[//000000001]: # (math \- Tcl Math Library)
[//000000002]: # (Generated from file 'math\.man' by tcllib/doctools with format 'markdown')
[//000000003]: # (math\(n\) 1\.2\.5 tcllib "Tcl Math Library")
[ Main Table Of Contents | Table Of Contents | Keyword Index | Categories | Modules | Applications ]
math \- Tcl Math Library
# Table Of Contents
- [Table Of Contents](#toc)
- [Synopsis](#synopsis)
- [Description](#section1)
- [BASIC COMMANDS](#section2)
- [Bugs, Ideas, Feedback](#section3)
- [Keywords](#keywords)
- [Category](#category)
package require Tcl 8\.2
package require math ?1\.2\.5?
[__::math::cov__ *value* *value* ?*value \.\.\.*?](#1)
[__::math::integrate__ *list of xy value pairs*](#2)
[__::math::fibonacci__ *n*](#3)
[__::math::max__ *value* ?*value \.\.\.*?](#4)
[__::math::mean__ *value* ?*value \.\.\.*?](#5)
[__::math::min__ *value* ?*value \.\.\.*?](#6)
[__::math::product__ *value* ?*value \.\.\.*?](#7)
[__::math::random__ ?*value1*? ?*value2*?](#8)
[__::math::sigma__ *value* *value* ?*value \.\.\.*?](#9)
[__::math::stats__ *value* *value* ?*value \.\.\.*?](#10)
[__::math::sum__ *value* ?*value \.\.\.*?](#11)
The __math__ package provides utility math functions\.
Besides a set of basic commands, available via the package *math*, there are
more specialised packages:
- __[math::bigfloat](bigfloat\.md)__ \- Arbitrary\-precision
floating\-point arithmetic
- __[math::bignum](bignum\.md)__ \- Arbitrary\-precision integer
- __[math::calculus::romberg](romberg\.md)__ \- Robust integration
methods for functions of one variable, using Romberg integration
- __[math::calculus](calculus\.md)__ \- Integration of functions,
solving ordinary differential equations
- __[math::combinatorics](combinatorics\.md)__ \- Procedures for various
combinatorial functions \(for instance the Gamma function and "k out of n"\)
- __[math::complexnumbers](qcomplex\.md)__ \- Complex number arithmetic
- __[math::constants](constants\.md)__ \- A set of well\-known
mathematical constants, such as Pi, E, and the golden ratio
- __[math::fourier](fourier\.md)__ \- Discrete Fourier transforms
- __[math::fuzzy](fuzzy\.md)__ \- Fuzzy comparisons of floating\-point
- __[math::geometry](math\_geometry\.md)__ \- 2D geometrical computations
- __[math::interpolate](interpolate\.md)__ \- Various interpolation
- __[math::linearalgebra](linalg\.md)__ \- Linear algebra package
- __[math::optimize](optimize\.md)__ \- Optimization methods
- __[math::polynomials](polynomials\.md)__ \- Polynomial arithmetic
\(includes families of classical polynomials\)
- __[math::rationalfunctions](rational\_funcs\.md)__ \- Arithmetic of
rational functions
- __[math::roman](roman\.md)__ \- Manipulation \(including arithmetic\) of
Roman numerals
- __[math::special](special\.md)__ \- Approximations of special
functions from mathematical physics
- __[math::statistics](statistics\.md)__ \- Statistical operations and
- __::math::cov__ *value* *value* ?*value \.\.\.*?
Return the coefficient of variation expressed as percent of two or more
numeric values\.
- __::math::integrate__ *list of xy value pairs*
Return the area under a "curve" defined by a set of x,y pairs and the error
bound as a list\.
- __::math::fibonacci__ *n*
Return the *n*'th Fibonacci number\.
- __::math::max__ *value* ?*value \.\.\.*?
Return the maximum of one or more numeric values\.
- __::math::mean__ *value* ?*value \.\.\.*?
Return the mean, or "average" of one or more numeric values\.
- __::math::min__ *value* ?*value \.\.\.*?
Return the minimum of one or more numeric values\.
- __::math::product__ *value* ?*value \.\.\.*?
Return the product of one or more numeric values\.
- __::math::random__ ?*value1*? ?*value2*?
Return a random number\. If no arguments are given, the number is a floating
point value between 0 and 1\. If one argument is given, the number is an
integer value between 0 and *value1*\. If two arguments are given, the
number is an integer value between *value1* and *value2*\.
- __::math::sigma__ *value* *value* ?*value \.\.\.*?
Return the population standard deviation of two or more numeric values\.
- __::math::stats__ *value* *value* ?*value \.\.\.*?
Return the mean, standard deviation, and coefficient of variation \(as
percent\) as a list\.
- __::math::sum__ *value* ?*value \.\.\.*?
Return the sum of one or more numeric values\.
# Bugs, Ideas, Feedback
This document, and the package it describes, will undoubtedly contain bugs and
other problems\. Please report such in the category *math* of the [Tcllib
Trackers](http://core\.tcl\.tk/tcllib/reportlist)\. Please also report any ideas
for enhancements you may have for either package and/or documentation\.
When proposing code changes, please provide *unified diffs*, i\.e the output of
__diff \-u__\.
Note further that *attachments* are strongly preferred over inlined patches\.
Attachments can be made by going to the __Edit__ form of the ticket
immediately after its creation, and then using the left\-most button in the
secondary navigation bar\.