This file records outstanding actions for the math module dd. 21 september 2021 Ticket de2be80fd27630f85c25c238fe26c89a3dfe9407: direction and octant delete the minus sign lead to diagram display bugs The changes were made in 2020, so a year ago. It is unclear what has happened and what should still be repaired. Apparently the definition in the Diagram package is screen-oriented. dd. 11 may 2021 Update linearalgebra code: - comparison of strings via == - using foreach instead of lassign dd. 4 march 2021 Paired t-test: dd. 19 february 2021 Provide alternatives for pdf-gamma/cdf-gamma: using mean and standard deviation instead of alpha and beta Support Kaplan-Meier for censored data dd. 11 february 2021 Check: - statistical procedures for testing " normality" - I saw some obviously not normal datasets that were still not flagged as such -- that seems to have been my mistake: comparing the wrong graphs Implement: - PPCC - Plot positions - QQ plots - general support for censored data dd. 19 january 2021 Solve a problem with determineSVD - reported by Nicolas Robert - the code turned out to be correct. Issue was closed. dd. 4 january 2021 Check the man pages: - [category] missing in several - [strong] used (deprecated) - or some other keyword, no, [nl] in dd. 27 november 2020 Stirling numbers - Most efficient via the recurrence relations and memoization? First kind: S1(n+1,k) = S1(n,k-1) - n S1(n,k) -- S1(n,1) = (-1)**(n-1) * (n-1)! , S1(n,0) = Kronecker(n,0) Second kind: S2(n,k) = S2(n-1,k-1) + k S2(n-1,k) -- S2(n,n) = 1, S2(n,1) = 1, S2(n,0) = Kronecker(n,0) -- done Note: [math::choose] does not take the bigints into account! More numbers: Fibonacci and Lucas numbers: F(0) = 1, F(1) = 1, F(n+2) = F(n+1) + F(n) L(0) = 1, L(1) = 3, L(n+2) = L(n+1) + L(n) dd. 23 november 2020 Add new procs by Manfred Rosenberger Clean up some of the code (notably the synonyms) dd. 2 november 2020 Generate the actual combinations - in math::combinatinatorics - take struct::list as an example!! dd. 20 september 2020 Incorporate suggestions by Manfred Rosenberger for the geometry package - done dd. 16 august 2020 Statistics: Based on article by Dennis Helsel: - Shapiro-Wilk or Anderson-Darling? - mean according to Kaplan-Meier - Box-Cox transformation dd. 17 april 2020 Issue with the totient function: Done dd. 6 february 2020 - Implement accelerations for infinite sums: - Method described on Wolfram - Method for alternating series from the book dd. 9 february - provides an overview - also interesting - thesis - yet another article dd. 4 november 2019 - Extend the set of test cases for linear interpolation with corner cases - these should fail with a clear error message. dd. 4 september 2018 - Implement a "typical profile" for timeseries and determining residuals (Plus perhaps a notion of outliers) - Implement detection of extreme values/periods with extreme values dd. 17 june 2018 - Factor out the backward rotation in the intersection routines for circles - Add a normalisation routine for vectors - Add routines to construct a perpendicular vector and line - Add a routine to return the perpendicular bisector of a line segment - Add routines to deal with triangles (incircle, circumcircle) - Add various other geometrical procs - Add documentation of the new procs dd. 12 june 2018 - Create a complex number based on modulus and argument dd. 24 january 2018 - Implement plot positions for ranking in statistics package - Implement a bootstrap method for selecting "new" samples - Implement maximum likelihood methods for various distributions (exponential, normal and binomial are simple enough). Partly esthetical. dd. 29 may 2017 - Implement Kronecker symbol (extension of Jacobi symbol) dd. 8 january 2017 - Fix problem with test-anova-F (at least the test cases 1.1 and 1.2) - done dd. 3 august 2016 - Fix problem in interpolation - integer arguments - done - Fix problem in pdf-lognormal and cdf-lognormal: stdev is now used as variance - done dd. 4 august 2016 - Add test case for permuted linear system - done - Add test case for pdf-lognormal and cdf-lognormal (non-unity standard deviation) - done dd. 11 april 2016 Fix problem in math::geometry::pointInsidePolygon (Eduard on comp.lang.tcl): % set polygon "-764 -677 -668 -1341 -124 -797 -508 -406" -764 -677 -668 -1341 -124 -797 -508 -406 % set point "838 456" 838 456 % package require math::geometry 1.1.3 % ::math::geometry::pointInsidePolygon $point $polygon 1 Possible solution at: I fixed the calculation of the point far away - but I want an edge case or two extra! dd. 10 november 2015, Arjen Markus Implement Box-Cox and Fisher's F test Note: Fisher's F test implemented as test-anova-F dd. 28 october 2015, Arjen Markus Implement Dunnett's test for means and Levene's test for standard deviations dd. 1 october 2015, Arjen Markus Implement the following geometrical functions: inproduct, crossProduct, areaParallellogram, unitVector, translate, rotate, rotateGeneral, reflect, reflectGeneral, angleBetween, affine, degToRad, radToDeg, mkAffine circles and triangles Still to be implemented: unitVector, rotateGeneral, reflectGeneral, affine, mkAffine don't use lset, but lappend instead? Describe the procedures Implement tests dd. 9 september 2015, Arjen Markus Implement an inverse Student's t function - based on cephes library (cprob.tgz) dd. 29 may 2015, Arjen Markus - implement a wavelets module - small stuff: create a proc that constructs a piece-wise linear function from a specification dd. 26 april 2015, Arjen Markus Add: - additional linear algebra procedures by Federico Ferri - lognormal income library by Eric Benedict - empirical distribution - tukey-duckworth test dd. 18 january 2014, Arjen Markus test cases for kernel-density: One test case is troublesome - uniform kernel, checking the total density dd. 26 october 2005, Arjen Markus qcomplex.test: extend the tests for cos/sin .. to include non-real results. dd. 28 september 2005, Arjen Markus optimize.tcl: linear programming algorithm ignores certain constraints (of type x > 0). Needs to be fixed dd. 22 june 2004, Arjen Markus add examples interpolate.tcl: more consistency in the calling convention checks on arguments (add tests for them) example of a parametrized function (also a test case!) optimize.tcl: provide an alternative for maximum