# ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # string.test -*- tcl -*- # (C) 2017 Andreas Kupries. BSD licensed. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- source [file join \ [file dirname [file dirname [file join [pwd] [info script]]]] \ devtools testutilities.tcl] testsNeedTcl 8.5 testsNeedTcltest 2.0 testsNeed TclOO 1 support { use virtchannel_core/core.tcl tcl::chan::core use virtchannel_core/events.tcl tcl::chan::events } testing { useLocal string.tcl tcl::chan::string } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- test tcl-chan-string-1.0 {constructor wrong\#args} -body { tcl::chan::string } -returnCodes error \ -result {wrong # args: should be "tcl::chan::string content"} test tcl-chan-string-1.1 {constructor wrong\#args} -body { tcl::chan::string C X } -returnCodes error \ -result {wrong # args: should be "tcl::chan::string content"} # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- test tcl-chan-string-2.0 {tell, initial, empty} -setup { set c [tcl::chan::string ""] } -body { tell $c } -cleanup { close $c unset c } -result 0 test tcl-chan-string-2.1 {seek from start beyond eof is error} -setup { set c [tcl::chan::string ""] } -body { seek $c 10 } -cleanup { close $c unset c } -returnCodes error -result {Cannot seek after the end of the channel} test tcl-chan-string-2.2 {seek from end, eof, empty, tell} -setup { set c [tcl::chan::string ""] } -body { seek $c 0 end tell $c } -cleanup { close $c unset c } -result 0 test tcl-chan-string-2.3 {seek from end, eof, non-empty, tell} -setup { set c [tcl::chan::string Hello\n] } -body { seek $c 0 end tell $c } -cleanup { close $c unset c } -result 6 test tcl-chan-string-2.4 {seek from end, non-eof, non-empty, tell} -setup { set c [tcl::chan::string Hello\n] } -body { seek $c -6 end tell $c } -cleanup { close $c unset c } -result 0 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Explicit cleanup of loaded support classes. rename tcl::chan::events {} rename tcl::chan::core {} testsuiteCleanup return # Local Variables: # mode: tcl # indent-tabs-mode: nil # End: