[//000000001]: # (ripemd160 \- RIPEMD Message\-Digest Algorithm) [//000000002]: # (Generated from file 'ripemd160\.man' by tcllib/doctools with format 'markdown') [//000000003]: # (Copyright © 2004, Pat Thoyts ) [//000000004]: # (ripemd160\(n\) 1\.0\.5 tcllib "RIPEMD Message\-Digest Algorithm")
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# NAME ripemd160 \- RIPEMD\-160 Message\-Digest Algorithm # Table Of Contents - [Table Of Contents](#toc) - [Synopsis](#synopsis) - [Description](#section1) - [COMMANDS](#section2) - [PROGRAMMING INTERFACE](#section3) - [EXAMPLES](#section4) - [REFERENCES](#section5) - [Bugs, Ideas, Feedback](#section6) - [See Also](#seealso) - [Keywords](#keywords) - [Category](#category) - [Copyright](#copyright) # SYNOPSIS package require Tcl 8\.2 package require ripemd160 ?1\.0\.5? [__::ripemd::ripemd160__ ?*\-hex*? \[ *\-channel channel* | *\-file filename* | *string* \]](#1) [__::ripemd::hmac160__ ?*\-hex*? *\-key key* \[ *\-channel channel* | *\-file filename* | *string* \]](#2) [__::ripemd::RIPEMD160Init__](#3) [__::ripemd::RIPEMD160Update__ *token* *data*](#4) [__::ripemd::RIPEMD160Final__ *token*](#5) [__::ripemd::RIPEHMAC160Init__ *key*](#6) [__::ripemd::RIPEHMAC160Update__ *token* *data*](#7) [__::ripemd::RIPEHMAC160Final__ *token*](#8) # DESCRIPTION This package is an implementation in Tcl of the RIPEMD\-160 message\-digest algorithm \(1\)\. This algorithm takes an arbitrary quantity of data and generates a 160\-bit message digest from the input\. The RIPEMD\-160 algorithm is based upon the MD4 algorithm \(2, 4\) but has been cryptographically strengthened against weaknesses that have been found in MD4 \(4\)\. This package will use __cryptkit__ or __Trf__ to accelerate the digest computation if either package is available\. In the absence of an accelerator package the pure\-Tcl implementation will be used\. # COMMANDS - __::ripemd::ripemd160__ ?*\-hex*? \[ *\-channel channel* | *\-file filename* | *string* \] Calculate the RIPEMD\-160 digest of the data given in string\. This is returned as a binary string by default\. Giving the *\-hex* option will return a hexadecimal encoded version of the digest\. The data to be hashed can be specified either as a string argument to the ripemd160 command, or as a filename or a pre\-opened channel\. If the *\-filename* argument is given then the file is opened, the data read and hashed and the file is closed\. If the *\-channel* argument is given then data is read from the channel until the end of file\. The channel is not closed\. Only one of *\-file*, *\-channel* or *string* should be given\. - __::ripemd::hmac160__ ?*\-hex*? *\-key key* \[ *\-channel channel* | *\-file filename* | *string* \] Calculate an Hashed Message Authentication digest \(HMAC\) using the RIPEMD\-160 digest algorithm\. HMACs are described in RFC 2104 \(5\) and provide a RIPEMD\-160 digest that includes a key\. All options other than *\-key* are as for the __::ripemd::ripemd160__ command\. # PROGRAMMING INTERFACE For the programmer, hash functions can be viewed as a bucket into which one pours data\. When you have finished, you extract a value that is uniquely derived from the data that was poured into the bucket\. The programming interface to the hash operates on a token \(equivalent to the bucket\)\. You call __RIPEMD160Init__ to obtain a token and then call __RIPEMD160Update__ as many times as required to add data to the hash\. To release any resources and obtain the hash value, you then call __RIPEMD160Final__\. An equivalent set of functions gives you a keyed digest \(HMAC\)\. - __::ripemd::RIPEMD160Init__ Begins a new