/* struct::tree - critcl - layer 1 declarations * (b) Node operations. */ #include #include #include /* .................................................. */ static void extend_children (TNPtr n); static int fill_descendants (TNPtr n, int lc, Tcl_Obj** lv, int at); /* .................................................. */ TNPtr tn_new (TPtr t, CONST char* name) { TNPtr n = ALLOC (TN); int new; n->name = Tcl_NewStringObj(name, -1); Tcl_IncrRefCount (n->name); tn_shimmer (n->name, n); if (Tcl_FindHashEntry (&t->node, name) != NULL) { Tcl_Panic ("struct::tree(c) tn_new - tried to use duplicate name for new node"); } n->he = Tcl_CreateHashEntry(&t->node, name, &new); Tcl_SetHashValue (n->he, (ClientData) n); n->tree = t; n->nextleaf = NULL; n->prevleaf = NULL; n->nextnode = NULL; n->prevnode = NULL; tn_node (n); tn_leaf (n); n->parent = NULL; n->child = NULL; n->maxchildren = 0; n->nchildren = 0; n->left = NULL; n->right = NULL; n->attr = NULL; n->index = -1; n->depth = -1; n->height = -1; n->desc = -1; return n; } void tn_delete (TNPtr n) { T* t = n->tree; /* We assume that the node either has no parent or siblings anymore, * or that their presence does not matter. The node may still have * children. They are deleted recursively. That is the situation * where the parent/sibling information does not matter anymore, and * can be ignored. */ tn_notleaf (n); tn_notnode (n); Tcl_DecrRefCount (n->name); n->name = NULL; Tcl_DeleteHashEntry (n->he); n->he = NULL; if (n->child) { int i; for (i = 0; i < n->nchildren; i++) { ASSERT_BOUNDS (i, n->nchildren); tn_delete (n->child [i]); n->child [i] = NULL; } ckfree ((char*) n->child); n->child = NULL; n->nchildren = 0; n->maxchildren = 0; } if (n->attr) { Tcl_HashSearch hs; Tcl_HashEntry* he; for(he = Tcl_FirstHashEntry(n->attr, &hs); he != NULL; he = Tcl_NextHashEntry(&hs)) { Tcl_DecrRefCount ((Tcl_Obj*) Tcl_GetHashValue(he)); } Tcl_DeleteHashTable(n->attr); ckfree ((char*) n->attr); n->attr = NULL; } ckfree ((char*) n); } /* .................................................. */ void tn_node (TNPtr n) { TPtr t = n->tree; TNPtr first = t->nodes; t->nnodes ++; n->nextnode = first; n->prevnode = NULL; t->nodes = n; if (!first) return; first->prevnode = n; } void tn_notnode (TNPtr n) { T* t = n->tree; if ((t->nodes == n) || n->prevnode || n->nextnode) { if (t->nodes == n) { t->nodes = n->nextnode; } if (n->prevnode) { n->prevnode->nextnode = n->nextnode; } if (n->nextnode) { n->nextnode->prevnode = n->prevnode; } n->prevnode = NULL; n->nextnode = NULL; t->nnodes --; } } void tn_leaf (TNPtr n) { TPtr t = n->tree; TNPtr first = t->leaves; if ((t->leaves == n) || n->prevleaf || n->nextleaf) { /* The node is already a leaf */ return; } /* Now make the non-leaf it a leaf */ t->nleaves ++; n->nextleaf = first; n->prevleaf = NULL; t->leaves = n; if (!first) return; first->prevleaf = n; } void tn_notleaf (TNPtr n) { T* t = n->tree; if ((t->leaves == n) || n->prevleaf || n->nextleaf) { if (t->leaves == n) { t->leaves = n->nextleaf; } if (n->prevleaf) { n->prevleaf->nextleaf = n->nextleaf; } if (n->nextleaf) { n->nextleaf->prevleaf = n->prevleaf; } n->prevleaf = NULL; n->nextleaf = NULL; t->nleaves --; } } /* .................................................. */ void tn_structure (TNPtr n, int depth) { n->depth = depth; n->desc = n->nchildren; /* #direct children */ depth ++; if (n->nchildren) { int