[//000000001]: # (math::figurate \- Tcl Math Library) [//000000002]: # (Generated from file 'figurate\.man' by tcllib/doctools with format 'markdown') [//000000003]: # (math::figurate\(n\) 1\.0 tcllib "Tcl Math Library")
[ Main Table Of Contents | Table Of Contents | Keyword Index | Categories | Modules | Applications ]
# NAME math::figurate \- Evaluate figurate numbers # Table Of Contents - [Table Of Contents](#toc) - [Synopsis](#synopsis) - [Description](#section1) - [PROCEDURES](#section2) - [Bugs, Ideas, Feedback](#section3) - [Keywords](#keywords) - [Category](#category) # SYNOPSIS package require Tcl 8\.6 package require math::figurate 1\.0 [__::math::figurate::sum\_sequence__ *n*](#1) [__::math::figurate::sum\_squares__ *n*](#2) [__::math::figurate::sum\_cubes__ *n*](#3) [__::math::figurate::sum\_4th\_power__ *n*](#4) [__::math::figurate::sum\_5th\_power__ *n*](#5) [__::math::figurate::sum\_6th\_power__ *n*](#6) [__::math::figurate::sum\_7th\_power__ *n*](#7) [__::math::figurate::sum\_8th\_power__ *n*](#8) [__::math::figurate::sum\_9th\_power__ *n*](#9) [__::math::figurate::sum\_10th\_power__ *n*](#10) [__::math::figurate::sum\_sequence\_odd__ *n*](#11) [__::math::figurate::sum\_squares\_odd__ *n*](#12) [__::math::figurate::sum\_cubes\_odd__ *n*](#13) [__::math::figurate::sum\_4th\_power\_odd__ *n*](#14) [__::math::figurate::sum\_5th\_power\_odd__ *n*](#15) [__::math::figurate::sum\_6th\_power\_odd__ *n*](#16) [__::math::figurate::sum\_7th\_power\_odd__ *n*](#17) [__::math::figurate::sum\_8th\_power\_odd__ *n*](#18) [__::math::figurate::sum\_9th\_power\_odd__ *n*](#19) [__::math::figurate::sum\_10th\_power\_odd__ *n*](#20) [__::math::figurate::oblong__ *n*](#21) [__::math::figurate::pronic__ *n*](#22) [__::math::figurate::triangular__ *n*](#23) [__::math::figurate::square__ *n*](#24) [__::math::figurate::cubic__ *n*](#25) [__::math::figurate::biquadratic__ *n*](#26) [__::math::figurate::centeredTriangular__ *n*](#27) [__::math::figurate::centeredSquare__ *n*](#28) [__::math::figurate::centeredPentagonal__ *n*](#29) [__::math::figurate::centeredHexagonal__ *n*](#30) [__::math::figurate::centeredCube__ *n*](#31) [__::math::figurate::decagonal__ *n*](#32) [__::math::figurate::heptagonal__ *n*](#33) [__::math::figurate::hexagonal__ *n*](#34) [__::math::figurate::octagonal__ *n*](#35) [__::math::figurate::octahedral__ *n*](#36) [__::math::figurate::pentagonal__ *n*](#37) [__::math::figurate::squarePyramidral__ *n*](#38) [__::math::figurate::tetrahedral__ *n*](#39) [__::math::figurate::pentatope__ *n*](#40) # DESCRIPTION Sums of numbers that follow a particular pattern are called figurate numbers\. A simple example is the sum of integers 1, 2, \.\.\. up to n\. You can arrange 1, 1\+2=3, 1\+2\+3=6, \.\.\. objects in a triangle, hence the name triangular numbers: * * * * * * * * * * ... The __math::figurate__ package consists of a collection of procedures to evaluate a wide variety of figurate numbers\. While all formulae are straightforward, the details are sometimes puzzling\. *Note:* The procedures consider arguments lower than zero as to mean "no objects to be counted" and therefore return 0\. # PROCEDURES The procedures can be arranged in a few categories: sums of integers raised to a particular power, sums of odd integers and general figurate numbers, for instance the pentagonal numbers\. - __::math::figurate::sum\_sequence__ *n* Return the sum of integers 1, 2, \.\.\., n\. * int *n* Highest integer in the sum - __::math::figurate::sum\_squares__ *n* Return the sum of squares 1\*\*2, 2\*\*2, \.\.\., n\*\*2\. * int *n* Highest base integer in the sum - __::math::figurate::sum\_cubes__ *n* Return the sum of cubes 1\*\*3, 2\*\*3, \.\.\., n\*\*3\. * int *n* Highest base integer in the sum - __::math::figurate::sum\_4th\_power__ *n* Return the sum of 4th powers 1\*\*4, 2\*\*4, \.\.\., n\*\*4\. * int *n* Highest base integer in the sum - __::math::figurate::sum\_5th\_power__ *n* Return the sum of 5th powers 1\*\*5, 2\*\*5, \.\.\., n\*\*5\. * int *n* Highest base integer in the sum - __::math::figurate::sum\_6th\_power__ *n* Return the sum of 6th powers 1\*\*6, 2\*\*6, \.\.\., n\*\*6\. * int *n* Highest base integer in the sum - __::math::figurate::sum\_7th\_power__ *n* Return the sum of 7th powers 1\*\*7, 2\*\*7, \.\.\., n\*\*7\. * int *n* Highest base integer in the sum - __::math::figurate::sum\_8th\_power__ *n* Return the sum of 8th powers 1\*\*8, 2\*\*8, \.\.\., n\*\*8\. * int *n* Highest base integer in the sum - __::math::figurate::sum\_9th\_power__ *n* Return the sum of 9th powers 1\*\*9, 2\*\*9, \.\.\., n\*\*9\. * int *n* Highest base integer in the sum - __::math::figurate::sum\_10th\_power__ *n* Return the sum of 10th powers 1\*\*10, 2\*\*10, \.\.\., n\*\*10\. * int *n* Highest base integer in the sum - __::math::figurate::sum\_sequence\_odd__ *n* Return the sum of odd integers 1, 3, \.\.\., 2n\-1 * int *n* Highest integer in the sum - __::math::figurate::sum\_squares\_odd__ *n* Return the sum of odd squares 1\*\*2, 3\*\*2, \.\.\., \(2n\-1\)\*\*2\. * int *n* Highest base integer in the sum - __::math::figurate::sum\_cubes\_odd__ *n* Return the sum of odd cubes 1\*\*3, 3\*\*3, \.\.\., \(2n\-1\)\*\*3\. * int *n* Highest base integer in the sum - __::math::figurate::sum\_4th\_power\_odd__ *n* Return the sum of odd 4th powers 1\*\*4, 2\*\*4, \.\.\., \(2n\-1\)\*\*4\. * int *n* Highest base integer in the sum - __::math::figurate::sum\_5th\_power\_odd__ *n* Return the sum of odd 5th powers 1\*\*5, 2\*\*5, \.\.\., \(2n\-1\)\*\*5\. * int *n* Highest base integer in the sum - __::math::figurate::sum\_6th\_power\_odd__ *n* Return the sum of odd 6th powers 1\*\*6, 2\*\*6, \.\.\., \(2n\-1\)\*\*6\. * int *n* Highest base integer in the sum - __::math::figurate::sum\_7th\_power\_odd__ *n* Return the sum of odd 7th powers 1\*\*7, 2\*\*7, \.\.\., \(2n\-1\)\*\*7\. * int *n* Highest base integer in the sum - __::math::figurate::sum\_8th\_power\_odd__ *n* Return the sum of odd 8th powers 1\*\*8, 2\*\*8, \.\.\., \(2n\-1\)\*\*8\. * int *n* Highest base integer in the sum - __::math::figurate::sum\_9th\_power\_odd__ *n* Return the sum of odd 9th powers 1\*\*9, 2\*\*9, \.\.\., \(2n\-1\)\*\*9\. * int *n* Highest base integer in the sum - __::math::figurate::sum\_10th\_power\_odd__ *n* Return the sum of odd 10th powers 1\*\*10, 2\*\*10, \.\.