# # Tests for inheritance and scope handling # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # AUTHOR: Michael J. McLennan # Bell Labs Innovations for Lucent Technologies # mmclennan@lucent.com # http://www.tcltk.com/itcl # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright (c) 1993-1998 Lucent Technologies, Inc. # ====================================================================== # See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and # redistribution of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES. package require tcltest 2.1 namespace import ::tcltest::test ::tcltest::loadTestedCommands package require itcl # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Test construction/destruction with inheritance # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- test inherit-1.1 {define classes with constructors/destructors} { variable ::test_cd_watch "" itcl::class test_cd_foo { constructor {x y} { global ::test_cd_watch lappend test_cd_watch "foo: $x $y" } destructor { global ::test_cd_watch lappend test_cd_watch "foo destruct" } } itcl::class test_cd_bar { constructor {args} { global ::test_cd_watch lappend test_cd_watch "bar: $args" } destructor { global ::test_cd_watch lappend test_cd_watch "bar destruct" } } itcl::class test_cd_foobar { inherit test_cd_foo test_cd_bar constructor {x y args} { test_cd_foo::constructor $x $y } { global ::test_cd_watch lappend test_cd_watch "foobar: $x $y ($args)" } destructor { global ::test_cd_watch lappend test_cd_watch "foobar destruct" } } itcl::class test_cd_geek { constructor {} { global ::test_cd_watch lappend test_cd_watch "geek" } destructor { global ::test_cd_watch lappend test_cd_watch "geek destruct" } } itcl::class test_cd_mongrel { inherit test_cd_foobar test_cd_geek constructor {x} { eval test_cd_foobar::constructor 1 2 fred $x } { global ::test_cd_watch lappend test_cd_watch "mongrel: $x" } destructor { global ::test_cd_watch lappend test_cd_watch "mongrel destruct" } } itcl::class test_cd_none { inherit test_cd_bar test_cd_geek } itcl::class test_cd_skip { inherit test_cd_none constructor {} { global ::test_cd_watch lappend test_cd_watch "skip" } destructor { global ::test_cd_watch lappend test_cd_watch "skip destruct" } } } {} test inherit-1.2 {constructors should be invoked in the proper order} { set ::test_cd_watch "" list [test_cd_mongrel #auto bob] [set ::test_cd_watch] } {test_cd_mongrel0 {{foo: 1 2} {bar: } {foobar: 1 2 (fred bob)} geek {mongrel: bob}}} test inherit-1.3 {destructors should be invoked in the proper order} { set ::test_cd_watch "" list [itcl::delete object test_cd_mongrel0] [set ::test_cd_watch] } {{} {{mongrel destruct} {foobar destruct} {foo destruct} {bar destruct} {geek destruct}}} test inherit-1.4 {constructors are optional} { set ::test_cd_watch "" list [test_cd_none #auto] [set ::test_cd_watch] } {test_cd_none0 {geek {bar: }}} test inherit-1.5 {destructors are optional} { set ::test_cd_watch "" list [itcl::delete object test_cd_none0] [set ::test_cd_watch] } {{} {{bar destruct} {geek destruct}}} test inherit-1.6 {construction ok if constructors are missing} { set ::test_cd_watch "" list [test_cd_skip #auto] [set ::test_cd_watch] } {test_cd_skip0 {geek {bar: } skip}} test inherit-1.7 {destruction ok if destructors are missing} { set ::test_cd_watch "" list [itcl::delete object test_cd_skip0] [set ::test_cd_watch] } {{} {{skip destruct} {bar destruct} {geek destruct}}} test inherit-1.8 {errors during construction are cleaned up and reported} knownBug { global errorInfo test_cd_watch set test_cd_watch "" itcl::body test_cd_bar::constructor {args} {error "bar: failed"} list [catch {test_cd_mongrel #auto bob} msg] $msg \ $errorInfo $test_cd_watch } {1 {bar: failed} {bar: failed while executing "error "bar: failed"" while constructing object "::test_cd_mongrel1" in ::test_cd_bar::constructor (body line 1) while constructing object "::test_cd_mongrel1" in ::test_cd_foobar::constructor (body line 1) invoked from within "test_cd_foobar::constructor 1 2 fred bob" ("eval" body line 1) invoked from within "eval test_cd_foobar::constructor 1 2 fred $x" while constructing object "::test_cd_mongrel1" in ::test_cd_mongrel::constructor (body line 2) invoked from within "::itcl::parser::handleClass test_cd_mongrel ::test_cd_mongrel #auto bob" invoked from within "test_cd_mongrel #auto bob"} {{foo: 1 2} {mongrel destruct} {foobar destruct} {foo destruct} {bar destruct} {geek destruct}}} test inherit-1.9 {errors during destruction prevent object delete} { global errorInfo test_cd_watch itcl::body test_cd_bar::constructor {args} {return "bar: $args"} itcl::body test_cd_bar::destructor {} {error "bar: failed"} test_cd_mongrel mongrel1 ted set test_cd_watch "" list [catch {itcl::delete object mongrel1} msg] $msg \ $errorInfo $test_cd_watch [itcl::find objects mongrel*] } {1 {bar: failed} {bar: failed while executing "error "bar: failed"" while deleting object "::mongrel1" in ::test_cd_bar::destructor (body line 1) invoked from within "itcl::delete object mongrel1"} {{mongrel destruct} {foobar destruct} {foo destruct}} mongrel1} test inherit-1.10 {errors during destruction prevent class delete} { itcl::body test_cd_bar::destructor {} {error "bar: failed"} test_cd_mongrel mongrel2 xxx list [catch {itcl::delete class test_cd_foo} msg] $msg } {1 {bar: failed}} eval namespace delete [itcl::find classes test_cd_*] # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Test data member access and scoping # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- test inherit-2.1 {define classes with data members} { itcl::class test_cd_foo { protected variable x "foo-x" method do {args} {eval $args} } itcl::class test_cd_bar { protected variable x "bar-x" method do {args} {eval $args} } itcl::class test_cd_foobar { inherit test_cd_foo test_cd_bar method do {args} {eval $args} } itcl::class test_cd_geek { method do {args} {eval $args} } itcl::class test_cd_mongrel { inherit test_cd_foobar test_cd_geek protected variable x "mongrel-x" method do {args} {eval $args} } } {} test inherit-2.2 {"info" provides access to shadowed data members} { test_cd_mongrel #auto list [lsort [test_cd_mongrel0 info variable]] \ [test_cd_mongrel0 info variable test_cd_foo::x] \ [test_cd_mongrel0 info variable test_cd_bar::x] \ [test_cd_mongrel0 info variable test_cd_mongrel::x] \ [test_cd_mongrel0 info variable x] } {{::test_cd_bar::x ::test_cd_foo::x ::test_cd_mongrel::this ::test_cd_mongrel::x} {protected variable ::test_cd_foo::x foo-x foo-x} {protected variable ::test_cd_bar::x bar-x bar-x} {protected variable ::test_cd_mongrel::x mongrel-x mongrel-x} {protected variable ::test_cd_mongrel::x mongrel-x mongrel-x}} test inherit-2.3 {variable resolution works properly in methods} { list [test_cd_mongrel0 test_cd_foo::do set x] \ [test_cd_mongrel0 test_cd_bar::do set x] \ [test_cd_mongrel0 test_cd_foobar::do set x] \ [test_cd_mongrel0 test_cd_mongrel::do set x] } {foo-x bar-x foo-x mongrel-x} test inherit-2.4 {methods have access to shadowed data members} { list [test_cd_mongrel0 test_cd_foobar::do set x] \ [test_cd_mongrel0 test_cd_foobar::do set test_cd_foo::x] \ [test_cd_mongrel0 test_cd_foobar::do set test_cd_bar::x] \ [test_cd_mongrel0 test_cd_mongrel::do set test_cd_foo::x] \ [test_cd_mongrel0 test_cd_mongrel::do set test_cd_bar::x] } {foo-x foo-x bar-x foo-x bar-x} eval namespace delete [itcl::find classes test_cd_*] # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Test public variables and "configure" method # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- test inherit-3.1 {define classes with public variables} { variable ::test_cd_watch "" itcl::class test_cd_foo { public variable x "foo-x" { global