# -*- tcl -*- # pool.test: tests for the pool package. # Copyright (c) 2006,2015 Andreas Kupries # All rights reserved. # # RCS: @(#) $Id: pool.test,v 1.4 2006/10/09 21:41:42 andreas_kupries Exp $ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- source [file join \ [file dirname [file dirname [file join [pwd] [info script]]]] \ devtools testutilities.tcl] testsNeedTcl 8.2 testsNeedTcltest 1.0 testing { useLocal pool.tcl struct::pool } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace import struct::pool #---------------------------------------------------------------------- test pool-0.1 {pool errors, DUPLICATE_POOLNAME} { pool mypool catch {pool mypool} msg mypool destroy set msg } "The pool `mypool' already exists." test pool-0.2 {pool errors, VARNAME_EXISTS} { set ::struct::pool::existvar 1 catch {struct::pool::create existvar} errmsg unset ::struct::pool::existvar set errmsg } {A variable `::struct::pool::existvar' already exists.} test pool-0.3 {pool errors, NONINT_REQSIZE} { catch {pool mypool noninteger} errmsg set errmsg } {The second argument must be a positive integer value} test pool-0.4 {pool errors, NONINT_REQSIZE} { pool mypool catch {mypool maxsize noninteger} errmsg mypool destroy set errmsg } {The second argument must be a positive integer value} test pool-0.5 {pool errors, UNKNOWN_POOL} { catch {struct::pool::destroy NonExistentPool} errmsg set errmsg } {Nothing known about `NonExistentPool'.} test pool-0.6 {pool errors, BAD_SUBCMD} { pool mypool catch {mypool badsubcommand whateverargs} errmsg mypool destroy set errmsg } {Bad subcommand "badsubcommand": must be add, clear, destroy, info, maxsize, release, remove, or request} test pool-0.7 {pool errors, SOME_ITEMS_NOT_FREE} { pool mypool mypool add foo mypool request item catch {mypool clear} errmsg mypool release $item mypool destroy set errmsg } {Couldn't clear `mypool' because some items are still allocated.} test pool-0.8 {pool errors, SOME_ITEMS_NOT_FREE} { pool mypool mypool add foo mypool request item catch {mypool destroy} errmsg mypool release $item mypool destroy set errmsg } {Couldn't destroy `mypool' because some items are still allocated.} test pool-0.9 {pool errors, DUPLICATE_ITEM_IN_ARGS} { pool mypool catch {mypool add foo foo} errmsg mypool destroy set errmsg } {Duplicate item `foo' in arguments.} test pool-0.10 {pool errors, FORBIDDEN_ALLOCID} { pool mypool mypool add foo catch {mypool request item -allocID -1} errmsg mypool destroy set errmsg } {The value -1 is not allowed as an allocID.} test pool-0.11 {pool errors, ITEM_ALREADY_IN_POOL} { pool mypool mypool add foo catch {mypool add foo} errmsg mypool destroy set errmsg } {`foo' already is a member of the pool. No items registered.} test pool-0.12 {pool errors, ITEM_STILL_ALLOCATED} { pool mypool mypool add foo bar mypool request item -prefer foo catch {mypool remove foo} errmsg mypool release $item mypool destroy set errmsg } {Can't remove `foo' because it is still allocated.} test pool-0.13 {pool errors, ITEM_NOT_ALLOCATED} { pool mypool mypool add foo catch {mypool release foo} errmsg mypool destroy set errmsg } {Can't release `foo' because it isn't allocated.} test pool-0.14 {pool errors, EXCEED_MAXSIZE} { pool mypool mypool maxsize 8 catch {mypool add 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9} errmsg mypool destroy set errmsg } {This command would increase the total number of items beyond the maximum size of the pool. No items registered.} test pool-0.15 {pool errors, WRONG_INFO_TYPE} { pool mypool catch {mypool info wronginfotype} errmsg mypool destroy set errmsg } {Expected second argument to be one of: allitems, allocstate, cursize, freeitems, maxsize, but received: `wronginfotype'.} test pool-0.16 {pool errors, INVALID_POOLSIZE} { pool mypool mypool maxsize 8 mypool add 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 catch {mypool maxsize 7} errmsg mypool destroy set errmsg } {The pool currently holds 8 items. Can't set maxsize to a value less than that.} foreach {n cmd} { 1 {mypool info allocID foo} 2 {mypool request item -prefer foo} 3 {mypool release foo} 4 {mypool remove foo} } { test pool-0.17.$n {pool errors, ITEM_NOT_IN_POOL} { pool mypool mypool add bar catch $cmd errmsg mypool destroy set errmsg } {`foo' is not a member of mypool.} } foreach {n cmd} { 1 {mypool clear unknownarg} 2 {mypool request item unknownarg foo} 3 {mypool destroy unknownarg} 4 {mypool remove foo unknownarg} } { test pool-0.18.$n {pool errors, UNKNOWN_ARG} { pool mypool mypool add bar catch $cmd errmsg mypool destroy set errmsg } {Unknown argument `unknownarg'} } foreach {n cmd} { 1 {mypool add} 2 {mypool info cursize oneargtomany} 3 {mypool info allocID} 4 {mypool info allocID bar oneargtomany} 5 {mypool request item bar -prefer me} } { test pool-0.19.$n {pool errors, WRONG_ARGS} { pool mypool mypool add bar catch $cmd errmsg mypool destroy set errmsg } "wrong\#args" } testsuiteCleanup