i, maxh, h; for (i = 0, maxh = -1; i < n->nchildren; i++) { ASSERT_BOUNDS (i, n->nchildren); tn_structure (n->child [i], depth); h = n->child [i]->height; if (h > maxh) { maxh = h; } } n->height = maxh + 1; } else { n->height = 0; } /* Extend parent with our descendants. Do not count * ourselves. This is already done in the parent through * the 'direct children' clause above at the beginning * of the function. */ if (n->parent) { n->parent->desc += n->desc; } } /* .................................................. */ void tn_detach (TNPtr n) { /* Detaches the node from the tree by removing it from its parent * node. The sibling relationships are squashed as well, and the * index information for all right siblings is adjusted. The node * does retain its children. After this function is called the node * and its children are ready for tn_delete'. Or reinsertion in a * different place. */ TNPtr p = n->parent; if (p->nchildren == 1) { /* This node is the last node in its parent. We can release the * whole array of children now, and declare the parent to be a * leaf again. There is no need to touch the siblings references, * we know that they are NULL. */ ckfree ((char*) p->child); p->child = NULL; p->maxchildren = 0; p->nchildren = 0; tn_leaf (p); } else { /* The node is somewhere in the array of children of its * parent. We know the exact location, through 'index'. All * siblings to the right are moved down one slot, and their index * is adjusted in the same way. This is an O(n) * operation. Afterward we adjust the left/right references of the * node's siblings, if there are any, and reset the node's sibling * references as well. */ int i; for (i = n->index; i < (p->nchildren-1); i++) { ASSERT_BOUNDS (i, p->nchildren); ASSERT_BOUNDS (i+1, p->nchildren); p->child [i] = p->child [i+1]; p->child [i]->index --; } p->nchildren --; /* Note regarding the decrement: As the node was _not_ the last * child we know that the condition 'nchildren > 0' still holds, and * that there is no need to free the 'child' array. */ if (n->left) { n->left->right = n->right; } if (n->right) { n->right->left = n->left; } n->left = NULL; n->right = NULL; } n->parent = NULL; n->tree->structure = 0; } TNPtr* tn_detachmany (TNPtr n, int len) { /* Detaches the node n and its 'len -1' right siblings from the tree * by removing them from their parent node. In toto 'len' nodes are * removed. The sibling relationships are squashed as well, and the * index information for all right siblings is adjusted. The nodes * retain their children. After this function is called thes node * and their children are ready for tn_delete'. Or reinsertion in a * different place. * * The operation fails with a panic if there are less children we * can cut than requested. It also panics when trying to cut * nothing. * * Note: This function does not reset the parent reference in the * cut nodes. */ TNPtr* ch; TNPtr p = n->parent; int at = n->index; int end = at + len; ASSERT (end <= p->nchildren, "tn_detachmany - tried to cut too many children"); ASSERT (len > 0, "tn_detachmany - tried to cut nothing"); if ((at == 0) && (end == p->nchildren)) { /* All children are taken. There is no need to copy anything, we * can use the whole array, and reset the other information in the * parent. Note that the condition above implies 'at == 0'. The * parent node becomes a leaf again. */ ch = p->child; p->child = NULL; p->maxchildren = 0; p->nchildren = 0; tn_leaf (p); } else { /* Copies the cut nodes into a result array. Shifts the right * siblings down, if there are any. */ int i, k; ch = NALLOC (len, TNPtr); /* Examples. We always have nchildren = 10. * * _______________________________ * at = 2, len = 3. * * 01 234 56789 i = 0, k = 2 * 012 i = 3, k = 5 * * 01 234 56789 i = 2, k = 5 * 01 567 89 i = 7, k = 10 * * _______________________________ * at = 7, len = 3. * * 0123456 789 i = 0, k = 7 * 012 i = 3, k = 10 * * 0123456 789 i = 7, k = 10 * 0123456 nothing * * _______________________________ * at = 6, len = 3. * * 012345 678 9 i = 0, k = 6 * 012 i = 3, k = 9 * * 012345 678 9 i = 6, k = 9 * 012345 9 i = 7, k = 10 * * _______________________________ * at = 6, len = 1. * * 012345 6 789 i = 0, k = 6 * 0 i = 1, k = 7 * * 012345 6 789 i = 6, k = 7 * 012345 7 89 i = 9, k = 10 */ for (i = 0, k = at; i < len; i++, k++) { ASSERT_BOUNDS (k, p->nchildren); ASSERT_BOUNDS (i, len); ch [i] = p->child [k]; } for (i = at, k = end; k < p->nchildren; i++, k++) { ASSERT_BOUNDS (k, p->nchildren); ASSERT_BOUNDS (i, p->nchildren); p->child [i] = p->child [k]; p->child [i]->index -= len; } p->nchildren -= len; if (ch [0]->left) { ch [0]->left->right = ch [len-1]->right; } if (ch [len-1]->right) { ch [len-1]->right->left = ch [0]->left; } ch [0]->left = NULL; ch [len-1]->right = NULL; } n->tree->structure = 0; return ch; } TNPtr* tn_detachchildren (TNPtr n, int* nc) { TNPtr* children = n->child; *nc = n->nchildren; n->child = NULL; n->maxchildren = 0; n->nchildren = 0; tn_leaf (n); return children; } /* .................................................. */ void tn_append (TNPtr p, TNPtr n) { /* Appending is O(1) */ /* The node chosen as parent cannot be a leaf (anymore) */ int at = p->nchildren; tn_notleaf (p); /* Allocate/Extend child array as needed */ p->nchildren ++; extend_children (p); /* Link the node into the parent and to its left sibling, if * any. This overwrites any existing relationships. Make sure * that the node n is either new or was cut before. */ ASSERT_BOUNDS (at, p->nchildren); p->child [at] = n; n->parent = p; n->index = at; n->right = NULL; if (at > 0) { TNPtr sib; ASSERT_BOUNDS (at-1, p->nchildren); sib = p->child [at-1]; n->left = sib; sib->right = n; } p->tree->structure = 0; } void tn_appendmany (TNPtr p, int nc, TNPtr* nv) { int i; /* Appending is O(1) */ /* The node chosen as parent cannot be a leaf (anymore) */ int at = p->nchildren; tn_notleaf (p); /* Allocate/Extend child array as needed */ p->nchildren += nc; extend_children (p); /* Link the nodes into the parent and to their left siblings, if * any. This overwrites any existing relationships. Make sure that * the nodes are either new or were cut before. */ for (i = 0; i < nc; i++, at++) { ASSERT_BOUNDS (at, p->nchildren); ASSERT_BOUNDS (i, nc); p->child [at] = nv [i]; nv [i]->parent = p; nv [i]->index = at; nv [i]->right = NULL; if (at > 0) { TNPtr sib; ASSERT_BOUNDS (at, p->nchildren); sib = p->child [at-1]; nv [i]->left = sib; sib->right = nv [i]; } } p->tree->structure = 0; } /* .................................................. */ void tn_insert (TNPtr p, int at, TNPtr n) { int i, k; if (at >= p->nchildren) { tn_append (p, n); return; } /* Insertion at beginning, or somewhere in the middle */ if (at < 0) { at = 0; } /* The node chosen as parent cannot be a leaf */ /* anymore */ tn_notleaf (p); /* Allocate/Extend child array as needed */ p->nchildren ++; extend_children (p); /* Link the node into the parent and to its left and right siblings, * if any. This overwrites any existing relationships. Make sure * that the node n is either new or was cut before. * * Shift all nodes at 'at' and to the right one slot up. * Note that 'nchildren' is incremented already. */ for (i = p->nchildren-1, k = i-1; i > at; i--, k--) { ASSERT_BOUNDS (i, p->nchildren); ASSERT_BOUNDS (k, p->nchildren); p->child [i] = p->child [k]; p->child [i]->index ++; } p->child [at] = n; n->parent = p; n->index = at; /* We have to have a right sibling, otherwise it would have been * appending. We may have a left sibling. */ ASSERT_BOUNDS (at+1, p->nchildren); n->right = p->child [at+1]; p->child [at+1]->left = n; if (at == 0) { n->left = NULL; } else { ASSERT_BOUNDS (at-1, p->nchildren); n->left = p->child [at-1]; p->child [at-1]->right = n; } p->tree->structure = 0; } void tn_insertmany (TNPtr p, int at, int nc, TNPtr* nv) { int i, k; if (at >= p->nchildren) { tn_appendmany (p, nc, nv); return; } if (at < 0) { at = 0; } /* The node chosen as parent cannot be a leaf */ /* anymore */ tn_notleaf (p); /* Allocate/Extend child array as needed */ p->nchildren += nc; extend_children (p); /* Link the node into the parent and to its left and right siblings, * if any. This overwrites any existing relationships. Make sure * that the node n is either new or was cut before. * * Shift all nodes at 'at' and to the right one slot up. * Note that 'nchildren' is incremented already. */ for (i = p->nchildren-1, k = i-nc; k >= at; i--, k--) { ASSERT_BOUNDS (i, p->nchildren); ASSERT_BOUNDS (k, p->nchildren); p->child [i] = p->child [k]; p->child [i]->index += nc; } for (i = 0, k = at; i < nc; i++, k++) { ASSERT_BOUNDS (i, nc); ASSERT_BOUNDS (k, p->nchildren); nv [i]->parent = p; nv [i]->index = k; p->child [k] = nv [i]; } for (i = 0, k = at; i < nc; i++, k++) { if (k > 0) { ASSERT_BOUNDS (k, p->nchildren); ASSERT_BOUNDS (k-1, p->nchildren); p->child [k]->left = p->child [k-1]; p->child [k-1]->right = p->child [k]; } if (k < (p->nchildren-1)) { ASSERT_BOUNDS (k, p->nchildren); ASSERT_BOUNDS (k+1, p->nchildren); p->child [k]->right = p->child [k+1]; p->child [k+1]->left = p->child [k]; } } p->tree->structure = 0; } /* .................................................. */ void tn_cut (TNPtr n) { TNPtr p = n->parent; /* Remember the location of n in its */ int at = n->index; /* parent, this is the point there its * children are re-inserted */ int nc; TNPtr* nv; nv = tn_detachchildren (n, &nc); tn_detach (n); tn_insertmany (p, at, nc, nv); ckfree ((char*) nv); tn_delete (n); } TNPtr tn_dup (TPtr dst, TNPtr src) { TNPtr dstn; dstn = tn_new (dst, Tcl_GetString (src->name)); if (src->attr) { int i, new; Tcl_HashSearch hs; Tcl_HashEntry* he; Tcl_HashEntry* dhe; CONST char* key; Tcl_Obj* val; dstn->attr = ALLOC (Tcl_HashTable); Tcl_InitHashTable(dstn->attr, TCL_STRING_KEYS); for(i = 0, he = Tcl_FirstHashEntry(src->attr, &hs); he != NULL; he = Tcl_NextHashEntry(&hs), i++) { key = Tcl_GetHashKey (src->attr, he); val = (Tcl_Obj*) Tcl_GetHashValue(he); dhe = Tcl_CreateHashEntry(dstn->attr, key, &new); Tcl_IncrRefCount (val); Tcl_SetHashValue (dhe, (ClientData) val); } } if (src->nchildren) { int i; dstn->child = NALLOC (src->nchildren, TNPtr); dstn->maxchildren = src->nchildren; dstn->nchildren = 0; for (i = 0; i < src->nchildren; i++) { ASSERT_BOUNDS (i, src->nchildren); tn_append (dstn, tn_dup (dst, src->child [i])); } } return dstn; } /* .................................................. */ void tn_set_attr (TNPtr n, Tcl_Interp* interp, Tcl_Obj* dict) { Tcl_HashEntry* he; CONST char* key; Tcl_Obj* val; int new, i; int listc; Tcl_Obj** listv; if (Tcl_ListObjGetElements (interp, dict, &listc, &listv) != TCL_OK) { Tcl_Panic ("Malformed nodes attributes, snuck through validation of serialization."); } if (!listc) { return; } tn_extend_attr (n); for (i = 0; i < listc; i+= 2) { ASSERT_BOUNDS (i, listc); ASSERT_BOUNDS (i+1, listc); key = Tcl_GetString (listv [i]); val = listv [i+1]; he = Tcl_CreateHashEntry(n->attr, key, &new); Tcl_IncrRefCount (val); Tcl_SetHashValue (he, (ClientData) val); } } /* .................................................. */ void tn_extend_attr (TNPtr n) { if (n->attr != NULL) { return; } n->attr = ALLOC (Tcl_HashTable); Tcl_InitHashTable(n->attr, TCL_STRING_KEYS); } /* .................................................. */ int tn_depth (TNPtr n) { if (!n->tree->structure) { t_structure (n->tree); } return n->depth; } int tn_height (TNPtr n) { if (!n->tree->structure) { t_structure (n->tree); } return n->height; } int tn_ndescendants (TNPtr n) { if (n == n->tree->root) { /* For the root we do not need to know the structure data of the * tree to determine the number of descendants. It is the number * of nodes minus one, i.e. all nodes except the root. */ return n->tree->nnodes - 1; } else if (!n->nchildren) { /* If the node has no direct children we know there are no * descendants as well */ return 0; } else if (!n->tree->structure) { t_structure (n->tree); } return n->desc; } Tcl_Obj** tn_getdescendants (TNPtr n, int* nc) { int end; int lc = tn_ndescendants (n); Tcl_Obj** lv; *nc = lc; if (lc == 0) { return NULL; } lv = NALLOC (lc, Tcl_Obj*); end = fill_descendants (n, lc, lv, 0); ASSERT (end == lc, "Bad list of descendants"); return lv; } Tcl_Obj** tn_getchildren (TNPtr n, int* nc) { if (!n->nchildren) { *nc = 0; return NULL; } else { int i; Tcl_Obj** lv; *nc = n->nchildren; lv = NALLOC (n->nchildren, Tcl_Obj*); for (i = 0; i < n->nchildren; i++) { ASSERT_BOUNDS (i, n->nchildren); lv [i] = n->child [i]->name; } return lv; } } int tn_filternodes (int* nc, Tcl_Obj** nv, int cmdc, Tcl_Obj** cmdv, Tcl_Obj* tree, Tcl_Interp* interp) { int i; int ec; Tcl_Obj** ev; if (cmdc && (*nc > 0)) { /* Run the filter command over all nodes in the list. * Keep only the nodes passing the filter in the list. */ int lc = *nc; int src, dst, res, flag; /* Set up the command vector for the callback. * Two placeholders for tree and node arguments. */ ec = cmdc + 2; ev = NALLOC (ec, Tcl_Obj*); for (i = 0; i < cmdc; i++) { ASSERT_BOUNDS (i, ec); ev [i] = cmdv [i]; Tcl_IncrRefCount (ev [i]); } ASSERT_BOUNDS (cmdc, ec); ev [cmdc] = tree; /* Tree */ Tcl_IncrRefCount (ev [cmdc]); /* Run the callback on each element of the list */ for (src = 0, dst = 0; src < lc; src++) { /* Fill the placeholders */ ASSERT_BOUNDS (cmdc+1, ec); ASSERT_BOUNDS (src, lc); ev [cmdc+1] = nv [src]; /* Node */ /* Run the callback */ Tcl_IncrRefCount (ev [cmdc+1]); res = Tcl_EvalObjv (interp, ec, ev, 0); Tcl_DecrRefCount (ev [cmdc+1]); /* Process the result */ if (res != TCL_OK) { goto abort; } if (Tcl_GetBooleanFromObj (interp, Tcl_GetObjResult (interp), &flag) != TCL_OK) { goto abort; } /* Result is valid, use this decide retain/write over */ if (!flag) continue; ASSERT_BOUNDS (dst, lc); ASSERT_BOUNDS (src, lc); nv [dst] = nv [src]; dst++; } /* Cleanup state */ Tcl_ResetResult (interp); for (i = 0; i < cmdc; i++) { ASSERT_BOUNDS (i, ec); Tcl_DecrRefCount (ev [i]); } ASSERT_BOUNDS (cmdc, ec); Tcl_DecrRefCount (ev [cmdc]); /* Tree */ ckfree ((char*) ev); *nc = dst; } return TCL_OK; abort: /* We do not reset the interp result. It either contains * the non-boolean result, or the error message */ for (i = 0; i < cmdc; i++) { ASSERT_BOUNDS (i, ec); Tcl_DecrRefCount (ev [i]); } ASSERT_BOUNDS (cmdc, ec); Tcl_DecrRefCount (ev [cmdc]); /* Tree */ ckfree ((char*) ev); return TCL_ERROR; } /* .................................................. */ int tn_isancestorof (TNPtr na, TNPtr nb) { /* True <=> a is ancestor of b */ for (nb = nb->parent; nb != NULL; ) { if (na == nb) { return 1; } nb = nb->parent; } return 0; } /* .................................................. */ Tcl_Obj* tn_get_attr (TNPtr tdn, Tcl_Obj* empty) { int i; Tcl_Obj* res; int listc; Tcl_Obj** listv; Tcl_HashSearch hs; Tcl_HashEntry* he; CONST char* key; if ((tdn->attr == NULL) || (tdn->attr->numEntries == 0)) { return empty; } listc = 2 * tdn->attr->numEntries; listv = NALLOC (listc, Tcl_Obj*); for(i = 0, he = Tcl_FirstHashEntry(tdn->attr, &hs); he != NULL; he = Tcl_NextHashEntry(&hs)) { key = Tcl_GetHashKey (tdn->attr, he); ASSERT_BOUNDS (i, listc); ASSERT_BOUNDS (i+1, listc); listv [i] = Tcl_NewStringObj (key, -1); i++; listv [i] = (Tcl_Obj*) Tcl_GetHashValue(he); i++; } res = Tcl_NewListObj (listc, listv); ckfree ((char*) listv); return res; } int tn_serialize (TNPtr tdn, int listc, Tcl_Obj** listv, int at, int parent, Tcl_Obj* empty) { int self = at; ASSERT_BOUNDS (at+0, listc); ASSERT_BOUNDS (at+1, listc); ASSERT_BOUNDS (at+2, listc); listv [at++] = tdn->name; listv [at++] = (parent < 0 ? empty : Tcl_NewIntObj (parent)); listv [at++] = tn_get_attr (tdn, empty); if (tdn->nchildren) { int i; for (i = 0; i < tdn->nchildren; i++) { at = tn_serialize (tdn->child [i], listc, listv, at, self, empty); } } return at; } /* .................................................. */static int fill_descendants (TNPtr n, int lc, Tcl_Obj** lv, int at) { /* The descendants of the root are simply all nodes except the root * itself. That is easy to retrieve. */ if (n == n->tree->root) { TNPtr iter; for (iter = n->tree->nodes; iter != NULL; iter = iter->nextnode) { /* Skip the root node, it is not a descendant! */ if (iter == n) continue; ASSERT_BOUNDS (at, lc); lv [at] = iter->name; at++; } } else if (n->child) { int i; TNPtr c; for (i = 0; i < n->nchildren; i++) { c = n->child [i]; ASSERT_BOUNDS (at, lc); ASSERT_BOUNDS (i, n->nchildren); lv [at] = c->name; at++; at = fill_descendants (c, lc, lv, at); } } return at; } static void extend_children (TNPtr n) { if (n->nchildren > n->maxchildren) { if (n->child == NULL) { n->child = NALLOC (n->nchildren, TNPtr); } else { int nc = 2 * n->nchildren; TNPtr* new = (TNPtr*) attemptckrealloc ((char*) n->child, nc * sizeof (TNPtr)); if (new == NULL) { nc = n->nchildren; new = (TNPtr*) ckrealloc ((char*) n->child, nc * sizeof (TNPtr)); } n->child = new; n->maxchildren = nc; } } } /* * Local Variables: * mode: c * c-basic-offset: 4 * fill-column: 78 * End: */