\., \(2n\-1\)\*\*10\. * int *n* Highest base integer in the sum - __::math::figurate::oblong__ *n* Return the nth oblong number \(twice the nth triangular number\) * int *n* Required index - __::math::figurate::pronic__ *n* Return the nth pronic number \(synonym for oblong\) * int *n* Required index - __::math::figurate::triangular__ *n* Return the nth triangular number * int *n* Required index - __::math::figurate::square__ *n* Return the nth square number * int *n* Required index - __::math::figurate::cubic__ *n* Return the nth cubic number * int *n* Required index - __::math::figurate::biquadratic__ *n* Return the nth biquaratic number \(i\.e\. n\*\*4\) * int *n* Required index - __::math::figurate::centeredTriangular__ *n* Return the nth centered triangular number \(items arranged in concentric squares\) * int *n* Required index - __::math::figurate::centeredSquare__ *n* Return the nth centered square number \(items arranged in concentric squares\) * int *n* Required index - __::math::figurate::centeredPentagonal__ *n* Return the nth centered pentagonal number \(items arranged in concentric pentagons\) * int *n* Required index - __::math::figurate::centeredHexagonal__ *n* Return the nth centered hexagonal number \(items arranged in concentric hexagons\) * int *n* Required index - __::math::figurate::centeredCube__ *n* Return the nth centered cube number \(items arranged in concentric cubes\) * int *n* Required index - __::math::figurate::decagonal__ *n* Return the nth decagonal number \(items arranged in decagons with one common vertex\) * int *n* Required index - __::math::figurate::heptagonal__ *n* Return the nth heptagonal number \(items arranged in heptagons with one common vertex\) * int *n* Required index - __::math::figurate::hexagonal__ *n* Return the nth hexagonal number \(items arranged in hexagons with one common vertex\) * int *n* Required index - __::math::figurate::octagonal__ *n* Return the nth octagonal number \(items arranged in octagons with one common vertex\) * int *n* Required index - __::math::figurate::octahedral__ *n* Return the nth octahedral number \(items arranged in octahedrons with a common centre\) * int *n* Required index - __::math::figurate::pentagonal__ *n* Return the nth pentagonal number \(items arranged in pentagons with one common vertex\) * int *n* Required index - __::math::figurate::squarePyramidral__ *n* Return the nth square pyramidral number \(items arranged in a square pyramid\) * int *n* Required index - __::math::figurate::tetrahedral__ *n* Return the nth tetrahedral number \(items arranged in a triangular pyramid\) * int *n* Required index - __::math::figurate::pentatope__ *n* Return the nth pentatope number \(items arranged in the four\-dimensional analogue of a triangular pyramid\) * int *n* Required index # Bugs, Ideas, Feedback This document, and the package it describes, will undoubtedly contain bugs and other problems\. Please report such in the category *math :: figurate* of the [Tcllib Trackers](http://core\.tcl\.tk/tcllib/reportlist)\. Please also report any ideas for enhancements you may have for either package and/or documentation\. When proposing code changes, please provide *unified diffs*, i\.e the output of __diff \-u__\. Note further that *attachments* are strongly preferred over inlined patches\. Attachments can be made by going to the __Edit__ form of the ticket immediately after its creation, and then using the left\-most button in the secondary navigation bar\. # KEYWORDS [figurate numbers](\.\./\.\./\.\./\.\./index\.md\#figurate\_numbers), [mathematics](\.\./\.\./\.\./\.\./index\.md\#mathematics) # CATEGORY Mathematics