# httpd.test - Copyright (c) 2015 Sean Woods # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- set TESTDIR [file dirname [file normalize [info script]]] set MODDIR [file dirname $TESTDIR] if {[file exists [file join $MODDIR devtools testutilities.tcl]]} { # Running inside tcllib set TCLLIBMOD $MODDIR } else { set TCLLIBMOD [file join $MODDIR .. .. tcllib modules] } source [file join $TCLLIBMOD devtools testutilities.tcl] testsNeedTcl 8.6 ;# tool requires 8.6 testsNeedTcltest 2 set NOW [clock seconds] testsNeed TclOO 1 support { use [file join ${TCLLIBMOD} fumagic rtcore.tcl] fileutil::magic::rt use [file join ${TCLLIBMOD} fumagic filetypes.tcl] fileutil::magic::filetype use [file join ${TCLLIBMOD} textutil string.tcl] textutil::string use [file join ${TCLLIBMOD} textutil repeat.tcl] textutil::repeat use [file join ${TCLLIBMOD} textutil tabify.tcl] textutil::tabify use [file join ${TCLLIBMOD} markdown markdown.tcl] Markdown use [file join ${TCLLIBMOD} ncgi ncgi.tcl] ncgi use [file join ${TCLLIBMOD} log logger.tcl] logger use [file join ${TCLLIBMOD} base64 base64.tcl] base64 use [file join ${TCLLIBMOD} md5 md5x.tcl] md5 use [file join ${TCLLIBMOD} virtchannel_core core.tcl] tcl::chan::core use [file join ${TCLLIBMOD} virtchannel_core events.tcl] tcl::chan::events use [file join ${TCLLIBMOD} virtchannel_base memchan.tcl] tcl::chan::memchan # note: mime depends on the virtchannel packages use [file join ${TCLLIBMOD} mime mime.tcl] mime use [file join ${TCLLIBMOD} uuid uuid.tcl] uuid use [file join ${TCLLIBMOD} cmdline cmdline.tcl] cmdline use [file join ${TCLLIBMOD} fileutil fileutil.tcl] fileutil use [file join ${TCLLIBMOD} sha1 sha1.tcl] sha1 use [file join ${TCLLIBMOD} uri uri.tcl] uri use [file join ${TCLLIBMOD} ncgi ncgi.tcl] ncgi use [file join ${TCLLIBMOD} dns ip.tcl] ip use [file join ${TCLLIBMOD} nettool nettool.tcl] nettool use [file join ${TCLLIBMOD} coroutine coroutine.tcl] coroutine use [file join ${TCLLIBMOD} dicttool dicttool.tcl] dicttool use [file join ${TCLLIBMOD} cron cron.tcl] cron use [file join ${TCLLIBMOD} websocket websocket.tcl] websocket use [file join ${MODDIR} clay clay.tcl] clay } testing { useLocal httpd.tcl httpd } # Set to true for debugging and traces set ::DEBUG 0 set ::clay::debug $::DEBUG proc DEBUG args { if {!$::DEBUG} return uplevel 1 $args } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Constructors for various expected replies. proc IndexReply {{head {HTTP/1.0}}} { global TESTDIR set fin [open [file join $TESTDIR pkgIndex.tcl] r] set replyfile [read $fin] close $fin append checkreply "$head 200 OK" \n append checkreply "Content-Type: text/plain" \n append checkreply "Connection: close" \n append checkreply "Content-Length: [string length $replyfile]" \n append checkreply \n append checkreply $replyfile return $checkreply } proc 404 {} { lappend map " " "" lappend map " " "" # The map removes the indentation of the value return [string map $map {HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found Content-Type: text/plain Connection: close Content-Length: * 404 Not Found }] } proc 200 {text {len *}} { lappend map " " "" # The map removes the indentation of the value # and inserts the dynamic parts lappend map @C $text lappend map @L $len return [string map $map {HTTP/1.0 200 OK Content-Type: text/plain Connection: close Content-Length: @L @C}] } proc 200+status-head {text {len *}} { lappend map " " "" # The map removes the indentation of the value # and inserts the dynamic parts lappend map @C $text lappend map @L $len return [string map $map {Status: 200 OK Content-Type: text/plain Connection: close Content-Length: @L @C}] } proc 200+status-conn {text {len *}} { lappend map " " "" # The map removes the indentation of the value # and inserts the dynamic parts lappend map @C $text lappend map @L $len return [string map $map {HTTP/1.0 200 OK Status: 200 OK Content-Type: text/plain Content-Length: @L @C}] } proc 500 {} { lappend map " " "" lappend map " " "" # The map removes the indentation of the value return [string map $map {HTTP/1.0 500 Server Internal Error Content-Type: text/plain Connection: close Content-Length: * 500 Server Internal Error }] } proc 500+status-head {} { lappend map " " "" lappend map " " "" # The map removes the indentation of the value return [string map $map {Status: 500 Server Internal Error Content-Type: text/plain Connection: close Content-Length: * 500 Server Internal Error }] } # Likely a band aid, see AKU proc norm-eol {x} { string map [list "\r\n" "\n"] $x } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace eval ::httpd {} namespace eval ::httpd::test {} proc ::httpd::test::send {port http headers body} { set sock [socket localhost $port] variable reply set reply($sock) {} chan configure $sock -translation {crlf crlf} -blocking 0 -buffering full -buffersize 4096 chan event $sock readable [list ::httpd::test::get_reply $sock] puts $sock $http if {![dict exists $headers Host]} { dict set headers Host localhost } if {[string length $body]} { if {![dict exists $headers Content-Type]} { dict set headers Content_Type text/plain } dict set headers Content-Length [string length $body] } foreach {f v} $headers { puts $sock "${f}: $v" } puts $sock {} if {[string length $body]} { chan configure $sock -translation binary -blocking 0 -buffering full -buffersize 4096 puts -nonewline $sock $body } flush $sock while {$reply($sock) eq {}} { update } #vwait [namespace current]::reply($sock) #puts ZZ\t[join [split $reply($sock) \n] "|\nZZ\t"]| return $reply($sock) } proc ::httpd::test::get_reply {sock} { variable buffer set data [read $sock] append buffer($sock) $data if {[eof $sock]} { chan event $sock readable {} set [namespace current]::reply($sock) $buffer($sock) unset buffer($sock) } } clay::define ::httpd::server { method log args {} method TemplateSearch page { set doc_root [my clay get server/ doc_root] if {$doc_root ne {} && [file exists [file join $doc_root $page.tml]]} { return [::fileutil::cat [file join $doc_root $page.tml]] } if {$doc_root ne {} && [file exists [file join $doc_root $page.html]]} { return [::fileutil::cat [file join $doc_root $page.html]] } switch $page { redirect { return {300 Redirect} } notfound { return {404 Not Found} } internal_error { return {500 Server Internal Error} } } } ::DEBUG method debug args { puts stderr $args } ::DEBUG method log args { puts stdout $args } } ### # Modify the reply class to return plain text ### clay::define ::httpd::reply { method HttpHeaders_Default {} { return { Status {200 OK} Content-Type {text/plain} Connection close } } method reset {} { my variable reply_body my reply replace [my HttpHeaders_Default] set reply_body {} } method error {code {msg {}} {errorInfo {}}} { my clay set HTTP_ERROR $code my reset set errorstring [my http_code_string $code] set qheaders [my clay dump] dict with qheaders {} my reply replace {} my reply set Status "$code $errorstring" my reply set Content-Type text/plain my puts "$code $errorstring" } } clay::define ::test::content.echo { method content {} { my variable reply_body set reply_body [my PostData [my request get CONTENT_LENGTH]] #puts [list REPLY BODY WAS $reply_body] } } clay::define ::test::content.file { superclass ::httpd::content.file method content {} { my reset set doc_root [my clay get path] my variable reply_file set