[comment {-*- tcl -*- doctools manpage}] [manpage_begin term::ansi::code::attr n 0.1] [keywords ansi] [keywords {attribute control}] [keywords {color control}] [keywords control] [keywords terminal] [copyright {2006 Andreas Kupries }] [moddesc {Terminal control}] [titledesc {ANSI attribute sequences}] [category {Terminal control}] [require Tcl 8.4] [require term::ansi::code [opt 0.1]] [require term::ansi::code::attr [opt 0.1]] [description] This package provides symbolic names for the ANSI attribute control codes. For each control code a single command is provided which returns this code as its result. None of the commands of this package write to a channel; that is handled by higher level packages, like [package term::ansi::send]. [section API] [subsection Introspection] [list_begin definitions] [call [cmd ::term::ansi::code::attr::names]] This command is for introspection. It returns as its result a list containing the names of all attribute commands. [call [cmd ::term::ansi::code::attr::import] [opt [arg ns]] [opt [arg arg]...]] This command imports some or all attribute commands into the namespace [arg ns]. This is by default the namespace [emph attr]. Note that this is relative namespace name, placing the imported command into a child of the current namespace. By default all commands are imported, this can howver be restricted by listing the names of the wanted commands after the namespace argument. [list_end] [subsection Attributes] [list_begin definitions] [call [cmd ::term::ansi::code::attr::fgblack]] Set text color to [emph Black]. [call [cmd ::term::ansi::code::attr::fgred]] Set text color to [emph Red]. [call [cmd ::term::ansi::code::attr::fggreen]] Set text color to [emph Green]. [call [cmd ::term::ansi::code::attr::fgyellow]] Set text color to [emph Yellow]. [call [cmd ::term::ansi::code::attr::fgblue]] Set text color to [emph Blue]. [call [cmd ::term::ansi::code::attr::fgmagenta]] Set text color to [emph Magenta]. [call [cmd ::term::ansi::code::attr::fgcyan]] Set text color to [emph Cyan]. [call [cmd ::term::ansi::code::attr::fgwhite]] Set text color to [emph White]. [call [cmd ::term::ansi::code::attr::fgdefault]] Set default text color ([emph Black]). [call [cmd ::term::ansi::code::attr::bgblack]] Set background to [emph Black]. [call [cmd ::term::ansi::code::attr::bgred]] Set background to [emph Red]. [call [cmd ::term::ansi::code::attr::bggreen]] Set background to [emph Green]. [call [cmd ::term::ansi::code::attr::bgyellow]] Set background to [emph Yellow]. [call [cmd ::term::ansi::code::attr::bgblue]] Set background to [emph Blue]. [call [cmd ::term::ansi::code::attr::bgmagenta]] Set background to [emph Magenta]. [call [cmd ::term::ansi::code::attr::bgcyan]] Set background to [emph Cyan]. [call [cmd ::term::ansi::code::attr::bgwhite]] Set background to [emph White]. [call [cmd ::term::ansi::code::attr::bgdefault]] Set default background (Transparent). [call [cmd ::term::ansi::code::attr::bold]] Bold on. [call [cmd ::term::ansi::code::attr::dim]] Dim on. [call [cmd ::term::ansi::code::attr::italic]] Italics on. [call [cmd ::term::ansi::code::attr::underline]] Underscore on. [call [cmd ::term::ansi::code::attr::blink]] Blink on. [call [cmd ::term::ansi::code::attr::revers]] Reverse on. [call [cmd ::term::ansi::code::attr::hidden]] Hidden on. [call [cmd ::term::ansi::code::attr::strike]] Strike-through on. [call [cmd ::term::ansi::code::attr::nobold]] Bold off. [call [cmd ::term::ansi::code::attr::noitalic]] Italics off. [call [cmd ::term::ansi::code::attr::nounderline]] Underscore off. [call [cmd ::term::ansi::code::attr::noblink]] Blink off. [call [cmd ::term::ansi::code::attr::norevers]] Reverse off. [call [cmd ::term::ansi::code::attr::nohidden]] Hidden off. [call [cmd ::term::ansi::code::attr::nostrike]] Strike-through off. [call [cmd ::term::ansi::code::attr::reset]] Reset all attributes to their default values. [list_end] [vset CATEGORY term] [include ../common-text/feedback.inc] [manpage_end]