test_cd_watch lappend test_cd_watch "foo: $x in scope [namespace current]" } method do {args} {eval $args} } itcl::class test_cd_bar { public variable x "bar-x" { global test_cd_watch lappend test_cd_watch "bar: $x in scope [namespace current]" } method do {args} {eval $args} } itcl::class test_cd_foobar { inherit test_cd_foo test_cd_bar method do {args} {eval $args} } itcl::class test_cd_geek { method do {args} {eval $args} } itcl::class test_cd_mongrel { inherit test_cd_foobar test_cd_geek public variable x "mongrel-x" { global test_cd_watch lappend test_cd_watch "mongrel: $x in scope [namespace current]" } method do {args} {eval $args} } } {} test inherit-3.2 {create an object with public variables} { test_cd_mongrel #auto } {test_cd_mongrel0} test inherit-3.3 {"configure" lists all public variables} { lsort [test_cd_mongrel0 configure] } {{-test_cd_bar::x bar-x bar-x} {-test_cd_foo::x foo-x foo-x} {-x mongrel-x mongrel-x}} test inherit-3.4 {"configure" treats simple names as "most specific"} { lsort [test_cd_mongrel0 configure -x] } {-x mongrel-x mongrel-x} test inherit-3.5 {"configure" treats simple names as "most specific"} { set ::test_cd_watch "" list [test_cd_mongrel0 configure -x hello] \ [set ::test_cd_watch] } {{} {{mongrel: hello in scope ::test_cd_mongrel}}} test inherit-3.6 {"configure" allows access to shadowed options} { set ::test_cd_watch "" list [test_cd_mongrel0 configure -test_cd_foo::x hello] \ [test_cd_mongrel0 configure -test_cd_bar::x there] \ [set ::test_cd_watch] } {{} {} {{foo: hello in scope ::test_cd_foo} {bar: there in scope ::test_cd_bar}}} test inherit-3.7 {"configure" will change several variables at once} { set ::test_cd_watch "" list [test_cd_mongrel0 configure -x one \ -test_cd_foo::x two \ -test_cd_bar::x three] \ [set ::test_cd_watch] } {{} {{mongrel: one in scope ::test_cd_mongrel} {foo: two in scope ::test_cd_foo} {bar: three in scope ::test_cd_bar}}} test inherit-3.8 {"cget" does proper name resolution} { list [test_cd_mongrel0 cget -x] \ [test_cd_mongrel0 cget -test_cd_foo::x] \ [test_cd_mongrel0 cget -test_cd_bar::x] \ [test_cd_mongrel0 cget -test_cd_mongrel::x] } {one two three one} eval namespace delete [itcl::find classes test_cd_*] # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Test inheritance info # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- test inherit-4.1 {define classes for inheritance info} { itcl::class test_cd_foo { method do {args} {eval $args} } itcl::class test_cd_bar { method do {args} {eval $args} } itcl::class test_cd_foobar { inherit test_cd_foo test_cd_bar method do {args} {eval $args} } itcl::class test_cd_geek { method do {args} {eval $args} } itcl::class test_cd_mongrel { inherit test_cd_foobar test_cd_geek method do {args} {eval $args} } } {} test inherit-4.2 {create an object for inheritance tests} { test_cd_mongrel #auto } {test_cd_mongrel0} test inherit-4.3 {"info class" should be virtual} { list [test_cd_mongrel0 info class] \ [test_cd_mongrel0 test_cd_foo::do info class] \ [test_cd_mongrel0 test_cd_geek::do info class] } {::test_cd_mongrel ::test_cd_mongrel ::test_cd_mongrel} test inherit-4.4 {"info inherit" depends on class scope} { list [test_cd_mongrel0 info inherit] \ [test_cd_mongrel0 test_cd_foo::do info inherit] \ [test_cd_mongrel0 test_cd_foobar::do info inherit] } {{::test_cd_foobar ::test_cd_geek} {} {::test_cd_foo ::test_cd_bar}} test inherit-4.5 {"info heritage" depends on class scope} { list [test_cd_mongrel0 info heritage] \ [test_cd_mongrel0 test_cd_foo::do info heritage] \ [test_cd_mongrel0 test_cd_foobar::do info heritage] } {{::test_cd_mongrel ::test_cd_foobar ::test_cd_foo ::test_cd_bar ::test_cd_geek} ::test_cd_foo {::test_cd_foobar ::test_cd_foo ::test_cd_bar}} test inherit-4.6 {built-in "isa" method works} { set status "" foreach c [test_cd_mongrel0 info heritage] { lappend