reply_file [file join $doc_root pkgIndex.tcl] } } clay::define ::test::content.time { method content {} { my variable reply_body set reply_body $::NOW } } clay::define ::test::content.error { method content {} { error {The programmer asked me to die this way} } } clay::define ::test::content.cgi { superclass ::httpd::content.cgi } clay::define ::test::content.string { method content {} { my variable reply_body set reply_body [my clay get hardcoded_string] } } clay::define ::httpd::test::reply { superclass ::httpd::reply ::test::content.echo } ### # Build the server ### ::httpd::server create TESTAPP port 10001 doc_root $::TESTDIR TESTAPP plugin dict_dispatch TESTAPP uri add * / [list mixin {reply ::test::content.echo}] TESTAPP uri add * /echo [list mixin {reply ::test::content.echo}] TESTAPP uri add * /file [list mixin {reply ::test::content.file} path $::TESTDIR] TESTAPP uri add * /time [list mixin {reply ::test::content.time}] TESTAPP uri add * /error [list mixin {reply ::test::content.error}] TESTAPP uri add * /string [list mixin {reply ::test::content.string} hardcoded_string apple] # Catch all #TESTAPP uri add * * [list mixin {reply httpd::content.echo}] ::DEBUG puts httpd-client-0001 test httpd-client-0001 {Do an echo request} -body { ::httpd::test::send 10001 {POST /echo HTTP/1.0} {} {THIS IS MY CODE} } -match glob -result [200 {THIS IS MY CODE}] ::DEBUG puts httpd-client-0002 test httpd-client-0002 {Do another echo request} { ::httpd::test::send 10001 {POST /echo HTTP/1.0} {} {THOUGH THERE ARE MANY LIKE IT} } [200 {THOUGH THERE ARE MANY LIKE IT} 29] ::DEBUG puts httpd-client-0003 test httpd-client-0003 {Do another echo request} -body { ::httpd::test::send 10001 {POST /echo HTTP/1.0} {} {THIS ONE ALONE IS MINE} } -match glob -result [200 {THIS ONE ALONE IS MINE}] ::DEBUG puts httpd-client-0004 test httpd-client-0004 {URL Generates Error} -body { ::httpd::test::send 10001 {POST /error HTTP/1.0} {} {THIS ONE ALONE IS MINE} } -match glob -result [500] ::DEBUG puts httpd-client-0005 test httpd-client-0005 {URL Different output with a different request} -body { ::httpd::test::send 10001 {POST /time HTTP/1.0} {} {THIS ONE ALONE IS MINE} } -match glob -result [200 $::NOW] ::DEBUG puts httpd-client-0006 test httpd-client-0006 {Return a file} -body { ::httpd::test::send 10001 {GET /file HTTP/1.0} {} {} } -result [IndexReply] ::DEBUG puts httpd-client-0007 test httpd-client-0007 {URL Generates Not Found} -body { ::httpd::test::send 10001 {POST /doesnotexist HTTP/1.0} {} {THIS ONE ALONE IS MINE} } -match glob -result [404] ::DEBUG puts httpd-client-0008 test httpd-client-0008 {Pull a constant string} -body { ::httpd::test::send 10001 {GET /string HTTP/1.0} {} {} } -match glob -result [200 apple] # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Test proxies clay::define ::test::content.proxy { superclass ::httpd::content.proxy method proxy_channel {} { return [::socket localhost [my clay get proxy_port]] } } ::httpd::server create TESTPROXY port 10002 doc_root $::TESTDIR TESTAPP uri add * /proxy* [list mixin {reply ::test::content.proxy} proxy_port [TESTPROXY port_listening]] TESTPROXY plugin dict_dispatch TESTPROXY uri add * / [list mixin {reply ::test::content.echo}] TESTPROXY uri add * /echo [list mixin {reply ::test::content.echo}] TESTPROXY uri add * /file [list mixin {reply ::test::content.file} path $::TESTDIR] TESTPROXY uri add * /time [list mixin {reply ::test::content.time}] TESTPROXY uri add * /error [list mixin {reply ::test::content.error}] TESTPROXY uri add * /string [list mixin {reply ::test::content.string} hardcoded_string banana] ## AKU ## # # Note: Proxy replies are not normalized