RIPEMD\-160 hash\. Returns a token ID that must be used for the remaining functions\. - __::ripemd::RIPEMD160Update__ *token* *data* Add data to the hash identified by token\. Calling *RIPEMD160Update $token "abcd"* is equivalent to calling *RIPEMD160Update $token "ab"* followed by *RIPEMD160Update $token "cb"*\. See [EXAMPLES](#section4)\. - __::ripemd::RIPEMD160Final__ *token* Returns the hash value and releases any resources held by this token\. Once this command completes the token will be invalid\. The result is a binary string of 16 bytes representing the 160 bit RIPEMD\-160 digest value\. - __::ripemd::RIPEHMAC160Init__ *key* This is equivalent to the __::ripemd::RIPEMD160Init__ command except that it requires the key that will be included in the HMAC\. - __::ripemd::RIPEHMAC160Update__ *token* *data* - __::ripemd::RIPEHMAC160Final__ *token* These commands are identical to the RIPEMD160 equivalent commands\. # EXAMPLES % ripemd::ripemd160 -hex "Tcl does RIPEMD-160" 0829dea75a1a7074c702896723fe37763481a0a7 % ripemd::hmac160 -hex -key Sekret "Tcl does RIPEMD-160" bf0c927231733686731dddb470b64a9c23f7f53b % set tok [ripemd::RIPEMD160Init] ::ripemd::1 % ripemd::RIPEMD160Update $tok "Tcl " % ripemd::RIPEMD160Update $tok "does " % ripemd::RIPEMD160Update $tok "RIPEMD-160" % ripemd::Hex [ripemd::RIPEMD160Final $tok] 0829dea75a1a7074c702896723fe37763481a0a7 # REFERENCES 1. H\. Dobbertin, A\. Bosselaers, B\. Preneel, "RIPEMD\-160, a strengthened version of RIPEMD" [http://www\.esat\.kuleuven\.ac\.be/~cosicart/pdf/AB\-9601/AB\-9601\.pdf](http://www\.esat\.kuleuven\.ac\.be/~cosicart/pdf/AB\-9601/AB\-9601\.pdf) 1. Rivest, R\., "The MD4 Message Digest Algorithm", RFC 1320, MIT, April 1992\. \([http://www\.rfc\-editor\.org/rfc/rfc1320\.txt](http://www\.rfc\-editor\.org/rfc/rfc1320\.txt)\) 1. Rivest, R\., "The MD4 message digest algorithm", in A\.J\. Menezes and S\.A\. Vanstone, editors, Advances in Cryptology \- CRYPTO '90 Proceedings, pages 303\-311, Springer\-Verlag, 1991\. 1. Dobbertin, H\., "Cryptanalysis of MD4", Journal of Cryptology vol 11 \(4\), pp\. 253\-271 \(1998\) 1. Krawczyk, H\., Bellare, M\. and Canetti, R\. "HMAC: Keyed\-Hashing for Message Authentication", RFC 2104, February 1997\. \([http://www\.rfc\-editor\.org/rfc/rfc2104\.txt](http://www\.rfc\-editor\.org/rfc/rfc2104\.txt)\) # Bugs, Ideas, Feedback This document, and the package it describes, will undoubtedly contain bugs and other problems\. Please report such in the category *ripemd* of the [Tcllib Trackers](http://core\.tcl\.tk/tcllib/reportlist)\. Please also report any ideas for enhancements you may have for either package and/or documentation\. When proposing code changes, please provide *unified diffs*, i\.e the output of __diff \-u__\. Note further that *attachments* are strongly preferred over inlined patches\. Attachments can be made by going to the __Edit__ form of the ticket immediately after its creation, and then using the left\-most button in the secondary navigation bar\. # SEE ALSO [md4](\.\./md4/md4\.md), [md5](\.\./md5/md5\.md), [ripemd128](ripemd128\.md), [sha1](\.\./sha1/sha1\.md) # KEYWORDS [RIPEMD](\.\./\.\./\.\./\.\./index\.md\#ripemd), [hashing](\.\./\.\./\.\./\.\./index\.md\#hashing), [md4](\.\./\.\./\.\./\.\./index\.md\#md4), [message\-digest](\.\./\.\./\.\./\.\./index\.md\#message\_digest), [rfc 1320](\.\./\.\./\.\./\.\./index\.md\#rfc\_1320), [rfc 1321](\.\./\.\./\.\./\.\./index\.md\#rfc\_1321), [rfc 2104](\.\./\.\./\.\./\.\./index\.md\#rfc\_2104), [security](\.\./\.\./\.\./\.\./index\.md\#security) # CATEGORY Hashes, checksums, and encryption # COPYRIGHT Copyright © 2004, Pat Thoyts