httpd::content::file ==================== Back to: [Index]( | [Package httpd::content]( The **httpd::content::file** class implements a system for sharing a local file structure via http. ## Special file handling ### Directories When a directory path is requested, the system searches for one of the following (in order): * index.tml * * index.html If one of these files is found, it is delivered as the response to the request. If no index file was found, the object will call the object's *DirectoryListing* method to deliver a dynamic listing of the files in the directory. ### .md files Files with the .md extension are parsed using the *Markdown* package. ### .tml files Files with the .tml extension are parsed using a call to *subst*. This allows them to deliver content in the same manner as tclhttpd. The contents of the *query_headers* are loaded as local variables prior to the *subst* call. NOTE: Unlike Tclhttpd, the substitution is performed inside of the reply object's namespace, not the local interpreter. Thus, template files can exercise the object's methods using the "my" command. ## Dispatch Parameters Objects of this class needs additional information from the server in order to operate. These fields should be coded into the **add_root** call. ### path *filepath* The **path** parameter specifies the root of the file path to be exposed. ## Methods ### DirectoryListing *local_file* Generates an HTML listing of a file path. The default implementation is a *very* rudimentary **glob --nocomplain [file join $local_path \*]** ### FileName Converts the **REQUEST_URI** from query_headers into a local file path. This method searches first for the file name verbatim. If not found, it then searches for the same file name with a .md, .html, or .tml extension (in that order.)