to \n. They contain \r\n # endings. The old test::compare was ok with that due to running a # trim on the lines it was comparing. Here we properly normalize # before feeding into the comparison. # # Note 2: I suspect that this leakage / non-normalization of of \r\n # in the server is a bug which should be fixed. If so, norm-eol # becomes superfluous. Right now it feels like a band-aid ::DEBUG puts httpd-proxy-0001 test httpd-proxy-0001 {Do an echo request} -body { norm-eol [::httpd::test::send 10001 {POST /proxy/echo HTTP/1.0} {} {THIS IS MY CODE}] } -match glob -result [200 {THIS IS MY CODE}] ::DEBUG puts httpd-proxy-0002 test httpd-proxy-0002 {Do another echo request} -body { norm-eol [::httpd::test::send 10001 {POST /proxy/echo HTTP/1.0} {} {THOUGH THERE ARE MANY LIKE IT}] } -result [200 {THOUGH THERE ARE MANY LIKE IT} 29] ::DEBUG puts httpd-proxy-0003 test httpd-proxy-0003 {Do another echo request} -body { norm-eol [::httpd::test::send 10001 {POST /proxy/echo HTTP/1.0} {} {THIS ONE ALONE IS MINE}] } -match glob -result [200 {THIS ONE ALONE IS MINE}] ::DEBUG puts httpd-proxy-0004 test httpd-proxy-0004 {URL Generates Error} -body { norm-eol [::httpd::test::send 10001 {POST /proxy/error HTTP/1.0} {} {THIS ONE ALONE IS MINE}] } -match glob -result [500] ::DEBUG puts httpd-proxy-0005 test httpd-proxy-0005 {URL Different output with a different request} -body { norm-eol [::httpd::test::send 10001 {POST /proxy/time HTTP/1.0} {} {THIS ONE ALONE IS MINE}] } -match glob -result [200 $::NOW] ::DEBUG puts httpd-proxy-0006 test httpd-proxy-0006 {Return a file} -body { norm-eol [::httpd::test::send 10001 {GET /proxy/file HTTP/1.0} {} {}] } -result [IndexReply] ::DEBUG puts httpd-proxy-0008 test httpd-proxy-0008 {Pull a constant string} -body { norm-eol [::httpd::test::send 10001 {GET /proxy/string HTTP/1.0} {} {}] } -result [200 banana 6] # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # cgi TESTAPP plugin local_memchan TESTAPP uri add * /cgi-bin* [list mixin {reply ::test::content.cgi} path $::TESTDIR/assets] ::DEBUG puts httpd-cgi-0001 test httpd-cgi-0001 {CGI Post} -body { norm-eol [::httpd::test::send 10001 {POST /cgi-bin/test_cgi.tcl HTTP/1.0} {} {THIS IS MY CODE}] } -match glob -result [200+status-conn {THIS IS MY CODE }] ::DEBUG puts httpd-cgi-0002 test httpd-cgi-0002 {CGI Get} -body { ::httpd::test::send 10001 {GET /cgi-bin/test_cgi.tcl HTTP/1.0} {} {} } -match glob -result [200+status-conn {Hi! }] ### # Test the local geturl method ### test httpd-memchan-0001 {Memchan GET} { TESTAPP local_memchan geturl /time } $NOW # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace eval ::scgi {} namespace eval ::scgi::test {} ### # Minimal test harness for the .tests # Not intended for public consumption # (But if you find it handy, please steal!) proc ::scgi::encode_request {headers body info} { variable server_block dict set outdict CONTENT_LENGTH [string length $body] set outdict [dict merge $outdict $server_block $info] dict set outdict PWD [pwd] foreach {key value} $headers { if {$key in { DOCUMENT_ROOT HTTPS PATH REQUEST_METHOD REQUEST_URI REMOTE_HOST REMOTE_ADDR REMOTE_PORT SCRIPT_NAME } || [string range $key 0 5] eq "HTTP_"} { dict set outdict $key $value } else { dict set outdict HTTP_[string map {"-" "_"} [string toupper $key]] $value } } set result {} foreach {name value} $outdict { append result $name \x00 $value \x00 } return "[string length $result]:$result," } proc ::scgi::test::send {port headers body} { set sock [socket localhost $port] variable reply set reply($sock) {} if {![dict exists $headers HOST]} { dict set headers HOST localhost } dict set headers REMOTE_IP dict set headers REMOTE_HOST