# ldap.test - Copyright (C) 2006 Michael Schlenker # # Tests for the Tcllib ldap package # # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution # of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- source [file join \ [file dirname [file dirname [file join [pwd] [info script]]]] \ devtools testutilities.tcl] testsNeedTcl 8.5 testsNeedTcltest 2.0 testing { useLocal ldap.tcl ldap use asn/asn.tcl asn } namespace import ::asn::* # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Tests # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- test ldap-2.0 {check info ip subcommand error handling } -body { ldap::info ip } -returnCodes {error} \ -result {Wrong # of arguments. Usage: ldap::info ip handle} test ldap-2.1 {check info ip subcommand error handling } -body { ldap::info ip foobar } -returnCodes {error} \ -result {Not a valid LDAP connection handle: foobar} test ldap-3.0 {check info connections subcommand error handling } -body { ldap::info connections foo } -returnCodes {error} \ -result {Wrong # of arguments. Usage: ldap::info connections} test ldap-4.0 {check info bound subcommand error handling } -body { ldap::info bound } -returnCodes {error} \ -result {Wrong # of arguments. Usage: ldap::info bound handle} test ldap-4.1 {check info bound subcommand error handling } -body { ldap::info bound foobar } -returnCodes {error} \ -result {Not a valid LDAP connection handle: foobar} test ldap-5.0 {check info tls subcommand error handling } -body { ldap::info tls } -returnCodes {error} \ -result {Wrong # of arguments. Usage: ldap::info tls handle} test ldap-5.1 {check info tls subcommand error handling } -body { ldap::info tls foobar } -returnCodes {error} \ -result {Not a valid LDAP connection handle: foobar} test ldap-6.0 {check info bounduser subcommand error handling } -body { ldap::info bounduser } -returnCodes {error} \ -result {Wrong # of arguments. Usage: ldap::info bounduser handle} test ldap-6.1 {check info bounduser subcommand error handling } -body { ldap::info bounduser foobar } -returnCodes {error} \ -result {Not a valid LDAP connection handle: foobar} test ldap-7.0 {check info saslmechanisms subcommand error handling } -body { ldap::info saslmechanisms } -returnCodes {error} \ -result {Wrong # of arguments. Usage: ldap::info saslmechanisms handle} test ldap-7.1 {check info saslmechanisms subcommand error handling } -body { ldap::info saslmechanisms foobar } -returnCodes {error} \ -result {Not a valid LDAP connection handle: foobar} test ldap-8.0 {check info extensions subcommand error handling } -body { ldap::info extensions } -returnCodes {error} \ -result {Wrong # of arguments. Usage: ldap::info extensions handle} test ldap-8.1 {check info extensions subcommand error handling } -body { ldap::info extensions foobar } -returnCodes {error} \ -result {Not a valid LDAP connection handle: foobar} test ldap-9.0 {check info control subcommand error handling } -body { ldap::info control } -returnCodes {error} \ -result {Wrong # of arguments. Usage: ldap::info control handle} test ldap-9.1 {check info control subcommand error handling } -body { ldap::info control foobar } -returnCodes {error} \ -result {Not a valid LDAP connection handle: foobar} test ldap-10.0 {check info features subcommand error handling } -body { ldap::info features } -returnCodes {error} \ -result {Wrong # of arguments. Usage: ldap::info features handle} test ldap-10.1 {check info features subcommand error handling } -body { ldap::info features foobar } -returnCodes {error} \ -result {Not a valid LDAP connection handle: foobar} test ldap-11.0 {check info whoami subcommand error handling } -body { ldap::info whoami } -returnCodes {error} \ -result {Wrong # of arguments. Usage: ldap::info whoami handle} test ldap-11.1 {check info whoami subcommand error handling } -body { ldap::info whoami foobar } -returnCodes {error} \ -result {Not a valid LDAP connection handle: foobar} test ldap-12.0 {check wrong num args for ldap::connect } -body { ldap::connect } -returnCodes {error} \ -result [tcltest::wrongNumArgs \ {ldap::connect} {host ?port?} 0] test ldap-13.0 {check wrong num args for ldap::secure_connect } -body { ldap::secure_connect } -returnCodes {error} \ -result [tcltest::wrongNumArgs \ {ldap::secure_connect} {host ?port? ?verify_cert? ?sni_servername?