[vset VERSION 1.1] [comment {-*- text -*- doctools manpage}] [manpage_begin pt::util n [vset VERSION]] [include include/module.inc] [titledesc {General utilities}] [require pt::ast [opt [vset VERSION]]] [description] [include include/ref_intro.inc] This package provides general utility commands. [para] This is a supporting package in the Core Layer of Parser Tools. [para][image arch_core_support][para] [section API] [list_begin definitions] [comment {= = == === ===== ======== ============= =====================}] [call [cmd ::pt::util] [method error2readable] \ [arg error] [arg text]] This command takes the structured form of a syntax [arg error] as thrown by parser runtimes and the input [arg text] to the parser which caused that error and returns a string describing the error in a human-readable form. [para] The input [arg text] is required to convert the character position of the error into a more readable line/column format, and to provide excerpts of the input around the error position. [comment {= = == === ===== ======== ============= =====================}] [call [cmd ::pt::util] [method error2position] \ [arg error] [arg text]] This command takes the structured form of a syntax [arg error] as thrown by parser runtimes and the input [arg text] to the parser which caused that error and returns a 2-element list containing the line number and column index for the error's character position in the input, in this order. [comment {= = == === ===== ======== ============= =====================}] [call [cmd ::pt::util] [method error2text] [arg error]] This command takes the structured form of a syntax [arg error] as thrown by parser runtimes and returns a list of strings, each describing a possible expected input in a human-readable form. [comment {= = == === ===== ======== ============= =====================}] [list_end] [include include/feedback.inc] [manpage_end]