# -*- tcl -*- asn.pcx # Syntax of the commands provided by package asn. # # For use by TclDevKit's static syntax checker (v4.1+). # See http://www.activestate.com/solutions/tcl/ # See http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/docs/Tcl_Dev_Kit/4.0/Checker.html#pcx_api # for the specification of the format of the code in this file. # package require pcx pcx::register asn pcx::tcldep 0.8.4 needs tcl 8.4 namespace eval ::asn {} pcx::message outOfMinRange {The number "%1$s" is below the allowed minimum of "%2$s"} err pcx::message outOfMaxRange {The number "%1$s" is aboove the allowed maximum of "%2$s"} err #pcx::scan pcx::check 0.8.3 std ::asn::asnApplication \ {checkSimpleArgs 2 2 { checkWholeNum checkWord }} pcx::check 0.8.3 std ::asn::asnApplicationConstr \ {checkSimpleArgs 1 -1 { checkWholeNum checkWord }} pcx::check 0.8.3 std ::asn::asnBMPString \ {checkSimpleArgs 1 1 { checkWord }} pcx::check 0.8.3 std ::asn::asnBitString \ {checkSimpleArgs 1 1 { checkWord }} pcx::check 0.8.3 std ::asn::asnBoolean \ {checkSimpleArgs 1 1 { checkBoolean }} pcx::check 0.8.3 std ::asn::asnChoice \ {checkSimpleArgs 1 -1 { checkWholeNum checkWord }} pcx::check 0.8.3 std ::asn::asnChoiceConstr \ {checkSimpleArgs 1 -1 { checkWholeNum checkWord }} pcx::check 0.8.3 std ::asn::asnContext \ {checkSimpleArgs 2 2 { checkWholeNum checkWord }} pcx::check 0.8.3 std ::asn::asnContextConstr \ {checkSimpleArgs 1 -1 { checkWholeNum checkWord }} pcx::check 0.8.3 std ::asn::asnEnumeration \ {checkSimpleArgs 1 1 { checkWholeNum }} pcx::check 0.8.3 std ::asn::asnGetApplication \ {checkSimpleArgs 2 4 { checkVarNameWrite checkVarNameWrite checkVarNameWrite checkVarNameWrite }} pcx::check 0.8.3 std ::asn::asnGetBMPString \ {checkSimpleArgs 2 2 { checkVarNameWrite checkVarNameWrite }} pcx::check 0.8.3 std ::asn::asnGetBitString \ {checkSimpleArgs 2 2 { checkVarNameWrite checkVarNameWrite }} pcx::check 0.8.3 std ::asn::asnGetBoolean \ {checkSimpleArgs 2 2 { checkVarNameWrite checkVarNameWrite }} pcx::check 0.8.3 std ::asn::asnGetContext \ {checkSimpleArgs 2 4 { checkVarNameWrite checkVarNameWrite checkVarNameWrite checkVarNameWrite }} pcx::check 0.8.3 std ::asn::asnGetEnumeration \ {checkSimpleArgs 2 2 { checkVarNameWrite checkVarNameWrite }} pcx::check 0.8.3 std ::asn::asnGetIA5String \ {checkSimpleArgs 2 2 { checkVarNameWrite checkVarNameWrite }} pcx::check 0.8.3 std ::asn::asnGetInteger \ {checkSimpleArgs 2 2 { checkVarNameWrite checkVarNameWrite }} pcx::check 0.8.3 std ::asn::asnGetLength \ {checkSimpleArgs 2 2 { checkVarname checkVarNameWrite }} pcx::check 0.8.3 std ::asn::asnGetNull \ {checkSimpleArgs 1 1 { checkVarNameWrite }} pcx::check 0.8.3 std ::asn::asnGetNumericString \ {checkSimpleArgs 2 2 { checkVarNameWrite checkVarNameWrite }} pcx::check 0.8.3 std ::asn::asnGetObjectIdentifier \ {checkSimpleArgs 2 2 { checkVarNameWrite checkVarNameWrite }} pcx::check 0.8.3 std ::asn::asnGetOctetString \ {checkSimpleArgs 2 2 { checkVarNameWrite checkVarNameWrite }} pcx::check 0.8.3 std ::asn::asnGetPrintableString \ {checkSimpleArgs 2 2 { checkVarNameWrite checkVarNameWrite }} pcx::check 0.8.3 std ::asn::asnGetResponse \ {checkSimpleArgs 2 2 { checkChannelID checkVarNameWrite }} pcx::check 0.8.3 std ::asn::asnGetSequence \ {checkSimpleArgs 2 2 { checkVarNameWrite checkVarNameWrite }} pcx::check 0.8.3 std ::asn::asnGetSet \ {checkSimpleArgs 2 2 { checkVarNameWrite checkVarNameWrite }} pcx::check 0.8.3 std ::asn::asnGetString \ {checkSimpleArgs 2 3 { checkVarNameWrite checkVarNameWrite checkVarNameWrite }} pcx::check 0.8.3 std ::asn::asnGetUTCTime \ {checkSimpleArgs 2 2 { checkVarNameWrite checkVarNameWrite }} pcx::check 0.8.3 std ::asn::asnGetUTF8String \ {checkSimpleArgs 2 2 { checkVarNameWrite checkVarNameWrite }} pcx::check 0.8.3 std ::asn::asnIA5String \ {checkSimpleArgs 1 1 { checkWord }} pcx::check 0.8.3 std ::asn::asnInteger \ {checkSimpleArgs 1 1 { checkInt }} pcx::check 0.8.3 std ::asn::asnNull \ {checkAtEnd} pcx::check 0.8.3 std ::asn::asnNumericString \ {checkSimpleArgs 1 1 { checkWord }} pcx::check 0.8.3 std ::asn::asnObjectIdentifier \ {checkSimpleArgs 1 1 { checkListValues 2 -1 { {pcx::checkRange 0 2} {pcx::checkRange 0 39} checkWholeNum } }} pcx::check 0.8.3 std ::asn::asnOctetString \ {checkSimpleArgs 1 1 { checkWord }} pcx::check 0.8.3 std ::asn::asnPeekByte \ {checkSimpleArgs 2 2 { checkVarname checkVarNameWrite }} pcx::check 0.8.3 std ::asn::asnPeekTag \ {checkSimpleArgs 4 4 { checkVarname checkVarNameWrite checkVarNameWrite checkVarNameWrite }} pcx::check 0.8.3 std ::asn::asnPrintableString \ {checkSimpleArgs 1 1 { checkWord }} pcx::check 0.8.3 std ::asn::asnRetag \ {checkSimpleArgs 2 2 { checkVarNameWrite checkWholeNum }} pcx::check 0.8.3 std ::asn::asnSequence \ {checkSimpleArgs 0 -1 { checkWord }} pcx::check 0.8.3 std ::asn::asnSequenceFromList \ {checkSimpleArgs 1 1 { checkList }} pcx::check 0.8.3 std ::asn::asnSet \ {checkSimpleArgs 0 -1 { checkWord }} pcx::check 0.8.3 std ::asn::asnSetFromList \ {checkSimpleArgs 1 1 { checkList }} pcx::check 0.8.3 std ::asn::asnString \ {checkSimpleArgs 1 1 { checkWord }} pcx::check 0.8.3 std ::asn::asnTag \ {checkSimpleArgs 1 3 { checkWholeNum {checkKeyword 1 {UNIVERSAL CONTEXT APPLICATION PRIVATE U C A P}} {checkKeyword 1 {C P 0 1}} }} pcx::check 0.8.3 std ::asn::asnUTCTime \ {checkSimpleArgs 1 1 { checkWord }} pcx::check 0.8.3 std ::asn::asnUTF8String \ {checkSimpleArgs 1 1 { checkWord }} pcx::check 0.8.3 std ::asn::defaultStringType \ {checkSimpleArgs 0 1 { {checkKeyword 1 {BMP UTF8}} }} proc pcx::checkInitRange {min max t i} { set w [lindex $t $i] if {[getLiteral $w num] && ![catch {incr num 0}]} { if {($min != {}) && ($num < $min)} { logError pcx::outOfMinRange [getTokenRange $w] $num $min } if {($max != {}) && ($num > $max)} { logError pcx::outOfMaxRange [getTokenRange $w] $num $min } } return [checkInt $t $i] } # Initialization via pcx::init. # Use a ::asn::init procedure for non-standard initialization. pcx::complete