} 0] test ldap-14.0 {check wrong num args for ldap::starttls } -body { ldap::starttls } -returnCodes {error} \ -result [tcltest::wrongNumArgs {ldap::starttls} \ {handle ?cafile? ?certfile? ?keyfile? ?verify_cert? ?sni_servername?} 0] test ldap-15.0 {check wrong num args for ldap::bindSASL } -body { ldap::bindSASL } -returnCodes {error} \ -result [tcltest::wrongNumArgs {ldap::bindSASL} {handle ?name? ?password?} 0] test ldap-16.0 {check wrong num args for ldap::bind } -body { ldap::bind } -returnCodes {error} \ -result [tcltest::wrongNumArgs {ldap::bind} {handle ?name? ?password?} 0] test ldap-17.0 {check wrong num args for ldap::unbind } -body { ldap::unbind } -returnCodes {error} \ -result [tcltest::wrongNumArgs {ldap::unbind} {handle} 1 ] test ldap-18.0 {check wrong num args for ldap::search } -body { ldap::search } -returnCodes {error} \ -result [tcltest::wrongNumArgs {ldap::search} \ {handle baseObject filterString attributes args} 0] test ldap-19.0 {check wrong num args for ldap::searchInit } -body { ldap::searchInit } -returnCodes {error} \ -result [tcltest::wrongNumArgs {ldap::searchInit} \ {handle baseObject filterString attributes opt} 0] test ldap-20.0 {check wrong num args for ldap::searchNext } -body { ldap::searchNext } -returnCodes {error} \ -result [tcltest::wrongNumArgs {ldap::searchNext} {handle} 0 ] test ldap-21.0 {check wrong num args for ldap::searchEnd } -body { ldap::searchEnd } -returnCodes {error} \ -result [tcltest::wrongNumArgs {ldap::searchEnd} {handle} 0 ] test ldap-22.0 {check wrong num args for ldap::modify } -body { ldap::modify } -returnCodes {error} \ -result [tcltest::wrongNumArgs {ldap::modify} \ {handle dn attrValToReplace ?attrToDelete? ?attrValToAdd?} 0 ] test ldap-23.0 {check wrong num args for ldap::modifyMulti } -body { ldap::modifyMulti } -returnCodes {error} \ -result [tcltest::wrongNumArgs {ldap::modifyMulti} \ {handle dn attrValToReplace ?attrValToDelete? ?attrValToAdd?} 0 ] test ldap-24.0 {check wrong num args for ldap::add } -body { ldap::add } -returnCodes {error} \ -result [tcltest::wrongNumArgs {ldap::add} \ {handle dn attrValueTuples} 0 ] test ldap-25.0 {check wrong num args for ldap::addMulti } -body { ldap::addMulti } -returnCodes {error} \ -result [tcltest::wrongNumArgs {ldap::addMulti} \ {handle dn attrValueTuples} 0 ] test ldap-26.0 {check wrong num args for ldap::delete } -body { ldap::delete } -returnCodes {error} \ -result [tcltest::wrongNumArgs {ldap::delete} \ {handle dn} 0 ] test ldap-27.0 {check wrong num args for ldap::modifyDN } -body { ldap::modifyDN } -returnCodes {error} \ -result [tcltest::wrongNumArgs {ldap::modifyDN} \ {handle dn newrdn ?deleteOld? ?newSuperior?} 0 ] test ldap-28.0 {check wrong num args for ldap::disconnect } -body { ldap::disconnect } -returnCodes {error} \ -result [tcltest::wrongNumArgs {ldap::disconnect} \ {handle} 0 ] test ldap-29.0 {check invalid TLS option } -body { ldap::tlsoptions -foo bar } -returnCodes {error} \ -result {invalid TLS option '-foo'} # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Handling of string representation of filters (RFC 4515): # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc glue args { join $args "" } test filter-0.0 {[glue] should concatenate its string arguments} -body { glue a b c d \0 foo } -result abcd\0foo test filter-1.0 {LDAPString produces packed UTF-8} -body { binary scan [ldap::filter::LDAPString \u043a\u0430\u0448\u0430] H* foo set foo } -result d0bad0b0d188d0b0 -cleanup { unset foo } test filter-1.1 {AssertionValue produces packed UTF-8} -body { binary scan [ldap::filter::AssertionValue \u043a\u0430\u0448\u0430] H* foo set foo } -result d0bad0b0d188d0b0 -cleanup { unset foo } test filter-1.2 {AssertionValue produces packed UTF-8 but allows embedding of arbitrary bytes via escaping} -body { binary scan [ldap::filter::AssertionValue \u043a\\FF\u0430\\ab\u0448\\de\u0430\\Fe] H* foo set foo } -result d0baffd0b0abd188ded0b0fe -cleanup { unset foo } test filter-1.3 {LDAPString produces packed UTF-8, all characters pass as is} -body { binary scan [ldap::filter::LDAPString \u043a\\FF\u0430\\ab\u0448\\de\u0430\\Fe] H* foo set foo } -result d0ba5c4646d0b05c6162d1885c6465d0b05c4665 -cleanup { unset foo } test filter-2.0 {Backslash escaping in assertion values} -body { set a "" set b "" for {set i 0} {$i <= 255} {incr i} { append a [format \\%02x $i] ;# lowercase hex append b [format %c $i] } string equal [ldap::filter::AssertionValue $a] $b } -result 1 -cleanup { unset a b i } test filter-2.1 {Backslash escaping in