status [test_cd_mongrel0 isa $c] } set status } {1 1 1 1 1} test inherit-4.7 {built-in "isa" method works within methods} { set status "" foreach c [test_cd_mongrel0 info heritage] { lappend status [test_cd_mongrel0 test_cd_foo::do isa $c] } set status } {1 1 1 1 1} test inherit-4.8 {built-in "isa" method recognizes bad classes} { itcl::class test_cd_other {} test_cd_mongrel0 isa test_cd_other } {0} test inherit-4.9 {built-in "isa" method recognizes bad classes} { list [catch {test_cd_mongrel0 isa test_cd_bogus} msg] $msg } {1 {class "test_cd_bogus" not found in context "::test_cd_foo"}} eval namespace delete [itcl::find classes test_cd_*] # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Test "find objects" # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- test inherit-5.1 {define classes for inheritance info} { itcl::class test_cd_foo { } itcl::class test_cd_bar { } itcl::class test_cd_foobar { inherit test_cd_foo test_cd_bar } itcl::class test_cd_geek { } itcl::class test_cd_mongrel { inherit test_cd_foobar test_cd_geek } } {} test inherit-5.2 {create objects for info tests} { list [test_cd_foo #auto] [test_cd_foo #auto] \ [test_cd_foobar #auto] \ [test_cd_geek #auto] \ [test_cd_mongrel #auto] } {test_cd_foo0 test_cd_foo1 test_cd_foobar0 test_cd_geek0 test_cd_mongrel0} test inherit-5.3 {find objects: -class qualifier} { lsort [itcl::find objects -class test_cd_foo] } {test_cd_foo0 test_cd_foo1} test inherit-5.4 {find objects: -class qualifier} { lsort [itcl::find objects -class test_cd_mongrel] } {test_cd_mongrel0} test inherit-5.5 {find objects: -isa qualifier} { lsort [itcl::find objects -isa test_cd_foo] } {test_cd_foo0 test_cd_foo1 test_cd_foobar0 test_cd_mongrel0} test inherit-5.6 {find objects: -isa qualifier} { lsort [itcl::find objects -isa test_cd_mongrel] } {test_cd_mongrel0} test inherit-5.7 {find objects: name qualifier} { lsort [itcl::find objects test_cd_foo*] } {test_cd_foo0 test_cd_foo1 test_cd_foobar0} test inherit-5.8 {find objects: -class and -isa qualifiers} { lsort [itcl::find objects -isa test_cd_foo -class test_cd_foobar] } {test_cd_foobar0} test inherit-5.9 {find objects: -isa and name qualifiers} { lsort [itcl::find objects -isa test_cd_foo *0] } {test_cd_foo0 test_cd_foobar0 test_cd_mongrel0} test inherit-5.10 {find objects: usage errors} { list [catch {itcl::find objects -xyzzy value} msg] $msg } {1 {wrong # args: should be "itcl::find objects ?-class className? ?-isa className? ?pattern?"}} eval namespace delete [itcl::find classes test_cd_*] # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Test method scoping and execution # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- test inherit-6.1 {define classes for scope tests} { itcl::class test_cd_foo { method check {} {return "foo"} method do {args} {return "foo says: [eval $args]"} } itcl::class test_cd_bar { method check {} {return "bar"} method do {args} {return "bar says: [eval $args]"} } itcl::class test_cd_foobar { inherit test_cd_foo test_cd_bar method check {} {return "foobar"} method do {args} {return "foobar says: [eval $args]"} } itcl::class test_cd_geek { method check {} {return "geek"} method do {args} {return "geek says: [eval $args]"} } itcl::class test_cd_mongrel { inherit test_cd_foobar test_cd_geek method check {} {return "mongrel"} method do {args} {return "mongrel says: [eval $args]"} } } {} test inherit-6.2 {create objects for scoping tests} { list [test_cd_mongrel #auto] [test_cd_foobar #auto] } {test_cd_mongrel0 test_cd_foobar0} test inherit-6.3 {methods are "virtual" outside of the class} { test_cd_mongrel0 check } {mongrel} test inherit-6.4 {specific methods can be accessed by name} { test_cd_mongrel0 test_cd_foo::check } {foo} test inherit-6.5 {methods are "virtual" within a class too} { test_cd_mongrel0 test_cd_foobar::do check } {foobar says: mongrel} test