[section {Class ::httpd::reply}] A class which shephards a request through the process of generating a reply. The socket associated with the reply is available at all times as the [arg chan] variable. The process of generating a reply begins with an [cmd httpd::server] generating a [cmd http::class] object, mixing in a set of behaviors and then invoking the reply object's [cmd dispatch] method. In normal operations the [cmd dispatch] method: [list_begin enumerated] [enum] Invokes the [cmd reset] method for the object to populate default headers. [enum] Invokes the [cmd HttpHeaders] method to stream the MIME headers out of the socket [enum] Invokes the [cmd {request parse}] method to convert the stream of MIME headers into a dict that can be read via the [cmd request] method. [enum] Stores the raw stream of MIME headers in the [arg rawrequest] variable of the object. [enum] Invokes the [cmd content] method for the object, generating an call to the [cmd error] method if an exception is raised. [enum] Invokes the [cmd output] method for the object [list_end] [para] [section {Reply Method Ensembles}] The [cmd http::reply] class and its derivatives maintain several variables as dictionaries internally. Access to these dictionaries is managed through a dedicated ensemble. The ensemble implements most of the same behaviors as the [cmd dict] command. Each ensemble implements the following methods above, beyond, or modifying standard dicts: [list_begin definitions] [call method [cmd ENSEMBLE::add] [arg field] [arg element]] Add [arg element] to a list stored in [arg field], but only if it is not already present om the list. [call method [cmd ENSEMBLE::dump]] Return the current contents of the data structure as a key/value list. [call method [cmd ENSEMBLE::get] [arg field]] Return the value of the field [arg field], or an empty string if it does not exist. [call method [cmd ENSEMBLE::reset]] Return a key/value list of the default contents for this data structure. [call method [cmd ENSEMBLE::remove] [arg field] [arg element]] Remove all instances of [arg element] from the list stored in [arg field]. [call method [cmd ENSEMBLE::replace] [arg keyvaluelist]] Replace the internal dict with the contents of [arg keyvaluelist] [call method [cmd ENSEMBLE::reset]] Replace the internal dict with the default state. [call method [cmd ENSEMBLE::set] [arg field] [arg value]] Set the value of [arg field] to [arg value]. [list_end] [section {Reply Method Ensemble: http_info}] Manages HTTP headers passed in by the server. Ensemble Methods: [list_begin definitions] [call method [cmd http_info::netstring]] Return the contents of this data structure as a netstring encoded block. [list_end] [section {Reply Method Ensemble: request}] Managed data from MIME headers of the request. [list_begin definitions] [call method [cmd request::parse] [arg string]] Replace the contents of the data structure with information encoded in a MIME formatted block of text ([arg string]). [list_end] [section {Reply Method Ensemble: reply}] Manage the headers sent in the reply. [list_begin definitions] [call method [cmd reply::output]] Return the contents of this data structure as a MIME encoded block appropriate for an HTTP response. [list_end] [section {Reply Methods}] [list_begin definitions] [call method [cmd close]] Terminate the transaction, and close the socket. [call method [cmd HttpHeaders] [arg sock] [arg ?debug?]] Stream MIME headers from the socket [arg sock], stopping at an empty line. Returns the stream as a block of text. [call method [cmd ChannelRegister] [arg chan]] Registers a channel that will need to be flushed and closed when the object's destructor invokes the close method. [call method [cmd dispatch] [arg newsock] [arg datastate]] Take over control of the socket [arg newsock], and store that as the [arg chan] variable for the object. This method runs through all of the steps of reading HTTP headers, generating content, and closing the connection. (See class writetup). [call method [cmd error] [arg code] [arg ?message?] [arg ?errorInfo?]] Generate an error message of the specified [arg code], and display the [arg message] as the reason for the exception. [arg errorInfo] is passed in from calls, but how or if it should be displayed is a prerogative of the developer. [call method [cmd content]] Generate the content for the reply. This method is intended to be replaced by the mixin. Developers have the option of streaming output to a buffer via the [cmd puts] method of the reply, or simply populating the [arg reply_body] variable of the object. The information returned by the [cmd content] method is not interpreted in any way. If an exception is thrown (via the [cmd error] command in Tcl, for example) the caller will auto-generate a 500 {Internal Error} message. A typical implementation of [cmd content] look like: [example { tool::define ::test::content.file { superclass ::httpd::content.file # Return a file # Note: this is using the content.file mixin which looks for the reply_file variable # and will auto-compute the Content-Type method content {} { my reset set doc_root [my http_info get doc_root] my variable reply_file set reply_file [file join $doc_root index.html] } } tool::define ::test::content.time { # return the current system time method content {} { my variable reply_body my reply set Content-Type text/plain set reply_body [clock seconds] } } tool::define ::test::content.echo { method content {} { my variable reply_body my reply set Content-Type [my request get CONTENT_TYPE] set reply_body [my PostData [my request get CONTENT_LENGTH]] } } tool::define ::test::content.form_handler { method content {} { set form [my FormData] my reply set Content-Type {text/html; charset=UTF-8} my puts [my html header {My Dynamic Page}] my puts "" my puts "You Sent

" my puts "" foreach {f v} $form { my puts "" } my puts "

" my puts "Send some info:

" my puts "

" my puts "" foreach field {name rank serial_number} { set line "" my puts $line } my puts "
" my puts [my html footer] } } }] [call method [cmd EncodeStatus] [arg status]] Formulate a standard HTTP status header from he string provided. [call method FormData] For GET requests, converts the QUERY_DATA header into a key/value list. For POST requests, reads the Post data and converts that information to a key/value list for application/x-www-form-urlencoded posts. For multipart posts, it composites all of the MIME headers of the post to a singular key/value list, and provides MIME_* information as computed by the [cmd mime] package, including the MIME_TOKEN, which can be fed back into the mime package to read out the contents. [call method MimeParse [arg mimetext]] Converts a block of mime encoded text to a key/value list. If an exception is encountered, the method will generate its own call to the [cmd error] method, and immediately invoke the [cmd output] method to produce an error code and close the connection. [call method [cmd DoOutput]] Generates the the HTTP reply, and streams that reply back across [arg chan]. [call method PostData [arg length]] Stream [arg length] bytes from the [arg chan] socket, but only of the request is a POST or PUSH. Returns an empty string otherwise. [call method [cmd puts] [arg string]] Appends the value of [arg string] to the end of [arg reply_body], as well as a trailing newline character. [call method [cmd reset]] Clear the contents of the [arg reply_body] variable, and reset all headers in the [cmd reply] structure back to the defaults for this object. [call method [cmd timeOutCheck]] Called from the [cmd http::server] object which spawned this reply. Checks to see if too much time has elapsed while waiting for data or generating a reply, and issues a timeout error to the request if it has, as well as destroy the object and close the [arg chan] socket. [call method [cmd timestamp]] Return the current system time in the format: [example {%a, %d %b %Y %T %Z}] [call method [cmd Url_Decode] [arg string]] De-httpizes a string. [list_end]