assertion values} -body { set a "" set b "" for {set i 0} {$i <= 255} {incr i} { append a [format \\%02X $i] ;# uppercase hex append b [format %c $i] } string equal [ldap::filter::AssertionValue $a] $b } -result 1 -cleanup { unset a b i } test filter-3.1 {Malformed backslash escaping in assertion values} -body { ldap::filter::AssertionValue foo\\0 } -returnCodes error -result {Invalid filter: malformed assertion value} test filter-3.2 {Malformed backslash escaping in assertion values} -body { ldap::filter::AssertionValue \\foo } -returnCodes error -result {Invalid filter: malformed assertion value} test filter-3.3 {Malformed backslash escaping in assertion values} -body { ldap::filter::AssertionValue hA\\1x0rz } -returnCodes error -result {Invalid filter: malformed assertion value} test filter-3.4 {Malformed backslash escaping in assertion values} -body { ldap::filter::AssertionValue \\value } -returnCodes error -result {Invalid filter: malformed assertion value} test filter-3.5 {Malformed backslash escaping in assertion values} -body { ldap::filter::AssertionValue end\\ } -returnCodes error -result {Invalid filter: malformed assertion value} test filter-4.0 {Presence match} -body { ldap::filter::encode (Certificates=*) } -result [asnChoice 7 [ldap::filter::LDAPString Certificates]] test filter-4.1 {Presence match + attribute options} -body { ldap::filter::encode (Certificates\;binary\;X-FooBar=*) } -result [asnChoice 7 [ldap::filter::LDAPString Certificates\;binary\;X-FooBar]] test filter-5.0 {Equality match} -body { ldap::filter::encode (foo=bar) } -result [asnChoiceConstr 3 [glue \ [asnOctetString [ldap::filter::LDAPString foo]] \ [asnOctetString [ldap::filter::AssertionValue bar]]]] test filter-5.1 {Equality match with empty assertion value} -body { ldap::filter::encode (seeAlso=) } -result [asnChoiceConstr 3 [glue \ [asnOctetString [ldap::filter::LDAPString seeAlso]] \ [asnOctetString [ldap::filter::AssertionValue ""]]]] test filter-5.2 {Equality match + attribute options} -body { ldap::filter::encode (foo\;X-option=bar) } -result [asnChoiceConstr 3 [glue \ [asnOctetString [ldap::filter::LDAPString foo\;X-option]] \ [asnOctetString [ldap::filter::AssertionValue bar]]]] test filter-5.3 {Equality match, spaces in assertion value} -body { ldap::filter::encode {(personName=Jane W. Random)} } -result [asnChoiceConstr 3 [glue \ [asnOctetString [ldap::filter::LDAPString personName]] \ [asnOctetString [ldap::filter::AssertionValue "Jane W. Random"]]]] test filter-6.0 {Approx match} -body { ldap::filter::encode (descr~=val) } -result [asnChoiceConstr 8 [glue \ [asnOctetString [ldap::filter::LDAPString descr]] \ [asnOctetString [ldap::filter::AssertionValue val]]]] test filter-6.1 {Approx match with empty assertion value} -body { ldap::filter::encode (cn~=) } -result [asnChoiceConstr 8 [glue \ [asnOctetString [ldap::filter::LDAPString cn]] \ [asnOctetString [ldap::filter::AssertionValue ""]]]] test filter-6.2 {Approx match + attribute options} -body { ldap::filter::encode (binaryCert\;binary~=0000) } -result [asnChoiceConstr 8 [glue \ [asnOctetString [ldap::filter::LDAPString binaryCert\;binary]] \ [asnOctetString [ldap::filter::AssertionValue 0000]]]] test filter-7.0 {Less or equal match} -body { ldap::filter::encode (attr<=string) } -result [asnChoiceConstr 6 [glue \ [asnOctetString [ldap::filter::LDAPString attr]] \ [asnOctetString [ldap::filter::AssertionValue string]]]] test filter-7.1 {Less or equal match with empty assertion value} -body { ldap::filter::encode (attr<=) } -result [asnChoiceConstr 6 [glue \ [asnOctetString [ldap::filter::LDAPString attr]] \ [asnOctetString [ldap::filter::AssertionValue ""]]]] test filter-7.2 {Less or equal match + attribute options} -body { ldap::filter::encode (binaryCert\;binary<=01234) } -result [asnChoiceConstr 6 [glue \ [asnOctetString [ldap::filter::LDAPString binaryCert\;binary]] \ [asnOctetString [ldap::filter::AssertionValue 01234]]]] test filter-8.0 {Greater or equal match} -body { ldap::filter::encode (one>=two) } -result [asnChoiceConstr 5 [glue \ [asnOctetString [ldap::filter::LDAPString one]] \ [asnOctetString [ldap::filter::AssertionValue two]]]] test filter-8.1 {Greater or equal match with empty attribute} -body { ldap::filter::encode (one>=) } -result [asnChoiceConstr 5 [glue \ [asnOctetString [ldap::filter::LDAPString one]] \ [asnOctetString [ldap::filter::AssertionValue ""]]]] test filter-8.2 {Greater or equal match + attribute options} -body { ldap::filter::encode (exampleAttr\;X-experimental>=value) } -result [asnChoiceConstr 5 [glue \ [asnOctetString [ldap::filter::LDAPString exampleAttr\;X-experimental]] \ [asnOctetString [ldap::filter::AssertionValue value]]]] test filter-9.0 {Substrings match: only initial string} -body { ldap::filter::encode (sAMAccountName=management-*) } -result [asnChoiceConstr 4 [glue \ [asnOctetString [ldap::filter::LDAPString sAMAccountName]] \ [asnSequence [asnChoice 0 [ldap::filter::AssertionValue management-]]]]] test filter-9.1 {Substrings match: only final string} -body { ldap::filter::encode (User=*ish) } -result [asnChoiceConstr 4 [glue \ [asnOctetString [ldap::filter::LDAPString User]] \ [asnSequence [asnChoice 2 [ldap::filter::AssertionValue ish]]]]] test filter-9.2 {Substrings match: initial and final strings} -body { ldap::filter::encode (OU=F*off) } -result [asnChoiceConstr 4 [glue \ [asnOctetString [ldap::filter::LDAPString OU]] \ [asnSequence \ [asnChoice 0 [ldap::filter::AssertionValue F]] \ [asnChoice 2 [ldap::filter::AssertionValue off]]]]] test filter-9.3 {Substrings match: initial, any and final strings} -body { ldap::filter::encode (mail=Schlenk*@uni-*.de) } -result [asnChoiceConstr 4 [glue \ [asnOctetString [ldap::filter::LDAPString mail]] \ [asnSequence \ [asnChoice 0 [ldap::filter::AssertionValue Schlenk]] \ [asnChoice 1 [ldap::filter::AssertionValue @uni-]] \ [asnChoice 2 [ldap::filter::AssertionValue .de]]]]] test filter-9.4 {Substrings match: multiple any strings} -body { ldap::filter::encode (Something=a*b*c*d*e) } -result [asnChoiceConstr 4 [glue \ [asnOctetString [ldap::filter::LDAPString Something]] \ [asnSequence \ [asnChoice 0 [ldap::filter::AssertionValue a]] \ [asnChoice 1 [ldap::filter::AssertionValue b]] \ [asnChoice 1 [ldap::filter::AssertionValue c]] \ [asnChoice 1 [ldap::filter::AssertionValue d]] \ [asnChoice 2 [ldap::filter::AssertionValue e]]]]] test filter-9.5 {Substrings match: no initial and final strings} -body { ldap::filter::encode (Whatever=*foo*) } -result [asnChoiceConstr 4 [glue \ [asnOctetString [ldap::filter::LDAPString Whatever]] \ [asnSequence \ [asnChoice 1 [ldap::filter::AssertionValue foo]]]]] test filter-9.6 {Substrings match: empty any string prevention} -body { ldap::filter::encode {(Person=J.Ra***m Hacker)} } -result [asnChoiceConstr 4 [glue \ [asnOctetString [ldap::filter::LDAPString Person]] \ [asnSequence \ [asnChoice 0 [ldap::filter::AssertionValue J.Ra]] \ [asnChoice 2 [ldap::filter::AssertionValue {m Hacker}]]]]] test filter-9.7 {Substrings match: empty any string prevention} -body { ldap::filter::encode (SomeType=***foo***bar***baz**********) } -result [asnChoiceConstr 4 [glue \ [asnOctetString [ldap::filter::LDAPString SomeType]] \ [asnSequence \ [asnChoice 1 [ldap::filter::AssertionValue foo]] \ [asnChoice 1 [ldap::filter::AssertionValue bar]] \ [asnChoice 1 [ldap::filter::AssertionValue baz]]]]] test filter-9.8 {Substrings match: parsing to zero parts} -body { ldap::filter::encode (SomeType=**) } -returnCodes error -result {Invalid filter: substrings match parses to zero parts} test filter-9.10 {Substrings match: parsing to zero parts} -body { ldap::filter::encode (SomeOtherType=*****) } -returnCodes error -result {Invalid filter: substrings match parses to zero parts} test filter-9.11 {Substrings match: spaces in assertion value} -body { ldap::filter::encode {(Something=Jane Random*and*J. Random Hacker)} } -result [asnChoiceConstr 4 [glue \ [asnOctetString [ldap::filter::LDAPString Something]] \ [asnSequence \ [asnChoice 0 [ldap::filter::AssertionValue "Jane Random"]] \ [asnChoice 1 [ldap::filter::AssertionValue and]] \ [asnChoice 2 [ldap::filter::AssertionValue "J. Random Hacker"]]]]] test filter-10.0 {Extensible match: only attribute description} -body { ldap::filter::encode (AttrDesc:=10) } -result [asnChoiceConstr 9 [glue \ [asnChoice 2 [ldap::filter::LDAPString AttrDesc]] \ [asnChoice 3 [ldap::filter::AssertionValue 10]]]] test filter-10.1 {Extensible match: attribute description + matching rule} -body { ldap::filter::encode (personKind:caseIgnoreMatch:=bad) } -result [asnChoiceConstr 9 [glue \ [asnChoice 1 [ldap::filter::LDAPString caseIgnoreMatch]] \ [asnChoice 2 [ldap::filter::LDAPString personKind]] \ [asnChoice 3 [ldap::filter::AssertionValue bad]]]] test filter-10.2 {Extensible match: attribute description + matching