localhost chan configure $sock -translation binary -blocking 0 -buffering full -buffersize 4096 chan event $sock readable [list ::scgi::test::get_reply $sock] set block [::scgi::encode_request $headers $body {}] puts -nonewline $sock $block flush $sock puts -nonewline $sock $body flush $sock while {$reply($sock) eq {}} { update } #vwait [namespace current]::reply($sock) #puts ZZ\t[join [split $reply($sock) \n] "|\nZZ\t"]| return $reply($sock) } proc ::scgi::test::get_reply {sock} { variable buffer set data [read $sock] append buffer($sock) $data if {[eof $sock]} { chan event $sock readable {} set [namespace current]::reply($sock) $buffer($sock) unset buffer($sock) } } namespace eval ::scgi { variable server_block {SCGI 1.0 SERVER_SOFTWARE {TclScgiServer/0.1}} } ### # Build the reply class ### ::clay::define ::scgi::test::reply { superclass ::httpd::reply method reset {} { my variable reply_body my reply replace [my HttpHeaders_Default] set reply_body {} } } ### # Build the server ### ::clay::define scgi::test::app { superclass ::httpd::server.scgi clay set reply_class ::scgi::test::reply } ::DEBUG puts [list ::test::content.file [info commands ::test::content.file]] scgi::test::app create TESTSCGI port 10003 doc_root $::TESTDIR TESTSCGI plugin dict_dispatch TESTSCGI uri add * / [list mixin {reply ::test::content.echo}] TESTSCGI uri add * /echo [list mixin {reply ::test::content.echo}] TESTSCGI uri add * /file [list mixin {reply ::test::content.file} path $::TESTDIR] TESTSCGI uri add * /time [list mixin {reply ::test::content.time}] TESTSCGI uri add * /error [list mixin {reply ::test::content.error}] TESTSCGI uri add * /string [list mixin {reply ::test::content.string} hardcoded_string cherry] ::DEBUG puts scgi-client-0001 test scgi-client-0001 {Do an echo request} -body { ::scgi::test::send 10003 {REQUEST_METHOD POST REQUEST_URI /echo} {THIS IS MY CODE} } -match glob -result [200+status-head {THIS IS MY CODE}] ::DEBUG puts scgi-client-0002 test scgi-client-0002 {Do another echo request} -body { ::scgi::test::send 10003 {REQUEST_METHOD POST REQUEST_URI /echo} {THOUGH THERE ARE MANY LIKE IT} } -match glob -result [200+status-head {THOUGH THERE ARE MANY LIKE IT}] ::DEBUG puts scgi-client-0003 test scgi-client-0003 {Do another echo request} -body { ::scgi::test::send 10003 {REQUEST_METHOD POST REQUEST_URI /echo} {THIS ONE ALONE IS MINE} } -match glob -result [200+status-head {THIS ONE ALONE IS MINE}] ::DEBUG puts scgi-client-0004 test scgi-client-0004 {URL Generates Error} -body { ::scgi::test::send 10003 {REQUEST_METHOD POST REQUEST_URI /error} {THIS ONE ALONE IS MINE} } -match glob -result [500+status-head] ::DEBUG puts scgi-client-0005 test scgi-client-0005 {URL Different output with a different request} -body { ::scgi::test::send 10003 {REQUEST_METHOD POST REQUEST_URI /time} {THIS ONE ALONE IS MINE} } -match glob -result [200+status-head $::NOW] ::DEBUG puts scgi-client-0006 test scgi-client-0006 {Return a file} -body { ::scgi::test::send 10003 {REQUEST_METHOD GET REQUEST_URI /file} {} } -result [IndexReply Status:] ::DEBUG puts scgi-client-0008 test scgi-client-0008 {Pull a constant string} -body { ::scgi::test::send 10003 {REQUEST_METHOD GET REQUEST_URI /string} {} } -match glob -result [200+status-head cherry] ### # Test the all object have been destroyed after ::clay::cleanup ### test httpd-garbage-collection {Test that garbage collection leaves nothing behind} -body { ::clay::cleanup info commands ::httpd::object::* } -result {} ::DEBUG puts all-tests-finished # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- testsuiteCleanup # Local variables: # mode: tcl # indent-tabs-mode: nil # End: