source [file join \ [file dirname [file dirname [file join [pwd] [info script]]]] \ devtools testutilities.tcl] testsNeedTcl 8.5 testsNeedTcltest 2.0 # Constraints depending on package availability tcltest::testConstraint have_tls [expr {![catch {package require tls}]}] tcltest::testConstraint have_twapi [expr {![catch {package require twapi}]}] puts "- have_tls = [expr {![catch {package require tls}]}]" puts "- have_twapi = [expr {![catch {package require twapi}]}]" # uri and base64 testing { useLocal autoproxy.tcl autoproxy } # May need to change these to your proxy set proxy_host set proxy_port 54566 # Clear the autoproxy package state for each test proc packageReset {} { array set ::autoproxy::options { authProc "" basic "" no_proxy "" proxy_host "" proxy_port "" tls_package tls } } test autoproxy-1.0.0 "autoproxy::init standard" -setup { packageReset } -body { autoproxy::init http://localhost:13128 "hosta,hostb" list [autoproxy::cget -host] \ [autoproxy::cget -port] \ [autoproxy::cget -no_proxy] } -result {localhost 13128 {hosta hostb}} test autoproxy-1.0.1 "autoproxy::init standard, auth" -setup { packageReset } -body { autoproxy::init http://user:secret@localhost:13128 "hosta,hostb" list [autoproxy::cget -host] \ [autoproxy::cget -port] \ [autoproxy::cget -no_proxy] \ [base64::decode [lindex [autoproxy::cget -basic] 1 1]] } -result {localhost 13128 {hosta hostb} user:secret} test autoproxy-1.0.2 "autoproxy::init standard, override" -setup { packageReset } -body { autoproxy::init http://proxyone:13128 "hosta,hostb" autoproxy::init http://proxytwo:13129 "hostc,hostd" list [autoproxy::cget -host] \ [autoproxy::cget -port] \ [autoproxy::cget -no_proxy] } -result {proxytwo 13129 {hostc hostd}} test autoproxy-1.0.3 "autoproxy::init standard, auth, override" -setup { packageReset } -body { autoproxy::init http://user:secret@localhost:13128 "hosta,hostb" autoproxy::init http://luser:passwd@proxy:13129 "hostc,hostd" list [autoproxy::cget -host] \ [autoproxy::cget -port] \ [autoproxy::cget -no_proxy] \ [base64::decode [lindex [autoproxy::cget -basic] 1 1]] } -result {proxy 13129 {hostc hostd} luser:passwd} test autoproxy-1.0.4 "autoproxy::init standard, colons" -setup { packageReset } -body { autoproxy::init http://localhost:13128 "hosta;hostb" list [autoproxy::cget -host] \ [autoproxy::cget -port] \ [autoproxy::cget -no_proxy] } -result {localhost 13128 {hosta hostb}} test autoproxy-1.1.0 "autoproxy::configure -host" -setup { packageReset } -body { autoproxy::configure -host proxyhost autoproxy::cget -host } -result {proxyhost} test autoproxy-1.1.1 "autoproxy::configure -port" -setup { packageReset } -body { autoproxy::configure -port 3128 autoproxy::cget -port } -result {3128} test autoproxy-1.1.2 "autoproxy::configure -proxy_host" -setup { packageReset } -body { autoproxy::configure -proxy_host proxyhost autoproxy::cget -proxy_host } -result {proxyhost} test autoproxy-1.1.3 "autoproxy::configure -proxy_port" -setup { packageReset } -body { autoproxy::configure -proxy_port 3128 autoproxy::cget -proxy_port } -result {3128} test autoproxy-1.1.4 "autoproxy::configure -no_proxy" -setup { packageReset } -body { autoproxy::configure -no_proxy "localhost otherhost" autoproxy::cget -no_proxy } -result {localhost otherhost} test autoproxy-1.1.5 "autoproxy::configure -no_proxy override" -setup { packageReset } -body { autoproxy::configure -no_proxy "localhost otherhost" autoproxy::configure -no_proxy "althost" autoproxy::cget -no_proxy } -result {althost} test autoproxy-1.1.6 "autoproxy::configure -authProc" -setup { packageReset } -body { autoproxy::configure -authProc my_auth_proc autoproxy::cget -authProc } -result {my_auth_proc} test autoproxy-1.2.0 "autoproxy::configure -basic set details" -setup { packageReset } -body { autoproxy::configure -basic -user test -password secret -realm tcllib autoproxy::cget -basic } -result {Proxy-Authorization {Basic dGVzdDpzZWNyZXQ=}} test autoproxy-1.2.1 "autoproxy::configure -basic confirm encoding" -setup { packageReset } -body { autoproxy::configure -basic -user test -password secret -realm tcllib base64::decode [lindex [autoproxy::cget -basic] 1 1] } -result {test:secret} test autoproxy-1.2.2 "autoproxy::configure -basic reset" -setup { packageReset autoproxy::configure -basic -user test -password secret -realm tcllib } -body { autoproxy::configure -basic -- autoproxy::cget -basic } -result {} test autoproxy-1.2.3 "autoproxy::configure -basic reset (2)" -setup { packageReset autoproxy::configure -basic -user test -password secret -realm tcllib } -body { autoproxy::configure -basic autoproxy::cget -basic } -result {} test autoproxy- "autoproxy::configure -tls_package tls" -setup { packageReset } -body { autoproxy::configure -tls_package tls autoproxy::cget -tls_package } -result tls test autoproxy- "autoproxy::configure -tls_package twapi" -setup { packageReset } -body { autoproxy::configure -tls_package twapi autoproxy::cget -tls_package } -result twapi test autoproxy- "autoproxy::configure -tls_package dummy" -setup { packageReset } -body { autoproxy::configure -tls_package dummy } -result "Invalid TLS package option 'dummy'. Must be 'tls' or 'twapi'" -returnCodes error test autoproxy-2.0.0 "autoproxy::tls_socket (tls) with proxy" -constraints { have_tls } -setup { packageReset package require http autoproxy::configure -proxy_host $proxy_host -proxy_port $proxy_port } -body { http::register https 443 autoproxy::tls_socket set tok [http::geturl] http::status $tok } -cleanup { http::cleanup $tok } -result ok test autoproxy-2.0.1 "autoproxy::tls_socket (twapi) with proxy" -constraints { have_twapi } -setup { packageReset package require http autoproxy::configure -proxy_host $proxy_host -proxy_port $proxy_port -tls_package twapi } -body { http::register https 443 autoproxy::tls_socket set tok [http::geturl] http::status $tok } -cleanup { http::cleanup $tok } -result ok test autoproxy-2.1.0 "autoproxy::tls_socket (tls) without proxy" -constraints { have_tls } -setup { packageReset package require http autoproxy::configure -proxy_host "" -proxy_port $proxy_port } -body { http::register https 443 autoproxy::tls_socket set tok [http::geturl] http::status $tok } -cleanup { http::cleanup $tok } -result ok test autoproxy-2.1.1 "autoproxy::tls_socket (twapi) without proxy" -constraints { have_twapi } -setup { packageReset package require http autoproxy::configure -proxy_host "" -proxy_port $proxy_port -tls_package twapi } -body { http::register https 443 autoproxy::tls_socket set tok [http::geturl] http::status $tok } -cleanup { http::cleanup $tok } -result ok testsuiteCleanup # Local variables: # mode: tcl # indent-tabs-mode: nil # End: