[manpage_begin struct::prioqueue n 1.4] [keywords {ordered list}] [keywords prioqueue] [keywords {priority queue}] [moddesc {Tcl Data Structures}] [copyright {2003 Michael Schlenker }] [titledesc {Create and manipulate prioqueue objects}] [category {Data structures}] [require Tcl 8.2] [require struct::prioqueue [opt 1.4]] [description] This package implements a simple priority queue using nested tcl lists. [para] The command [cmd ::struct::prioqueue] creates a new priority queue with default priority key type [arg -integer]. This means that keys given to the [method put] subcommand must have this type. [para] This also sets the priority ordering. For key types [arg -ascii] and [arg -dictionary] the data is sorted in ascending order (as with [cmd lsort] [arg -increasing]), thereas for [arg -integer] and [arg -real] the data is sorted in descending order (as with [cmd lsort] [arg -decreasing]). [para] Prioqueue names are unrestricted, but may be recognized as options if no priority type is given. [list_begin definitions] [call [cmd ::struct::prioqueue] [opt [option {-ascii|-dictionary|-integer|-real}]] [opt [arg prioqueueName]] ] The [cmd ::struct::prioqueue] command creates a new prioqueue object with an associated global Tcl command whose name is [emph prioqueueName]. This command may be used to invoke various operations on the prioqueue. It has the following general form: [call [arg prioqueueName] [cmd option] [opt [arg {arg arg ...}]]] [cmd option] and the [arg arg]s determine the exact behavior of the command. The following commands are possible for prioqueue objects: [call [arg prioqueueName] [cmd clear]] Remove all items from the prioqueue. [call [arg prioqueueName] [cmd remove] [arg item]] Remove the selected item from this priority queue. [call [arg prioqueueName] [cmd destroy]] Destroy the prioqueue, including its storage space and associated command. [call [arg prioqueueName] [cmd get] [opt [arg count]]] Return the front [arg count] items of the prioqueue (but not their priorities) and remove them from the prioqueue. If [arg count] is not specified, it defaults to 1. If [arg count] is 1, the result is a simple string; otherwise, it is a list. If specified, [arg count] must be greater than or equal to 1. If there are no or too few items in the prioqueue, this command will throw an error. [call [arg prioqueueName] [cmd peek] [opt [arg count]]] Return the front [arg count] items of the prioqueue (but not their priorities), without removing them from the prioqueue. If [arg count] is not specified, it defaults to 1. If [arg count] is 1, the result is a simple string; otherwise, it is a list. If specified, [arg count] must be greater than or equal to 1. If there are no or too few items in the queue, this command will throw an error. [call [arg prioqueueName] [cmd peekpriority] [opt [arg count]]] Return the front [arg count] items priority keys, without removing them from the prioqueue. If [arg count] is not specified, it defaults to 1. If [arg count] is 1, the result is a simple string; otherwise, it is a list. If specified, [arg count] must be greater than or equal to 1. If there are no or too few items in the queue, this command will throw an error. [call [arg prioqueueName] [cmd put] [arg {item prio}] [opt [arg {item prio ...}]]] Put the [arg item] or items specified into the prioqueue. [arg prio] must be a valid priority key for this type of prioqueue, otherwise an error is thrown and no item is added. Items are inserted at their priority ranking. Items with equal priority are added in the order they were added. [call [arg prioqueueName] [cmd size]] Return the number of items in the prioqueue. [list_end] [vset CATEGORY {struct :: prioqueue}] [include ../common-text/feedback.inc] [manpage_end]