[//000000001]: # (math::roman \- Tcl Math Library) [//000000002]: # (Generated from file 'roman\.man' by tcllib/doctools with format 'markdown') [//000000003]: # (Copyright © 2005 Kenneth Green ) [//000000004]: # (math::roman\(\) 1\.0 tcllib "Tcl Math Library")
[ Main Table Of Contents | Table Of Contents | Keyword Index | Categories | Modules | Applications ]
# NAME math::roman \- Tools for creating and manipulating roman numerals # Table Of Contents - [Table Of Contents](#toc) - [Synopsis](#synopsis) - [Description](#section1) - [COMMANDS](#section2) - [Bugs, Ideas, Feedback](#section3) - [Keywords](#keywords) - [Category](#category) - [Copyright](#copyright) # SYNOPSIS package require Tcl 8\.3 package require math::roman ?1\.0? [__::math::roman::toroman__ *i*](#1) [__::math::roman::tointeger__ *r*](#2) [__::math::roman::sort__ *list*](#3) [__::math::roman::expr__ *args*](#4) # DESCRIPTION __::math::roman__ is a pure\-Tcl library for converting between integers and roman numerals\. It also provides utility functions for sorting and performing arithmetic on roman numerals\. This code was originally harvested from the Tcler's wiki at http://wiki\.tcl\.tk/1823 and as such is free for any use for any purpose\. Many thanks to the ingeneous folk who devised these clever routines and generously contributed them to the Tcl community\. While written and tested under Tcl 8\.3, I expect this library will work under all 8\.x versions of Tcl\. # COMMANDS - __::math::roman::toroman__ *i* Convert an integer to roman numerals\. The result is always in upper case\. The value zero is converted to an empty string\. - __::math::roman::tointeger__ *r* Convert a roman numeral into an integer\. - __::math::roman::sort__ *list* Sort a list of roman numerals from smallest to largest\. - __::math::roman::expr__ *args* Evaluate an expression where the operands are all roman numerals\. Of these commands both *toroman* and *tointeger* are exported for easier use\. The other two are not, as they could interfer or be confused with existing Tcl commands\. # Bugs, Ideas, Feedback This document, and the package it describes, will undoubtedly contain bugs and other problems\. Please report such in the category *math :: roman* of the [Tcllib Trackers](http://core\.tcl\.tk/tcllib/reportlist)\. Please also report any ideas for enhancements you may have for either package and/or documentation\. When proposing code changes, please provide *unified diffs*, i\.e the output of __diff \-u__\. Note further that *attachments* are strongly preferred over inlined patches\. Attachments can be made by going to the __Edit__ form of the ticket immediately after its creation, and then using the left\-most button in the secondary navigation bar\. # KEYWORDS [conversion](\.\./\.\./\.\./\.\./index\.md\#conversion), [integer](\.\./\.\./\.\./\.\./index\.md\#integer), [roman numeral](\.\./\.\./\.\./\.\./index\.md\#roman\_numeral) # CATEGORY Mathematics # COPYRIGHT Copyright © 2005 Kenneth Green