inherit-6.6 {methods are executed where they were defined} { list [test_cd_mongrel0 test_cd_foo::do namespace current] \ [test_cd_mongrel0 test_cd_foobar::do namespace current] \ [test_cd_mongrel0 do namespace current] \ } {{foo says: ::test_cd_foo} {foobar says: ::test_cd_foobar} {mongrel says: ::test_cd_mongrel}} test inherit-6.7 {"virtual" command no longer exists} { list [catch { test_cd_mongrel0 test_cd_foobar::do virtual namespace current } msg] $msg } {1 {invalid command name "virtual"}} test inherit-6.8 {"previous" command no longer exists} { list [catch { test_cd_mongrel0 test_cd_foobar::do previous check } msg] $msg } {1 {invalid command name "previous"}} test inherit-6.9 {errors are detected and reported across class boundaries} { # # NOTE: For tcl8.2.3 and earlier the stack trace will have # 'invoked from within "eval $args"' for the first eval # statement. For later versions, it does not. Use # string match to reduce the sensitivity to that. # list [catch { test_cd_mongrel0 do test_cd_foobar0 do error "test" "some error" } msg] $msg [string match {some error ("eval" body line 1)* (object "::test_cd_foobar0" method "::test_cd_foobar::do" body line 1) invoked from within "test_cd_foobar0 do error test {some error}" ("eval" body line 1) invoked from within "eval $args" (object "::test_cd_mongrel0" method "::test_cd_mongrel::do" body line 1) invoked from within "test_cd_mongrel0 do test_cd_foobar0 do error "test" "some error""} [set ::errorInfo]] } {1 test 1} test inherit-6.10 {errors codes are preserved across class boundaries} { list [catch { test_cd_mongrel0 do test_cd_foobar0 do error "test" "problem" CODE-BLUE } msg] $msg [set ::errorCode] } {1 test CODE-BLUE} test inherit-6.11 {multi-value error codes are preserved across class boundaries} { list [catch { test_cd_mongrel0 do test_cd_foobar0 do error "test" "problem" "CODE BLUE 123" } msg] $msg [set ::errorCode] } {1 test {CODE BLUE 123}} eval namespace delete [itcl::find classes test_cd_*] # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Test inheritance errors # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- test inherit-7.1 {cannot inherit from non-existant class} { list [catch { itcl::class bogus { inherit non_existant_class_xyzzy } } msg] $msg } {1 {cannot inherit from "non_existant_class_xyzzy" (class "non_existant_class_xyzzy" not found in context "::")}} test inherit-7.2 {cannot inherit from procs} { proc inherit_test_proc {x y} { error "never call this" } list [catch { itcl::class bogus { inherit inherit_test_proc } } msg] $msg } {1 {cannot inherit from "inherit_test_proc" (class "inherit_test_proc" not found in context "::")}} test inherit-7.3 {cannot inherit from yourself} { list [catch { itcl::class bogus { inherit bogus } } msg] $msg } {1 {class "bogus" cannot inherit from itself}} test inherit-7.4 {cannot have more than one inherit statement} { list [catch { itcl::class test_inherit_base1 { } itcl::class test_inherit_base2 { } itcl::class bogus { inherit test_inherit_base1 inherit test_inherit_base2 } } msg] $msg } {1 {inheritance "test_inherit_base1 " already defined for class "::bogus"}} ::itcl::delete class test_inherit_base1 test_inherit_base2 # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Multiple base class error detection # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- test inherit-8.1 {cannot inherit from the same base class more than once} { itcl::class test_mi_base {} itcl::class test_mi_foo {inherit test_mi_base} itcl::class test_mi_bar {inherit test_mi_base} list [catch { itcl::class test_mi_foobar {inherit test_mi_foo test_mi_bar} } msg] $msg } {1 {class "::test_mi_foobar" inherits base class "::test_mi_base" more than once: test_mi_foobar->test_mi_foo->test_mi_base test_mi_foobar->test_mi_bar->test_mi_base}} itcl::delete class test_mi_base ::tcltest::cleanupTests return