[//000000001]: # (counter \- Counters and Histograms)
[//000000002]: # (Generated from file 'counter\.man' by tcllib/doctools with format 'markdown')
[//000000003]: # (counter\(n\) 2\.0\.4 tcllib "Counters and Histograms")
[ Main Table Of Contents | Table Of Contents | Keyword Index | Categories | Modules | Applications ]
counter \- Procedures for counters and histograms
# Table Of Contents
- [Table Of Contents](#toc)
- [Synopsis](#synopsis)
- [Description](#section1)
- [Bugs, Ideas, Feedback](#section2)
- [Keywords](#keywords)
- [Category](#category)
package require Tcl 8
package require counter ?2\.0\.4?
[__::counter::init__ *tag args*](#1)
[__::counter::count__ *tag* ?*delta*? ?*instance*?](#2)
[__::counter::start__ *tag instance*](#3)
[__::counter::stop__ *tag instance*](#4)
[__::counter::get__ *tag args*](#5)
[__::counter::exists__ *tag*](#6)
[__::counter::histHtmlDisplay__ *tag args*](#8)
[__::counter::reset__ *tag args*](#9)
The __counter__ package provides a counter facility and can compute
statistics and histograms over the collected data\.
- __::counter::init__ *tag args*
This defines a counter with the name *tag*\. The *args* determines the
characteristics of the counter\. The *args* are
* __\-group__ *name*
Keep a grouped counter where the name of the histogram bucket is passed
into __::counter::count__\.
* __\-hist__ *bucketsize*
Accumulate the counter into histogram buckets of size *bucketsize*\.
For example, if the samples are millisecond time values and
*bucketsize* is 10, then each histogram bucket represents time values
of 0 to 10 msec, 10 to 20 msec, 20 to 30 msec, and so on\.
* __\-hist2x__ *bucketsize*
Accumulate the statistic into histogram buckets\. The size of the first
bucket is *bucketsize*, each other bucket holds values 2 times the
size of the previous bucket\. For example, if *bucketsize* is 10, then
each histogram bucket represents time values of 0 to 10 msec, 10 to 20
msec, 20 to 40 msec, 40 to 80 msec, and so on\.
* __\-hist10x__ *bucketsize*
Accumulate the statistic into histogram buckets\. The size of the first
bucket is *bucketsize*, each other bucket holds values 10 times the
size of the previous bucket\. For example, if *bucketsize* is 10, then
each histogram bucket represents time values of 0 to 10 msec, 10 to 100
msec, 100 to 1000 msec, and so on\.
* __\-lastn__ *N*
Save the last *N* values of the counter to maintain a "running
average" over the last *N* values\.
* __\-timehist__ *secsPerMinute*
Keep a time\-based histogram\. The counter is summed into a histogram
bucket based on the current time\. There are 60 per\-minute buckets that
have a size determined by *secsPerMinute*, which is normally 60, but
for testing purposes can be less\. Every "hour" \(i\.e\., 60 "minutes"\) the
contents of the per\-minute buckets are summed into the next hourly
bucket\. Every 24 "hours" the contents of the per\-hour buckets are summed
into the next daily bucket\. The counter package keeps all time\-based
histograms in sync, so the first *secsPerMinute* value seen by the
package is used for all subsequent time\-based histograms\.
- __::counter::count__ *tag* ?*delta*? ?*instance*?
Increment the counter identified by *tag*\. The default increment is 1,
although you can increment by any value, integer or real, by specifying
*delta*\. You must declare each counter with __::counter::init__ to
define the characteristics of counter before you start to use it\. If the
counter type is __\-group__, then the counter identified by *instance*
is incremented\.
- __::counter::start__ *tag instance*
Record the starting time of an interval\. The *tag* is the name of the
counter defined as a __\-hist__ value\-based histogram\. The *instance*
is used to distinguish this interval from any other intervals that might be
overlapping this one\.
- __::counter::stop__ *tag instance*
Record the ending time of an interval\. The delta time since the
corresponding __::counter::start__ call for *instance* is recorded in
the histogram identified by *tag*\.
- __::counter::get__ *tag args*
Return statistics about a counter identified by *tag*\. The *args*
determine what value to return:
* __\-total__
Return the total value of the counter\. This is the default if *args*
is not specified\.
* __\-totalVar__
Return the name of the total variable\. Useful for specifying with
\-textvariable in a Tk widget\.
* __\-N__
Return the number of samples accumulated into the counter\.
* __\-avg__
Return the average of samples accumulated into the counter\.
* __\-avgn__
Return the average over the last *N* samples taken\. The *N* value is
set in the __::counter::init__ call\.
* __\-hist__ *bucket*
If *bucket* is specified, then the value in that bucket of the
histogram is returned\. Otherwise the complete histogram is returned in
array get format sorted by bucket\.
* __\-histVar__
Return the name of the histogram array variable\.
* __\-histHour__
Return the complete hourly histogram in array get format sorted by
* __\-histHourVar__
Return the name of the hourly histogram array variable\.
* __\-histDay__
Return the complete daily histogram in array get format sorted by
* __\-histDayVar__
Return the name of the daily histogram array variable\.
* __\-resetDate__
Return the clock seconds value recorded when the counter was last reset\.
* __\-all__
Return an array get of the array used to store the counter\. This
includes the total, the number of samples \(N\), and any type\-specific
information\. This does not include the histogram array\.
- __::counter::exists__ *tag*
Returns 1 if the counter is defined\.
- __::counter::names__
Returns a list of all counters defined\.
- __::counter::histHtmlDisplay__ *tag args*
Generate HTML to display a histogram for a counter\. The *args* control the
format of the display\. They are:
* __\-title__ *string*
Label to display above bar chart
* __\-unit__ *unit*
Specify __minutes__, __hours__, or __days__ for the
time\-base histograms\. For value\-based histograms, the *unit* is used
in the title\.
* __\-images__ *url*
URL of /images directory\.
* __\-gif__ *filename*
Image for normal histogram bars\. The *filename* is relative to the
__\-images__ directory\.
* __\-ongif__ *filename*
Image for the active histogram bar\. The *filename* is relative to the
__\-images__ directory\.
* __\-max__ *N*
Maximum number of value\-based buckets to display\.
* __\-height__ *N*
Pixel height of the highest bar\.
* __\-width__ *N*
Pixel width of each bar\.
* __\-skip__ *N*
Buckets to skip when labeling value\-based histograms\.
* __\-format__ *string*
Format used to display labels of buckets\.
* __\-text__ *boolean*
If 1, a text version of the histogram is dumped, otherwise a graphical
one is generated\.
- __::counter::reset__ *tag args*
Resets the counter with the name *tag* to an initial state\. The *args*
determine the new characteristics of the counter\. They have the same meaning
as described for __::counter::init__\.
# Bugs, Ideas, Feedback
This document, and the package it describes, will undoubtedly contain bugs and
other problems\. Please report such in the category *counter* of the [Tcllib
Trackers](http://core\.tcl\.tk/tcllib/reportlist)\. Please also report any ideas
for enhancements you may have for either package and/or documentation\.
When proposing code changes, please provide *unified diffs*, i\.e the output of
__diff \-u__\.
Note further that *attachments* are strongly preferred over inlined patches\.
Attachments can be made by going to the __Edit__ form of the ticket
immediately after its creation, and then using the left\-most button in the
secondary navigation bar\.
Data structures