rule in form of numericoid} -body { ldap::filter::encode (personKind: } -result [asnChoiceConstr 9 [glue \ [asnChoice 1 [ldap::filter::LDAPString]] \ [asnChoice 2 [ldap::filter::LDAPString personKind]] \ [asnChoice 3 [ldap::filter::AssertionValue good]]]] test filter-10.3 {Extensible match: attribute description + DN flag} -body { ldap::filter::encode (Foobar:dn:=345) } -result [asnChoiceConstr 9 [glue \ [asnChoice 2 [ldap::filter::LDAPString Foobar]] \ [asnChoice 3 [ldap::filter::AssertionValue 345]] \ [asnChoice 4 [binary format cc 1 1]]]] test filter-10.4 {Extensible match: attribute description + DN flag + matching rule} -body { ldap::filter::encode (NamelessOne:dn:caseIgnoreIA5Match:=who) } -result [asnChoiceConstr 9 [glue \ [asnChoice 1 [ldap::filter::LDAPString caseIgnoreIA5Match]] \ [asnChoice 2 [ldap::filter::LDAPString NamelessOne]] \ [asnChoice 3 [ldap::filter::AssertionValue who]] \ [asnChoice 4 [binary format cc 1 1]]]] test filter-10.5 {Extensible match: attribute description + DN flag + matching rule numericoid} -body { ldap::filter::encode (OU:dn:111.222.333.444:=test) } -result [asnChoiceConstr 9 [glue \ [asnChoice 1 [ldap::filter::LDAPString 111.222.333.444]] \ [asnChoice 2 [ldap::filter::LDAPString OU]] \ [asnChoice 3 [ldap::filter::AssertionValue test]] \ [asnChoice 4 [binary format cc 1 1]]]] test filter-10.6 {Extensible match: matching rule alone} -body { ldap::filter::encode (:caseIgnoreIA5Match:=they) } -result [asnChoiceConstr 9 [glue \ [asnChoice 1 [ldap::filter::LDAPString caseIgnoreIA5Match]] \ [asnChoice 3 [ldap::filter::AssertionValue they]]]] test filter-10.7 {Extensible match: matching rule alone, in form of numericoid} -body { ldap::filter::encode (:874.274.378.432:=value) } -result [asnChoiceConstr 9 [glue \ [asnChoice 1 [ldap::filter::LDAPString 874.274.378.432]] \ [asnChoice 3 [ldap::filter::AssertionValue value]]]] test filter-10.8 {Extensible match: matching rule + DN flag} -body { ldap::filter::encode (:dn:caseIgnoreIA5Match:=they) } -result [asnChoiceConstr 9 [glue \ [asnChoice 1 [ldap::filter::LDAPString caseIgnoreIA5Match]] \ [asnChoice 3 [ldap::filter::AssertionValue they]] \ [asnChoice 4 [binary format cc 1 1]]]] test filter-10.9 {Extensible match: matching rule (numericoid) + DN flag} -body { ldap::filter::encode (:dn:111.222.333.444:=value) } -result [asnChoiceConstr 9 [glue \ [asnChoice 1 [ldap::filter::LDAPString 111.222.333.444]] \ [asnChoice 3 [ldap::filter::AssertionValue value]] \ [asnChoice 4 [binary format cc 1 1]]]] test filter-10.10 {Extensible match: empty assertion value} -body { ldap::filter::encode (AttrDesc:=) } -result [asnChoiceConstr 9 [glue \ [asnChoice 2 [ldap::filter::LDAPString AttrDesc]] \ [asnChoice 3 [ldap::filter::AssertionValue ""]]]] test filter-10.11 {Extensible match: empty assertion value, DN flag} -body { ldap::filter::encode (AttrDesc:dn:=) } -result [asnChoiceConstr 9 [glue \ [asnChoice 2 [ldap::filter::LDAPString AttrDesc]] \ [asnChoice 3 [ldap::filter::AssertionValue ""]] \ [asnChoice 4 [binary format cc 1 1]]]] test filter-10.11 {Extensible match: matching rule with empty assertion value} -body { ldap::filter::encode (:caseIgnoreIA5Match:=) } -result [asnChoiceConstr 9 [glue \ [asnChoice 1 [ldap::filter::LDAPString caseIgnoreIA5Match]] \ [asnChoice 3 [ldap::filter::AssertionValue ""]]]] test filter-10.12 {Extensible match: empty LHS} -body { ldap::filter::encode (:=foo) } -returnCodes error -result {Invalid filter: malformed attribute description} test filter-10.12 {Extensible match: empty DN flag or matching rule OID} -body { ldap::filter::encode (attrDesc::=bar) } -returnCodes error -result {Invalid filter: malformed attribute description} test filter-10.12 {Extensible match: empty matching rule OID} -body { ldap::filter::encode (attrDesc:dn::=baz) } -returnCodes error -result {Invalid filter: malformed attribute description} test filter-10.13 {Extensible match: empty DN flag} -body { ldap::filter::encode (attrDesc::caseIgnoreMatch:=quux) } -returnCodes error -result {Invalid filter: malformed attribute description} test filter-10.14 {Extensible match: empty DN flag} -body { ldap::filter::encode (::caseIgnoreMatch:=foo) } -returnCodes error -result {Invalid filter: malformed attribute description} test filter-10.15 {Extensible match: empty matching rule OID} -body { ldap::filter::encode (::=bar) } -returnCodes error -result {Invalid filter: malformed attribute description} test filter-10.16 {Extensible match: malformed matching rule numericoid} -body { ldap::filter::encode (:111.222.333.xxx:=baz) } -returnCodes error -result {Invalid filter: malformed attribute description} test filter-10.17 {Extensible match: malformed matching rule numericoid} -body { ldap::filter::encode (userCategory:111.222.333.444\;binary:=baz) } -returnCodes error -result {Invalid filter: malformed attribute description} test filter-10.18 {Extensible match: malformed matching rule numericoid} -body { ldap::filter::encode (userCategory:dn:111.222.333.444\;x-bar:=foo) } -returnCodes error -result {Invalid filter: malformed attribute description} test filter-10.19 {Extensible match: malformed matching rule numericoid} -body { ldap::filter::encode (:caseIgnoreIA5Match\;lang-ru:=quux) } -returnCodes error -result {Invalid filter: malformed attribute description} test filter-10.20 {Extensible match: camel-cased DN flag} -body { ldap::filter::encode (attrDesc:Dn:caseIgnoreMatch:=quux) } -returnCodes error -result {Invalid filter: malformed attribute description} test filter-10.21 {Extensible match: prohibited character in attribute description} -body { ldap::filter::encode (4cast:=foo) } -returnCodes error -result {Invalid filter: malformed attribute description} test filter-10.22 {Extensible match: gibberish in place of DN flag} -body { ldap::filter::encode (OU:gibberish:caseIgnoreIA5Match:=bar) } -returnCodes error -result {Invalid filter: malformed attribute description} test filter-10.23 {Extensible match: options in attribute description} -body { ldap::filter::encode (personAge\;lang-ru\;x-foo:numericMatch:=99) } -result [asnChoiceConstr 9 [glue \ [asnChoice 1 [ldap::filter::LDAPString numericMatch]] \ [asnChoice 2 [ldap::filter::LDAPString personAge\;lang-ru\;x-foo]] \ [asnChoice 3 [ldap::filter::AssertionValue 99]]]] test filter-10.24 {Extensible match: options in attribute description} -body { ldap::filter::encode (111.222.333.444\;x-bar:dn:555.666.777.888:=foo) } -result [asnChoiceConstr 9 [glue \ [asnChoice 1 [ldap::filter::LDAPString 555.666.777.888]] \ [asnChoice 2 [ldap::filter::LDAPString 111.222.333.444\;x-bar]] \ [asnChoice 3 [ldap::filter::AssertionValue foo]] \ [asnChoice 4 [binary format cc 1 1]]]] test filter-11.1 {Prohibited characters in argument value} -body { ldap::filter::encode (foo=bar(and)baz) } -returnCodes error -result {Invalid filter: malformed assertion value} test filter-11.2 {Prohibited characters in argument value} -body { ldap::filter::encode (zero=lurks\0here) } -returnCodes error -result {Invalid filter: malformed assertion value} test filter-11.3 {Prohibited characters in argument value} -body { ldap::filter::encode (extensible:=asterisk*) } -returnCodes error -result {Invalid filter: malformed assertion value} test filter-12.0 {Malformed attribute description: empty} -body { ldap::filter::encode (=foo) } -returnCodes error -result {Invalid filter: malformed attribute description} test filter-12.1 {Malformed attribute description: doesn't start with a letter} -body { ldap::filter::encode (2forTheRoad=bar) } -returnCodes error -result {Invalid filter: malformed attribute description} test filter-12.2 {Malformed attribute description: mix of descr and numericoid} -body { ldap::filter::encode (foo.12.13=bar) } -returnCodes error -result {Invalid filter: malformed attribute description} test filter-12.3 {Malformed attribute description: bad numericoid} -body { ldap::filter::encode (.11.12.13=bar) } -returnCodes error -result {Invalid filter: malformed attribute description} test filter-12.4 {Malformed attribute description: bad numericoid} -body { ldap::filter::encode (11.12.13.=bar) } -returnCodes error -result {Invalid filter: malformed attribute description} test filter-12.5 {Malformed attribute description: prohibited character in descr} -body { ldap::filter::encode (cn_2=bar) } -returnCodes error -result {Invalid filter: malformed attribute description} test filter-12.6 {Malformed attribute description: prohibited character in option} -body { ldap::filter::encode (OU\;lang_en=bar) } -returnCodes error -result {Invalid filter: malformed attribute description} test filter-12.7 {Malformed attribute description: colon in an LHS part of a rule which doesn't represent an extensible match} -body { ldap::filter::encode (phoneNumber:dn=value) } -returnCodes error -result {Invalid filter: malformed attribute