (p->mark, (void*) rde_stack_size (p->ast)); p->CL = (long int) rde_stack_top (p->LS); rde_stack_push (p->ES, p->ER); if (p->ER) { p->ER->refCount ++; } } return p->ST; } SCOPE int rde_param_i_bra_value2void (RDE_PARAM p) { rde_param_i_error_pop_merge (p); if (p->ST) { rde_stack_pop (p->mark, 1); rde_stack_pop (p->LS, 1); } else { long int trim = (long int) rde_stack_top (p->mark); rde_stack_pop (p->mark, 1); rde_stack_trim (p->ast, trim); p->CL = (long int) rde_stack_top (p->LS); rde_stack_push (p->ES, p->ER); if (p->ER) { p->ER->refCount ++; } } return p->ST; } SCOPE int rde_param_i_bra_value2value (RDE_PARAM p) { rde_param_i_error_pop_merge (p); if (p->ST) { rde_stack_pop (p->mark, 1); rde_stack_pop (p->LS, 1); } else { long int trim = (long int) rde_stack_top (p->mark); rde_stack_trim (p->ast, trim); p->CL = (long int) rde_stack_top (p->LS); rde_stack_push (p->ES, p->ER); if (p->ER) { p->ER->refCount ++; } } return p->ST; } /* * = = == === ===== ======== ============= ===================== */ SCOPE void rde_param_i_next_str (RDE_PARAM p, const char* str, long int m) { int at = p->CL; /* Future: Place match string into a shared table of constants, like error * messages, indexed by code. Precomputed length information. * * NOTE how we are modifying the error location after the fact. The * message contains the entire string, so the location should be the * start of the string in the input, not somewhere in the middle. This * matches the Tcl runtimes. Here we have to adjust the stored location * due to our progress through the pattern. */ while (*str) { rde_param_i_input_next (p, m); if (!p->ST) { p->ER->loc = at+1; p->CL = at; return; } rde_param_i_test_char (p, str, m); if (!p->ST) { p->ER->loc = at+1; p->CL = at; return; } str = Tcl_UtfNext (str); } } SCOPE void rde_param_i_next_class (RDE_PARAM p, const char* class, long int m) { rde_param_i_input_next (p, m); if (!p->ST) return; while (*class) { p->ST = Tcl_UtfNcmp (p->CC, class, 1) == 0; if (p->ST) { ER_CLEAR (p); return; } class = Tcl_UtfNext (class); } error_set (p, m); p->CL --; } /* * = = == === ===== ======== ============= ===================== */ /* * local Variables: * mode: c * c-basic-offset: 4 * fill-column: 78 * End: */