description} test filter-12.8 {Malformed attribute description: empty option} -body { ldap::filter::encode (CN\;\;lang-ru=?) } -returnCodes error -result {Invalid filter: malformed attribute description} test filter-13.1 {Malformed assertion value: prohibited characters} -body { ldap::filter::encode (foo<=*) } -returnCodes error -result {Invalid filter: malformed assertion value} test filter-13.2 {Malformed assertion value: prohibited characters} -body { ldap::filter::encode (foo=() } -returnCodes error -result {Invalid filter: malformed assertion value} test filter-13.3 {Malformed assertion value: prohibited characters} -body { ldap::filter::encode (foo=)) } -returnCodes error -result {Invalid filter: malformed assertion value} test filter-13.4 {Malformed assertion value: prohibited characters} -body { ldap::filter::encode (foo=\\) } -returnCodes error -result {Invalid filter: malformed assertion value} test filter-13.5 {Malformed assertion value: prohibited characters} -body { ldap::filter::encode (foo=\0) } -returnCodes error -result {Invalid filter: malformed assertion value} test filter-15.0 {No match rule operator} -body { ldap::filter::encode () } -returnCodes error -result {Invalid filter: no match operator in item} test filter-15.1 {No match rule operator} -body { ldap::filter::encode (11.12.14~value) } -returnCodes error -result {Invalid filter: no match operator in item} test filter-16.0 {Duplicated match rule operator} -body { ldap::filter::encode (attrDesc=foo=bar) } -result [asnChoiceConstr 3 [glue \ [asnOctetString [ldap::filter::LDAPString attrDesc]] \ [asnOctetString [ldap::filter::AssertionValue foo=bar]]]] test filter-16.1 {Duplicated match rule operator} -body { ldap::filter::encode (attrDesc~=foo~=) } -result [asnChoiceConstr 8 [glue \ [asnOctetString [ldap::filter::LDAPString attrDesc]] \ [asnOctetString [ldap::filter::AssertionValue foo~=]]]] test filter-16.2 {Duplicated match rule operator} -body { ldap::filter::encode (attrDesc<=<=bar) } -result [asnChoiceConstr 6 [glue \ [asnOctetString [ldap::filter::LDAPString attrDesc]] \ [asnOctetString [ldap::filter::AssertionValue <=bar]]]] test filter-16.3 {Duplicated match rule operator} -body { ldap::filter::encode (attrDesc>=>=>=) } -result [asnChoiceConstr 5 [glue \ [asnOctetString [ldap::filter::LDAPString attrDesc]] \ [asnOctetString [ldap::filter::AssertionValue >=>=]]]] test filter-16.4 {Duplicated match rule operator} -body { ldap::filter::encode (AttrDesc:=:=what?:=) } -result [asnChoiceConstr 9 [glue \ [asnChoice 2 [ldap::filter::LDAPString AttrDesc]] \ [asnChoice 3 [ldap::filter::AssertionValue :=what?:=]]]] test filter-17.0 {Compound filters: negation} -body { ldap::filter::encode (!(foo=bar)) } -result [asnChoiceConstr 2 [asnChoiceConstr 3 [glue \ [asnOctetString [ldap::filter::LDAPString foo]] \ [asnOctetString [ldap::filter::AssertionValue bar]]]]] test filter-17.1 {Compound filters: AND} -body { ldap::filter::encode (&(one=two)(three<=four)(five>=six)) } -result [asnChoiceConstr 0 [glue \ [asnChoiceConstr 3 [glue \ [asnOctetString [ldap::filter::LDAPString one]] \ [asnOctetString [ldap::filter::AssertionValue two]]]] \ [asnChoiceConstr 6 [glue \ [asnOctetString [ldap::filter::LDAPString three]] \ [asnOctetString [ldap::filter::AssertionValue four]]]] \ [asnChoiceConstr 5 [glue \ [asnOctetString [ldap::filter::LDAPString five]] \ [asnOctetString [ldap::filter::AssertionValue six]]]]]] test filter-17.2 {Compound filters: OR} -body { ldap::filter::encode (|(foo=bar)(baz:fuzzyMatch:=quux)(key~=value)) } -result [asnChoiceConstr 1 [glue \ [asnChoiceConstr 3 [glue \ [asnOctetString [ldap::filter::LDAPString foo]] \ [asnOctetString [ldap::filter::AssertionValue bar]]]] \ [asnChoiceConstr 9 [glue \ [asnChoice 1 [ldap::filter::LDAPString fuzzyMatch]] \ [asnChoice 2 [ldap::filter::LDAPString baz]] \ [asnChoice 3 [ldap::filter::AssertionValue quux]]]] \ [asnChoiceConstr 8 [glue \ [asnOctetString [ldap::filter::LDAPString key]] \ [asnOctetString [ldap::filter::AssertionValue value]]]]]] test filter-17.3 {Compound filters: AND, spaces in assertion values} -body { ldap::filter::encode {(&(OU=Research & Development)(DN=Rube Goldberg))} } -result [asnChoiceConstr 0 [glue \ [asnChoiceConstr 3 [glue \ [asnOctetString [ldap::filter::LDAPString OU]] \ [asnOctetString [ldap::filter::AssertionValue "Research & Development"]]]] \ [asnChoiceConstr 3 [glue \ [asnOctetString [ldap::filter::LDAPString DN]] \ [asnOctetString [ldap::filter::AssertionValue "Rube Goldberg"]]]]]] test filter-18.1 {Compound filters: unbalanced parenthesis} -body { ldap::filter::encode (&(foo=bar)(baz=quux) } -returnCodes error -result {Invalid filter: unbalanced parenthesis} test filter-18.2 {Compound filters: unbalanced parenthesis} -body { ldap::filter::encode (!(&(a=b)c=d)) } -returnCodes error -result {Invalid filter: malformed compound filter expression} test filter-18.2 {Compound filters: unbalanced parenthesis} -body { ldap::filter::encode (!(&(a=b)))c=d)) } -returnCodes error -result {Invalid filter: malformed compound filter expression} test filter-18.3 {Compound filters: unbalanced parenthesis} -body { ldap::filter::encode (!() } -returnCodes error -result {Invalid filter:\ filter expression must be surrounded by parentheses} test filter-19.1 {Compound filters: junk in expression} -body { ldap::filter::encode {(& (foo=bar)(baz=quux))} } -returnCodes error -result {Invalid filter: malformed compound filter expression} test filter-19.2 {Compound filters: junk in expression} -body { ldap::filter::encode {(&(foo=bar) (baz=quux))} } -returnCodes error -result {Invalid filter: malformed compound filter expression} test filter-19.3 {Compound filters: junk in expression} -body { ldap::filter::encode {(|(foo=bar)(baz=quux) )} } -returnCodes error -result {Invalid filter: malformed compound filter expression} test filter-19.3 {Compound filters: junk in expression} -body { ldap::filter::encode {(&&(foo=bar)(baz=quux))} } -returnCodes error -result {Invalid filter: malformed compound filter expression} test filter-19.4 {Compound filters: junk in expression} -body { ldap::filter::encode {((foo=bar)&(baz=quux))} } -returnCodes error -match glob -result {Invalid filter: malformed attribute *} test filter-20.0 {Missing elements in filter composition} -body { ldap::filter::encode (!) } -returnCodes error -result {Invalid filter:\ filter expression must be surrounded by parentheses} test filter-20.1 {Missing elements in filter composition} -body { ldap::filter::encode (&) } -returnCodes error -result {Invalid filter: malformed compound filter expression} test filter-20.2 {Missing elements in filter composition} -body { ldap::filter::encode (|) } -returnCodes error -result {Invalid filter: malformed compound filter expression} test filter-21.0 {Torture test} -body { ldap::filter::encode [regsub -all \\s+ { (| (& (userName=Jane\20Random\00) (userCategory;x-lang-ru~=human) ) (! (| (! (salary=*) ) (& (personAge>=80) (yearsEmployed<=70) (employeeName=Joe*a**nd**Hacker) ) ) ) (| (;x-files:dn:=value) (:567.34.56:=\28\2a\29) ) (foo=bar) ) } ""] } -result [asnChoiceConstr 1 [glue \ [asnChoiceConstr 0 [glue \ [asnChoiceConstr 3 [glue \ [asnOctetString [ldap::filter::LDAPString userName]] \ [asnOctetString [encoding convertto utf-8 "Jane Random\0"]]]] \ [asnChoiceConstr 8 [glue \ [asnOctetString [ldap::filter::LDAPString userCategory\;x-lang-ru]] \ [asnOctetString [ldap::filter::AssertionValue human]]]]]] \ [asnChoiceConstr 2 \ [asnChoiceConstr 1 [glue \ [asnChoiceConstr 2 \ [asnChoice 7 [ldap::filter::LDAPString salary]]] \ [asnChoiceConstr 0 [glue \ [asnChoiceConstr 5 [glue \ [asnOctetString [ldap::filter::LDAPString personAge]] \ [asnOctetString [ldap::filter::AssertionValue 80]]]] \ [asnChoiceConstr 6 [glue \ [asnOctetString [ldap::filter::LDAPString yearsEmployed]] \ [asnOctetString [ldap::filter::AssertionValue 70]]]] \ [asnChoiceConstr 4 [glue \ [asnOctetString [ldap::filter::LDAPString employeeName]] \ [asnSequence [glue \ [asnChoice 0 [ldap::filter::AssertionValue Joe]] \ [asnChoice 1 [ldap::filter::AssertionValue a]] \ [asnChoice 1 [ldap::filter::AssertionValue nd]] \ [asnChoice 2 [ldap::filter::AssertionValue Hacker]]]]]]]]]]] \ [asnChoiceConstr 1 [glue \ [asnChoiceConstr 9 [glue \ [asnChoice 2 [ldap::filter::LDAPString\;x-files]] \ [asnChoice 3 [ldap::filter::AssertionValue value]] \ [asnChoice 4 [binary format cc 1 1]]]] \ [asnChoiceConstr 9 [glue \ [asnChoice 1 [ldap::filter::LDAPString 567.34.56]] \ [asnChoice 3 [encoding convertto utf-8 (*)]]]]]] \ [asnChoiceConstr 3 [glue \ [asnOctetString [ldap::filter::LDAPString foo]] \ [asnOctetString [ldap::filter::AssertionValue bar]]]] \ ]] # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- testsuiteCleanup # Local Variables: # mode: tcl # indent-tabs-mode: nil # End: # vim:ts=8:sw=4:sts=4:noet:syntax=tcl